Topic “Ecological problems of big cities: London”. Objectives:
To summarize students' knowledge of the main environmental problems of today, to intensify the use of vocabulary on the topic, build skills of speaking, writing and listening ;
: To develop students' communicative competence through the use of authentic materials; • To develop interactive skills based on the country study; • To give characteristic of some ecological problems of London; • To encourage pupils to work on project; • To develop the pupils’ cognitive and creative skills; • To develop the pupils’ socio-culture competence;
Raise understanding of the relevance of the problem of environmental pollution, promote the desire to save the planet and the species that inhabit it. • To widen the pupils’ outlook. Equipment: : multimedia projector, teacher's presentation on «Environmental problems», thematic song «Earth Song», video movies, cards with texts, environmental test, videos, handouts. Procedure I. Greeting. Introduction T. Good morning! How are you today? I am so happy to see you. Before we start, say the motto of our lessons “Good, better, the best, never rest, till good be better and better be best“! “We’ll be good, we’ll be fine, we’ll be cleverer and cleverer every time”. Today’s lesson will be unusual. We’ll speak about London not as the city of historical places ant tourists’ attractions, but as a big megapolis with some ecological problems. We’ll learn English and Ecology at one and the same time.
II. Warming- up activity To begin with I want you to continue my sentences. Be attentive and active, please. London is… P1…the capital of the U.K. P2… one of the biggest cities in the world. P3 …a city of great diversity. P4…a multinational city. P5… a big political, industrial and cultural centre.. P6… famous for its sights. P7… .located on the river Tames.
P8…..a densely-populated city.8 million people live in London.
T: Look at the blackboard. There are some photos to the topic “Ecological problems”.(слайд2, на якoму зображено проблеми довкiлля) .What is ecology?
P. As far as I know the word ”ecology” came from Greek word which means “home”. This idea of “home” includes the whole planet of ours. Now our “home” – our planet is in danger. It’ not the problem of one city or country, it’s a global problem of mankind.
I’d like to start our lesson with the words of great philosopher the Dalai Lama “Mother Planet is showing us the red warning light – “be careful”- she is saying. To take care of the planet is to take care of our own house”.(слайд 2).
Do you agree with this quotation?
P: Yes, our planet is in a danger. The problem of pollution has become more important today. Using automobiles and other machines made pollution worse. Air, water and soil are necessary for existence of all living things. But polluted air can cause illness, and even death. Polluted water kills fish and other marine life. We must help our planet.
ІІ Основна частина
1. Розвиток навичок аудіювання
T:You know, that people all over the world are worried about our environment.
I suggest you listening to the song and see a video clip.
During the listening you have to draw a poster , write down the words to the topic “Nature”, write down the words to the topic “Animals”, find out the problems of the environment.( the students do different tasks simultaneously).
(Water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, garbage, deforestation, killing animals, the growth of population, climate change, shortage of natural resources) ( папір, маркери – учні пишуть та приклеюють на дошці після прослуховування). (НО1).
We have just seen the clip and you see why we have chosen the topic “Environmental problems” It is quite burning. What is the message of this song?
(відповіді учнів)
How could you name this song? (Відповіді учнів за змістом пісні). Представлення виконаних завдань.
T:The real name of this song is “Earth Song”. The main message of the song is not to be indifferent. N. conducted a survey among our pupils. Here you can see the results: (There are 14 pupils in our form).( слайд3).
5 pupils reuse newspapers and used paper;
8 pupils reuse plastic bags and bottles;
10 pupils switch off the lights when they leave the room;
9 pupils turn off water when they clean the teeth;
4 pupils feed birds in winter;
11 pupils clean up trash and throw garbage into the dustbins;
13 pupils plant trees and flowers;
7 pupils never throw the wrappers on the ground;
8 pupils collect waste paper, scrap metal, plastic, used batteries for recycling. N: So my classmates care about environment, they are not indifferent.
T: Do you care about ecology of other countries?
P: Yes, we do.
T: Look at our Mind Map. As you have said, London is a big megapolis .What do you think are the most burning ecological problems of this big city?
P: Air pollution, water pollution, garbage, urbanization.
2.Робота з текстaми (робота у 4 групах).
I suggest you reading the texts and discuss this problem in groups.
Urbanization. (НО2). Слайд 4.
