Розробка уроку англійської мови в 10 класі по темі "Sport In Our Life"

Про матеріал

Розробка уроку англійської мови по темі "Спорт в нашому житті". Дана розробка дозволяє поглибити знання учнів про важливу роль спорту в нашому житті, удосконалювати лексичні знання учнів по даній темі; виховувати любов до спорту, виховувати любов до спорту, усвідомлення важливості заняття спортом як складової здорового способу життя.

Перегляд файлу

Тема уроку:                            Спорт у нашому житті

Мета уроку:       поглибити знання учнів про важливу роль спорту в нашому житті,

                             удосконалювати лексичні знання учнів  по даній темі;

                             розвивати навички комунікативного спілкування, роботи в парах 

                             та групах, навички роботи з проектом;

                             виховувати любов до спорту, бажання займатися спортом,

                             усвідомлення важливості заняття спортом як складової здорового

                             способу життя.


Хід уроку:

  1. Початок уроку.

                            Look at the screen. We can see the poem, let’s read  and translate it

                             into Ukrainian.

                         (слайд на дошці)

 What are we going to speak about today?

                                   Right you are. We are going to speak about sport and the role which

                                   it plays in people’s life.

  1. Оголошення теми, мети та завдань уроку. Мотивація уроку.

              (учні самостійно визначають мету, ставлять завдання уроку)


План уроку:

  1. Warming-up
  2. Mind-map
  3. Sport quiz
  4. Brainstorm
  5. Listening “Guess the sport”
  6. Work with the letter
  7. Work in pairs. Reading.
  8. Interview. Work in groups.
  9. TV-bridge. Discussion.
  10. Project work.
  11. Summing-up.


Motto:                                 “A sound mind is in a sound body”

                             (explain the meaning of the proverb and translate it into Ukrainian)


  1. Робота над темою уроку.



   What associate in your mind with the word “Sport”? Write down the words and

                                           make up sentences with them.




                                      Бліц-турнір    (Спортивна вікторина)

Do you know the main sport terms?

Let’s check your knowledge. What is it?

         - A group of people in sport game     (team)

         - A person who trains sportsmen for competitions   (a coach)

         - A place where people do physical training inside the building   (a gymnasium)

         - A person who controls matches        (referee)

         -  What do we do in the river?         ( swim )

         -  What do we do with the ball?      ( play )

         - What game is football?                 ( outdoor )

         - What do we do at PE lessons?   ( run, jump )




  • Do you do morning exercises? (at school?)
  • How many PE lessons do you have a week?
  • Do you take part in sports competitions?
  • What sports competitions do you take part in?
  • What kinds of sport do you go in for?  (in winter? in summer?)



Listening “Guess the sport”

       Listen to the short stories about different kinds of sport and try to guess what kind of sport is each text about. Write down the sport into you copybook. Exchange your exercises-books with your partner. Let’s review your answers according to the slides.

     (слайди на дошці)


  • Sport in which 2 teams using skates try to hit hockey goal in the gate.



-  You need a small ball, 2 rackets and a net for this game. Two players take part in the game.                                                                (tennis)


 - A game in which two baskets are on the walls, each team try to throw the ball into the other team’s basket.                                                (basketball)


- A kind of sport where 2 men fight with one another in the ring with the help of gloves.




- people need sport suit and sport shoes for this sport. They can do it everywhere: in the park, in the street, in the gym.                      (running)





“Ажурна пилка»

      Some days ago we received the letter from London. But when the postman was carrying it to school, it began to rain and some information was washed away.             

          Fill in the gaps in the letter, which we have received from British schoolchildren.

                                  Read the letter about sport in their schools.



Dear friends!

      I am writing this letter from England. I’d like to tell you about       ..…    in English school. Most schools in our country have a sports day once a year in late    …..    or in summer. On that day schools have no    ……  . All the competitors are dressed in their     ……     clothes.

       The running track is circular and inside it there are places for the high jump, the   …….     jump and throwing the discus. All these events take place at the    …….   time. There is a big blackboard on which the    ……      are written for all to see.

        In the middle of the program there is the break for lunch.

        At the end of the day the captain of the winning team is given a present, the winners of different events are congratulated and have gifts.

        Write me please if you have such days in Ukraine.

                                                       Your English friend




Work in pairs. Reading.

       And now we have the dialogue in your books between two pupils about sport in     their life. Let’s read and translate this dialogue in pairs.

 (p. 125 Sport: Taking up or Giving up)


    Microphone:      What is your favourite kind of sport?



Interview.    Work in groups

          (заповнити таблицю)

  • Make up the interview with your classmates about their favourite kind of sport , fill in the table.
  • Tell us about favourite sport of  the members of your group.





Group work “The favourite sport”

Interview your classmates, complete the table and report the results. 

                                    Use the model: Dima likes football. Ann’s favourite sport is skiing.        















































































                                                     TV-bridge. Discussion.


   Many people like sport. But a lot of people don’t go in for sport. Are you good or against sport? Raise your hands if you are fond of sport and join into one group, and join the second group if you don’t like sport.

 I group – write on the sheet of paper about advantages of sport and

 stick your sheets on the blackboard.

                             II group -  write on the sheet of paper about disadvantages of sport 

  and stick your sheets on the blackboard.


 Try to prove that sport is a wonderful world. And others argue that sport has many disadvantages.



Project work

    Let’s sum up the results of our work making  the project on the topic “Sport in our life”


 I group – find the pictures connected with different kinds of sport,

                                                       stick them around your paper and write down the short

                                                       composition on the topic   “Sport in our life”.


                                      II group – find the pictures about the healthy lifestyle, stick them 

                                                         around your paper and give advices how to be healthy.

                                                       (працюють під музику)

                    - Захист проектів.


4. Підсумок уроку.

              Do you agree that sport is important for people?

                                      Do you agree with our motto?


            Finish the sentence:   When I think about sport, I usually think about …

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Всього відгуків: 1
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  1. Storozhuk Nataliia Vadymivna
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
8 грудня 2018
Оцінка розробки
5.0 (1 відгук)
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