Розробка уроку для 10 класу з теми "Відвідування виставок та музеїв"

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Розробка уроку англійської мови для 10 класу з теми "Відвідування виставок та музеїв"

Практичні задачі:

- активізувати вживання відомої лексики та ознайомити з новою;

- тренувати учнів в оглядовому читанні та читанні з повним розумінням прочитаного;

- організувати комунікативну практику в усному спілкуванні.

Задачі розвитку:

- розвивати комунікативні здібності, навички комунікативного спілкування;

- розвивати мовленнєву реакцію;

- сприяти формуванню вміння працювати в парах, групах.

Виховні задачі: сприяти розвитку полікультурної компетенції учнів.

Тип уроку: урок застосування знань, умінь та навичок.

Перегляд файлу

Урок    Дата:

Тема: Відвідування виставок та музеїв.

Практичні задачі:

-  активізувати  вживання відомої лексики та ознайомити з новою;

- тренувати  учнів в оглядовому читанні та читанні з повним розумінням прочитаного;

- організувати комунікативну практику в усному спілкуванні.

Задачі розвитку:

- розвивати    комунікативні   здібності,    навички    комунікативного спілкування;

- розвивати мовленнєву реакцію;

- сприяти формуванню вміння працювати в парах, групах.

Виховні задачі: сприяти розвитку полікультурної компетенції учнів.

Тип уроку: урок застосування знань, умінь та навичок.

Обладнання: зошит, словник, бланки завдань, презентація РР, відеоролики.

Перебіг уроку

I. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

1) Greeting

2) Aim (повідомлення мети)

A) On the previous lesson we have chosen the epigraph. What was it? The quotation by R. Schumann

 (To send light into the darkness of men’s hearts – such is the duty of the artist)

The motto of today’s lesson will be Seeing is believing. How do you understand it? Let’s see if you were right.

B) Warming-up. Poem


What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare?
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep and cows.
No time to see, when woods we pass, 
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
No time to see in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.
No time to turn at Beauty’s glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began. 
A poor life this if, full care, 
We have no time to stand and stare.
                            William Henry Davies

С) Checking Home task

What did we speak about on the previous lesson? (About Artistic Traditions in Ukraine).Let’s see what do you remember (Повторення матеріалу попереднього уроку)

1. Who is considered to be the father of modern Ukrainian painting?

2. What period is connected with the development of abstraction and symbolism?

3. What genre of painting was under the strong influence of Byzantine traditions?

4. What are the tendencies of the present-day Ukrainian art?

5. What art schools played an important role at the beginning of the 20th century?

6. Why was Ukraine called East European Italy?

7. When did portrait painting appear as a separate genre?

8. Who represented Ukrainian painting art of Soviet period?

9. What style did Academy of Arts in St Petersburg cultivate?

D) Lexical Warming-up

To depict – picture – picturesque

To paint – painter – painting

To portray – portrait – portraitist

To master – master – masterpiece

An art – artist – artistic – artistically 


E) Topic (Повідомлення теми уроку)   

 Where can we see the pictures- in the museums or in the gallery?

 What’s the difference between the museum and art gallery?

  So, what are we going to speak about on today’s lesson? - Visiting Museums.  At the Art Gallery.

II. Основна частина уроку

  1. Активізація ЛО з теми «Жанри живопису»

(landscape, rural scenery, icon-painting, portrait, self-portrait, folk picture)

(a still life, a seascape, a battle piece, a flower piece, a historical painting)

2. Введення нових ЛО. Робота з картками

Presenting Vocabulary- For visiting museum we will need some new words.