London is a big megapolis….. One of the most serious problems of our society has become massive urbanization. Today, 48% of the world population lives in cities. Over the past 50 years to increase the number of large cities, compared to 1900, was 1,000%! Clusters of industry and a huge number of people in cities leads to significant environmental problems. The town with a population of 1 million people spend a day 2 000 tons of food, 625 000 tons of water, thousands of tons of coal, oil, gas and their products. For one day million city emits 500 000 tons of waste waters, 2 000 tons of garbage and hundreds of tons of gaseous substances. All cities in the world emit into the environment each year to 3 billion tons of solid industrial and domestic waste and about 1 billion tons of various aerosols over 500 km3 of industrial and domestic waste. Area Around the city turns into a huge waste. So urbanization causes air pollution, land pollution, rubbish problem.
Air Pollution.(НО3). Слайд 5.
A big problem in large cities is air pollution. The air today is rather polluted with smoke from cars, buses, factories and plants. Also this smoke ruins ozone layer, and harmful ultraviolet rays of the Sun can c cause skin cancer.
In December 1952 news agencies broadcast alarming reports from London, who suffered a disaster. Windless and very cold weather led to congestion of the city so-called "black smog" - clouds of hazardous, toxic gases. This led to the death in London about 4 thousand. People, tens of thousands were in hospitals and sick with lung disease. More recent studies have shown that the death toll was much larger, about 12 000 people.
Ways out: • Air purification system for enterprises ; • improving the engines of automobiles and effective cleaning of exhaust gases • Prevention of fires in and around the city; • maximum landscaping streets, courtyards; • creation of parks with reservoirs.
Total emissions of smoke in the air have fallen by 85 per cent since 1960. Most petrol stations in Britain stock unleaded petrol. The Government is committed to the control of gases emission, which damage the ozone layer. Green belts are areas where land should be left open and free from urban sprawl. The Government attaches great importance to their protection. National parks cover 9 per cent of the total land area of England and Wales
Water Pollution.(НО4). Слайд 6.
Water in the river Thames is polluted with industrial waste.
Some factories and companies dump chemical wastes, millions of tons of oil,pesticides into the river and seas every year. We can only imagine how many seabirds and animals, fish, shellfish die in such water. We must stop the poisoning of fresh-water sources. It needs extra water-purifying constructions, to make all enterprises to use only recycled water. Don’t let rivers become dumps!
Speaking about water pollution, everyone knows that water is the basis of life. Clean water is as important as fresh air for our existence. Today a lot of rivers and seas are filled with poison: industrial waste, all kinds of chemical elements and pesticides. Industrial enterprises of large cities pour harmful substances into river and sea’s waters. The emissions destroy fishing industry and lead to damage of wildlife. We must stop the poisoning of fresh-water sources. It needs extra water-purifying constructions, to make all enterprises to use only recycled water. Don’t let rivers become dumps!
The National Rivers Authority protects island waters in England and Wales.
In Scotland the River purification authorities are responsible for water pollution control. Great Britain takes care of it's environment for themselves and next generations. Scientists hope that seahorses found some years ago in the Thames seahorses are given the chance to hope that these unique creatures are returned to British waters. Seahorses - the only kind in the world, who are not pregnant and give birth females and males. Two centuries ago, they abounded off the coast of Great Britain. However, the industrial revolution has done its dirty work - because of environmental pollution skates left the water in the chalk cliffs of England. A fisherman found a 15-centimeter sea horse in the shallow waters near Southhand-on-Sea. He brought his find in the Center for the Study of life of marine animals, which now shares seahorse aquarium with two hermit crabs. Center curator David Knapp said: "This suggests that the water in the Thames has become cleaner, and the recent heat finally have a chance to Seahorses take a chance and go back to these waters."
Disposing of garbage (НО5). Слайди 7,8,9.
We should build factories for utilizing solid wastes.
Disposal of waste - one of the most important problems of modern civilization. Today there are three fundamentally different ways of waste management: organization landfill, incineration and recycling of waste. However, none of them can be considered completely acceptable. Recycling - the most resource-way, but it is not always profitable in economic and environmental terms. Burning causes a number of environmental problems. Removal of garbage to landfills - the cheapest, but the most short-sighted way of recycling. Landfills (especially around big cities) occupy large areas. Toxic substances get into the groundwater, which is often used as a source of drinking water to wither winds through the neighborhood and thereby harm the environment. In addition, as a result of the processes of decay without air generated gases that poison the environment and liable to spontaneous combustion, so the landfill fires occur regularly, through which the atmosphere poisonous substances.
