Розробка уроку "At school" 2 клас

Про матеріал

Розробка уроку для другого класу за підручником Карпюк. Урок доповнений різноманітними завданнями, які підвищують ефективність навчального процесу. Враховані європейські мовні рекомендації щодо викладання іноземних мов.

Перегляд файлу

Англійська мова

2 клас




Вчитель англійської мови

Ірпінської ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів № 17

Жила Євгенія Сергіївна


Іноземні мови. Програма для загальноосвітніх та спеціалізованих начальних закладів 1-4 класи, К.: 2016



The Theme: At school.

By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to: ask and answer questions Is it ___? Yes, it is/ No, it is not. Use verbs read, write, speak, sing, count in school life. Pronounce [ai] in the words my and hi.

Equipment and materials: flashcards, audio recorder.



  1. Warning-up.

Teacher: Hello, my dear friends!

Pupils sing the greeting song.

Hello, hello.

Hello, hello.

Hello, hello, I`m Katy.

Hello, hello.

Hello, hello.

Hello, hello, I`m Tom.

Hello, hello.

What`s your name?

Hello, hello.

Sing again.

  1. Listen and repeat.

Pupil`s book, p.38, ex. 1.

Pre-listening  activity. Look at the picture. Ask you students: Whom do we see in the picture? Where are they? What are they doing? What are they talking about? Whom else can we note? Etc. Students can speak Ukrainian if they need. Also we can compare the classroom picture with our own.

Pupils listen and point to the correct picture.

Explain for meaning: Is it a cat? Yes, it is./ No, it is not. To focus on the new language hold up a book and ask Is it a cat? Help the children to say No, it is not. Is it a bird? Yes, it is.

The next time stop the track after each teacher`s question and ask the children to answer. Then listen to the answers together to see if they were right.

  1. . Say the chant

Pupil`s book, p.3, ex.2

First, introduce the chant. Play the song. Manage students to imitate the actions from the chant as they listen (read, write, sing, count).

  1. Relaxation.

Sing the song and do actions. Student also remember the colours and animals.

Three little parrots,

Pink, green, blue,

Arms up, arms down,

Touch your shoe.

Two little parrots,

Yellow and red,

Arms up, arms down,

Touch your head.

Polly parrot,

Pink, green, blue,

Yellow and red,

Where are you?

Polly parrot,

Pink, green, blue,

Polly Parrot, Where are you?

  1. Ask and answer.

Pupil`s book, p.39, ex.3

To consolidate the new vocabulary the children can play game themselves, either using real object or the pictures of the objects on page 39, exercise 3. For extra practice the children can play the same game in pairs.

  1. Follow and read.

Pupil`s book, p.39, ex.4

Students listen the audio firstly, than  repeat all together. After that they read one by one.

  1. Copy.

Pupil`s book, p.39, ex.5

Teacher shows the example of writing. Students copy the sentence to their copybooks.

  1. Home assignment.

Read words and sentences from the exercise 4 on page 39.

  1. Summing up.

The lesson is over. You were great today. See the next time.





  1. Англійська мова. Тренажер із читання/ English. Reading Trainer/ Авт. – упоряд. С.Коул – Чернігів: КММДІА, 2015. – 176с.
  2. Бабенко Н.А. Англійська мова для дошколят та першокласників. Дидактичні матеріали. Розробки занять. – Х.: Вид. група «Основа», 2008. – 141 [3] с. – (Серія «ДНЗ +школа»).


  1. Карп`юк О.Д. Англійська мова: підручник для 2 класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів. – Тернопіль: Видавництво «Астон», 2012. -  136 с.: іл.







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