         Try to guess the meaning of the words:

An exhibition          А) выставка               В) расположение

An exhibit               a) экспонат                 в) экземпляр

An exponent           А) образец                    В) оппонент

An exposition         А) экспедиция             в) выставка

An item                   а) список                    в) отдельный предмет

   To contain              а) состоять                  в) отделять

To display               а) размещать           в) показывать

To hold                   а) пугать                      в) держать

To include              а) включать в себя          в) улучшать

To offer                  а) предлагать           в) случаться


Vocabulary practice - Робота в групах

1. Fill in the gaps with the new words

1) The Van Gogh Museum will ____135 of his paintings. display

2) The curriculum__ courses in art history. includes

3) This___ dates from the 17th century. exponent

4) The museum has over 5000___ of historical interest. items

5) The museum ___ a number of original artworks. Contain

6) The guide book ___ a great choice of interesting places which are worth visiting. offers

7) Our new art gallery displayed some unusual ___ last week. exhibitions


2 Reading

    - Pre-reading (answer the question) - Have you ever been to art gallery?

 - Reading (read the text about the famous world museums and say which one would you like to visit and why)

The Louvre Museum. Originally built as a 12th- century fortress, it was converted into a royal palace in the 14th century. And only at the end of the 18th century the Louvre became a public museum.

   There are about 35,000 objects on display spread over tree wings of the former palace. The museum has a diverse collection ranging from the antiquity to the mid-19th century. Some of the most famous works of art in the museum are the Venus, The Nike of Samothrace, the Dying Slave by Michelangelo and of course Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa.

   London has an amazing gallery known as The National Gallery. This gallery boasts of some of the finest examples of European art, including paintings by Raphael, Manet, Leonardo da Vinci, Renoir and Monet. This gallery has a very large number of paintings and some of the most famous are: Sunflowers by Vincent van Gogh, The Virgin of the Rocks by Leonardo da Vinci, and Venus and Mars by Sandro Botticelli.

The Hermitage. The State Hermitage in St Petersburg is one of the world’s most outstanding art museums. World famous exposition of West-European paintings is displayed here. It covers a span of about seven hundred years, from the 13th  to  20th  century

and contains brilliant works by Leonard da Vinci, Raphael. It includes paintings by Rembrandt, Van Dyck, Rubens, a remarkable group of impressionist paintings. The collection exhibits the art of Italy, Spain, Holland, Germany, Britain and some other countries.


-  Post-reading   (pupils share their ideas)

ex: I would like to visit…


3. Listening (text about National Gallery)  

I see you would like to visit different museums. But I’d like to invite you to the National Gallery. Why? What do you think? - What do you know about National gallery?- Where is it situated?

Listen to the text about the National Gallery and choose the right variant

  1. National Gallery is located…

a) near the Houses of Parliament          b)  in the Trafalgar Square          c) in Madrid

         2) National Gallery was opened in

 a)  1838         b)    1824        c) 1831

         3) The Gallery first came into the being in

a)   1824        b)    13th century        c) 1900

         4) The Gallery consists works from

a) 13th century          b)   20th century         c)15th century

         5) The entry

              a)  costs 20 pounds      b)   is 2300 pounds         c) is free of charge

        6) It includes pieces from

a)    Raphael, Michelangelo       b )Rembrandt, Monet, Van Gogh          c) both variants


4. Relaxation

Would you like to see some pictures from this gallery?-watching video 2


5. Speaking

Imagine, that we have arrived to London and we are going to visit a museum. How would we act? Let’s practice. Let’s make a dialogue. - Making up a dialogue using phrases-HO1(робота в парах)


  1.      Excuse me. What time does the museum open today?
  2.      Do you have a tour?
  3.      When does the tour start?
  4.      How much is the admission?
  5.      What time does the next tour begin?
  6.      Is a Ukrainian guide available?
  7.      Are there any special exhibitions today?
  8.      Can I take pictures?
  9.      How much is the guide book?
  10. Can join the tour?
  11. How long do they last?

c) – It opens at 10:00

f) –Yes, we do.

b) –It starts in an hour.

i) - It’s free of charge.

h) –It begins at 10:00

j) - I am afraid not.

e) - Yes, there is a Renoir exhibition on.

k) - No, taking pictures is prohibited.

d) - £ 3.50

g) - Certainly.

a) - About an hour and a half.



Make up sentences using Conditional II:

  • If I were a painter, I would draw…

Colour – character prediction.