. We know that the decomposition of various materials takes different amounts of time. Here are some figures: • Paper - 2-3 years; • Products made of cloth - 2-3 years; • wood products - a few decades; • tin - more than 90 years; • plastic bag - over 200 years; • plastic - 500 years; • Glass - 1000 years. Disposal of waste - one of the most important problems of modern civilization. Today there are three fundamentally different ways of waste management: organization landfill, incineration and recycling of waste. However, none of them can be considered completely acceptable. Recycling - the most resource-way, but it is not always profitable in economic and environmental terms. Burning causes a number of environmental problems. Removal of garbage to landfills - the cheapest, but the most short-sighted way of recycling. Landfills (especially around big cities) occupy large areas. Toxic substances get into the groundwater, which is often used as a source of drinking water to wither winds through the neighborhood and thereby harm the environment. In addition, as a result of the processes of decay without air generated gases that poison the environment and liable to spontaneous combustion, so the landfill fires occur regularly, through which the atmosphere poisonous substances. Ways of solution 1. Choosing the best site for landfill (outside the city, not in the aquifer zone). 2. Elimination of unauthorized dumps in the city. 3. Control of the Administration for garbage collection process. Establishing a system of penalties for violations
An ingenious solution to the problem of municipal waste a London artist. Francisco de Pajaro creates masterpieces of debris, which abound on the streets of London. This summer, thanks to this artist London was filled with small trash monsters =)
2000 year EU countries have set a task to achieve recycling and reuse use 50% of the waste.33 The reasons for increasing the amount of debris. Are the growth of disposable;. the increasing number of packaging;.the improvement of living standards, allowing people replace the usable things by new. In London 90% of trash is buried, 9% is burnt, 1% of garbage is recycled for fertilizer.
The problem of paper waste in the UK is quite sharp: in London alone regularly published newspaper number 30 - and sooner or later they are read and discarded. Do I need to clarify that thoughtless treatment readers with a huge amount of waste paper adorns the city? To address this issue, the London government signed with the company Renew a contract under which the latter will provide a special news service work with the output of digital data on the screens of street containers intended for garbage collection.
Intended for garbage separation of each container, is predicted to be 1.65 tons annually collect recyclable material - primarily paper.
3. Фізкультпауза. Відео. Гра «Fruit Salad»
4.Revising Grammar. Слайд 11.
Correct the mistakes.( НО6).
“There are also many things you can do on your own everyday to help save the planet.”
Greenpeace told us there was many things you could do to on your own to save the planet.
“Will this last a long time?”
We wanted to know if this will last a long time.
“How was this item made?”
I asked them how this item has been made.
“Be creative and think how else it may be used.”
The Greenpeace members advised us be creative and think of how else it might be used.
T: Read about the environmental problems using Passive voice.Знайди пару.(НО7).
We pollute the air
We leave litter in the streets
We don’t recycle paper
People cut down the forests
We break trees
We pollute the rivers
Poachers kill animals
We don’t save energy
We destroy animal habitats
We dump waste materials on land, into rivers and atmosphere
We spill oil into rivers
We extensively use chemicals
The air is polluted by us
Litter is left in the streets
Paper is not recycled
Trees are broken by us
The forests are cut down by people
The rivers are polluted
Animals are killed by poachers
Energy is not saved by us
Animal habitats are destroyed by us
Waste materials are dumped on land, into rivers and atmosphere
Oil is spilled into rivers
Chemicals are extensively used by us
III Заключна частина
VIII. Повідомлення домашнього завдання. Слайд 12.
Write the article to the newspaper on topic “The Ecological situation in London is improving-is it really so?”
Make an Environmental poster. Texts for reading ( handouts).
Make a presentation or a project about the environmental problems of London.
Make project about environmental problems in your village in groups
The world is a fine place and worth fighting for. (Ernest Hemingway).
To take care of the planet is to take care of your own house. Look after your planet, its only one we have. (Prince Philip of Britain).
Підведення підсумків уроку. Рефлексія.
Т:What do you think about your work at the lesson? What conclusions can you make? (students’ answers).
We understand, that pollution is a global problem. Who is guilty of this disaster?
The answer is simple: all of us. Let’s think what can we do to save the environment and promise to help the nature)
Our lesson is over. I’m sure you are real friends of our planet. And I hope our lesson helps us to be more active in the ecological movement. In fact, we live only once and not a very long life and we have one Earth. Remember the wise saying of a great English writer John Galsworthy who said:
“if you don’t think about the future, you will not have it”