Red – You are impulsive, active and ambitious.

Pink (Rozy) – You are imaginative, sensitive and romantic.

Orange – You are original, fun-loving and independent.

Yellow – You are optimistic, curious and artistic.

Green – You are confident, kind and generous.

Light Blue – You are sociable, hard-working and responsible.

Blue – You are patient, trustful and honest.

Violet – You are a dreamer, creative and idealistic.

Purple – You are intelligent, charming and temperamental.

Brown – You have a good sense of humor, obstinate and persistent.

Grey – You are balanced, practical and reliable.

White – You are careful as well as open-minded and communicative.

Black - You are strong, categorical and critical.


III. Заключна частина уроку

  1. Home assignment – завдання на картці
  2. Summarizing



Seeing is believing.


  1. Vocabulary - Try to guess the meaning of the words:

An exhibition          А) выставка               В) расположение

An exhibit               a) экспонат                 в) экземпляр

An exponent           А) образец                    В) оппонент

An exposition         А) экспедиция             в) выставка

An item                   а) список                    в) отдельный предмет

   To contain              а) состоять                  в) отделять

To display               а) размещать           в) показывать

To hold                   а) пугать                      в) держать

To include              а) включать в себя         в) улучшать

To offer                  а) предлагать           в) случаться


  • Fill in the gaps with the new words

1) The Van Gogh Museum will ____135 of his paintings.

2) This___ dates from the 17th century.

3) The museum has over 5000___ of historical interest.

4) The museum ___ a number of original artworks.

5) The guide book ___ a great choice of interesting places which are worth visiting.

6) Our new art gallery displayed some unusual ___ last week.


  1. Reading

The Louvre Museum. Originally built as a 12th- century fortress, it was converted into a royal palace in the 14th century. And only at the end of the 18th century the Louvre became a public museum.

There are about 35,000 objects on display spread over tree wings of the former palace. The museum has a diverse collection ranging from the antiquity to the mid-19th century. Some of the most famous works of art in the museum are the Venus, The Nike of Samothrace, the Dying Slave by Michelangelo and of course Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa.

   London has an amazing gallery known as The National Gallery. This gallery boasts of some of the finest examples of European art, including paintings by Raphael, Manet, Leonardo da Vinci, Renoir and Monet. This gallery has a very large number of paintings and some of the most famous are: Sunflowers by Vincent van Gogh, The Virgin of the Rocks by Leonardo da Vinci, and Venus and Mars by Sandro Botticelli.

The Hermitage. The State Hermitage in St Petersburg is one of the world’s most outstanding art museums. World famous exposition of West-European paintings is displayed here. It covers a span of about seven hundred years, from the 13th  to  20th  century and contains brilliant works by Leonard da Vinci, Raphael. It includes paintings by Rembrandt, Van Dyck, Rubens, a remarkable group of impressionist paintings. The collection exhibits the art of Italy, Spain, Holland, Germany, Britain and some other countries.


  1. Listening
  1. National Gallery is located…

a) near the Houses of Parliament          b)  in the Trafalgar Square          c) in Madrid

         2) National Gallery was opened in

 a)  1838         b)    1824        c) 1831

         3) The Gallery first came into the being in

a)   1824        b)    13th century        c) 1900

         4) The Gallery consists works from

a) 13th century          b)   20th century         c)15th century

         5) The entry

              a)  costs 20 pounds      b)   is 2300 pounds         c) is free of charge

        6) It includes pieces from

a)    Raphael, Michelangelo       b )Rembrandt, Monet, Van Gogh          c) both variants



  1. Dialogues.
  1. Excuse me. What time does the museum open today?
  2. Do you have a tour?
  3. When does the tour start?
  4. How much is the admission?
  5. What time does the next tour begin?
  6. Is a Ukrainian guide available?
  7. Are there any special exhibitions today?
  8. Can I take pictures?
  9. How much is the guide book?
  10. Can join the tour?
  11. How long do they last?

c) – It opens at 10:00

f) –Yes, we do.

b) –It starts in an hour.

i) - It’s free of charge.

h) –It begins at 10:00

j) - I am afraid not.

e) - Yes, there is a Renoir exhibition on.

k) - No, taking pictures is prohibited.

d) - £ 3.50

g) - Certainly.

a) - About an hour and a half.



  1. Dialogues.
  1. Excuse me. What time does the museum open today?
  2. Do you have a tour?
  3.      When does the tour start?
  4.      How much is the admission?
  5.      What time does the next tour begin?
  6.      Is a Ukrainian guide available?
  7.      Are there any special exhibitions today?
  8.      Can I take pictures?
  9.      How much is the guide book?
  10. Can join the tour?
  11. How long do they last?

c) – It opens at 10:00

f) –Yes, we do.

b) –It starts in an hour.

i) - It’s free of charge.

h) –It begins at 10:00

j) - I am afraid not.

e) - Yes, there is a Renoir exhibition on.

k) - No, taking pictures is prohibited.

d) - £ 3.50

g) - Certainly.

a) - About an hour and a half.



  1. Dialogues.
  1. Excuse me. What time does the museum open today?
  2. Do you have a tour?
  3. When does the tour start?
  4. How much is the admission?
  5. What time does the next tour begin?
  6. Is a Ukrainian guide available?
  7. Are there any special exhibitions today?
  8. Can I take pictures?
  9. How much is the guide book?
  10. Can join the tour?
  11. How long do they last?

c) – It opens at 10:00

f) –Yes, we do.

b) –It starts in an hour.

i) - It’s free of charge.

h) –It begins at 10:00

j) - I am afraid not.

e) - Yes, there is a Renoir exhibition on.

k) - No, taking pictures is prohibited.

d) - £ 3.50

g) - Certainly.

a) - About an hour and a half.



  1. Dialogues.
  1. Excuse me. What time does the museum open today?
  2. Do you have a tour?
  3. When does the tour start?
  4. How much is the admission?
  5. What time does the next tour begin?
  6. Is a Ukrainian guide available?
  7. Are there any special exhibitions today?
  8. Can I take pictures?
  9. How much is the guide book?
  10.       Can join the tour?
  11.       How long do they last?

c) – It opens at 10:00

f) –Yes, we do.

b) –It starts in an hour.

i) - It’s free of charge.

h) –It begins at 10:00

j) - I am afraid not.

e) - Yes, there is a Renoir exhibition on.

k) - No, taking pictures is prohibited.

d) - £ 3.50

g) - Certainly.

a) - About an hour and a half.









































Ex.1Try to guess the meaning of the words:-HO1

          An exhibition          А) виставка              В) розташування

          An exhibit               a) єкспонат               в) єкземпляр

          An exponent           А) зразок                   В) оппонент

          An exposition         А) єкспедиція           в) виставка

          An item                   а) список                  в) окремий предмет

         To contain               а) вміщати                в) відокремлювати

         To display               а) розміщувати         в) показувати

         To hold                   а) лякати                    в) тримати

        To include               а) містити в собі        в) покращувати



 Ex2. Vocabulary practice-Робота в групах-HO2

1. Fill in the gaps with the new words

1) The Van Gogh Museum will ____135 of his paintings.

2) The curriculum__ courses in art history.

3) This___ dates from the 17th century.

4) The museum has over 5000___ of historical interest.

5) The museum ___ a number of original artworks.

6) The guide book ___ a great choice of interesting places which are worth visiting.

7) The Van Gogh __ the world auction price of $ 82.5m

8) Our new art gallery displayed some unusual ___ last week.





Ex.3 Listen to the text about the National Gallery and choose any of the tasks below:.

Task A-Choose the right variant

  1. National Gallery is located…

a) near the Houses of Parliament          b)  in the Trafalgar Square          c) in Madrid

         2) National Gallery was opened in

 a)  1838         b)    1824        c) 1831

         3) The Gallery first came into the being in

a)   1824        b)    13th century        c) 1900

         4) The Gallery consists works from

a) 13th century          b)   20th century         c)15th century

         5) The entry

              a)  costs 20pounds      b)   is 2300pounds         c) is free of charge

        6) It includes pieces from

a)    Raphael, Michelangelo       b)Rembrandt, Monet, Van Gogh          c) both variants




Task B- complete the sentences.

  1. The National Gallery opened its doors in…
  2. The National Gallery has a collection of over …
  3. The National Gallery is still…
  4. It opens its doors daily at…


Task C – answer the questions

  1. Where is the National Gallery situated?
  2. When was it opened?
  3. What the world’s greatest painters are presented there?
  4. How much does t cost to visit the National Gallery?


















































                         Text for Reading-HO3

Task1. Read the text and choose what museum would you like to visit and why.


  The Louvre Museum. Originally built as a 12th- century fortress, it was converted into a royal palace in the 14th century. And only at the end of the 18th century the Louvre became a public museum.

   There are about 35,000 objects on display spread over tree wings of the former palace. The museum has a diverse collection ranging from the antiquity to the mid-19th century. Some of the most famous works of art in the museum are the Venus, The Nike of Samothrace, the Dying Slave by Michelangelo and of course Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa.

   London has an amazing gallery known as The National Gallery. This gallery boasts of some of the finest examples of European art, including paintings by Raphael, Manet, Leonardo da Vinci, Renoir and Monet. This gallery has a very large number of paintings and some of the most famous are: Sunflowers by Vincent van Gogh, The Virgin of the Rocks by Leonardo da Vinci, and Venus and Mars by Sandro Botticelli.

The Hermitage. The State Hermitage in St Petersburg is one of the world’s most outstanding art museums. World famous exposition of West-European paintings is displayed here. It covers a span of about seven hundred years, from the 13th  to  20th  century

and contains brilliant works by Leonard da Vinci, Raphael. It includes paintings by Rembrandt, Van Dyck, Rubens, a remarkable group of impressionist paintings. The collection exhibits the art of Italy, Spain, Holland, Germany, Britain and some other countries.




































Додаток 3

Ex 1. Match the questions with the answers n the dialogue. Then put the dialogue in the correct order and act the dialogue out in pairs.


  1. Excuse me. What time does the museum open today?
  2. Do you have a tour?
  3. When does the tour start?
  4. How much is the admission?
  5. What time does the next tour begin?
  6. Is a Ukrainian guide available?
  7. Are there any special exhibitions today?
  8. Can I take pictures?
  9. How much is the guide book?
  10. Can join the tour?
  11. How long do they last?

c) – It opens at 10:00

f) –Yes, we do.

b) –It starts in an hour.

i) - It’s free of charge.

h) –It begins at 10:00

j) - I am afraid not.

e) - Yes, there is a Renoir exhibition on.

k) - No, taking pictures is prohibited.

d) - £ 3.50

g) - Certainly.

a) - About an hour and a half.








Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

To send light into the darkness of men’s hearts – such is the duty of the artist R. Schumann

Номер слайду 2

Seeing is believing … and until we saw something we could not imagine its beauty.

Номер слайду 3

To depict – To paint – To portray - To master - An art - picture – picturesque painter – painting portrait – portraitist master – masterpiece artist – artistic – artistically

Номер слайду 4

Visiting Museums. At the Art Gallery.

Номер слайду 5


Номер слайду 6

Reading I would like to visit…

Номер слайду 7


Номер слайду 8

Listening Keys 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. C 6. C

Номер слайду 9


Номер слайду 10

Номер слайду 11

If I were an artist I would paint a beautiful picture. If V2 would V

Номер слайду 12

Номер слайду 13

Seeing is believing … and until we saw something we could not imagine its beauty.

Середня оцінка розробки
Оригінальність викладу
Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 2
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Чередніченко Наталія Михайлівна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  2. Агапоненко Николай
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
9 січня 2019
Оцінка розробки
5.0 (2 відгука)
Безкоштовний сертифікат
про публікацію авторської розробки
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