Розробка уроку на тему " Запрошуємо до Лондону"

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Розробка уроку в 7 класі на тему " Запрошуємо До Лондону" з цікавим додатковим матеріалом. Урок проводиться у формі гри - польоту до столиці. Стюардеса знайомить пасажирів з планом польоту і тур до столиці розпочинається. Урок закінчується грою.

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  • to develop students' reading skills;
  • to practise students' speaking skills;
  • to develop socio-cultural competence and cultural awareness;

- to educate respect to other people's culture.
Equipment: a map of Great Britain, a portrait of the Queen, film, cards with the text, a table "Key Facts", a picture of the British flag.



Ті Good morning, children. Is anybody absent? I'm glad all are present. Today we'll have an unusual lesson. We are going to fly to London, the capital of Great Britain. But first of all let's turn on a TV set and listen to the weather forecast.


PI: Good morning. The weather forecast promises us good weather today. Though it is winter but there is not much snow outside. The sky is blue; it is not covered with dark clouds. The sun is shining brightly. Maybe, it will snow a bit later. The light wind is blowing from the west. The temperature is 5 degrees below zero. Thank you for your attention. Goodbye.


Ті The weather is fine to start our travelling. Please, think of possible ways of getting to England.

(Pupils give their ideas and explain the reasons why they think their way of travelling is the best. Teacher writes them down on the blackboard.)

Holidays are near, oh what fun!

It time for travelling for everyone,

Packing the baggage, and all the rest

My travelling time I like you best!

T: So, we are going to travel by plane. You will learn many interesting facts about this country, visit beautiful places and see many sights. I hope, you'll have a good time there. Now we are ready to leave for Great Britain.

Let me introduce my assistant, our stewardess.

Stewardess: Good morning, everyone. I'd like to wel­come you aboard this plane. As you know we are flying to London. Will you fasten your seatbelts now? Have you got any questions to me?

PI: What altitude is our plane flying at?

Stewardess: We are flying at the altitude of 15.000 feet.

P2: What is the arrival time?

Stewardess: We'll arrive at 4 pm.

P3: What time will lunch be served?

Stewardess: Lunch will be served at 1 pm.

(The stewardess offers coffee, soft drinks to the passen­gers.)


Stewardess: Now I invite you to listen about the traffic in London.

TEXT Welcome to London! We are glad that you are here, and to make your stay nice and comfortable, we would like to inform you about what you may find unusual in London. First, of course, it is that we drive on the left side of the road, not on the right as Europe and America do. You should be very careful and attentive when you cross the road and look first to the right and then to the left, not like in your home country. If you don't know how to get around in the city, ask the nearest policeman. They are very polite and always eager to help. There are no trams or trolleybuses in London, the main transportation is buses and the metro, we call it the Tube. When you get on a bus, you should pay the fare. There is a special conductor for that. London buses have two floors, we call them "doubledeckers". They are of different colours, and that will help you find the bus you need. The London metro, or the Tube, is very convenient. It can get you to any place in the city, but it is a little too expensive. So, enjoy your stay in our capital.

Т: Note down the main differences between the means of public transportation in England and Ukraine.



















(The completed chart should be used to retell the text and then to compare the two countries.)


Stewardess: Before coming to England let's remember English customs.

Possible answers:

PI: People in England do not shake hands as much as we do in our country or in Europe.

P2: Men raise their hats to women but not to each other.

P3: If you go to a friend's house for dinner, you don't say "Thank you" at the end of the dinner. You say "Thank you" when you go home.

P4: It is difficult to know if an Englishman is married, because they do not wear wedding rings.

P5: The English do not talk as much as we do.

P6: Traffic keeps to the left.

P7: The English is a nation of stay-at-homes. They prefer to sit at the fireplace after the working day.

P8: The English drink a lot of tea.

P9: They always drink tea out of cups, never out of glasses.

P10: In England many people drink tea with sugar and milk. Tea with lemon is called "Russian Tea".

PI 1: The British always eat bread with their soup. They never eat any bread with meat and vegetables.

Stewardess: We are landing. Unfasten your seatbelts, please. I'm sure the flight was pleasant for you. Thank you for your attention. The guide will meet you at the airport and will take you on an excursion.


T (guide): Welcome to Great Britain!

There are the following words on the blackboard: the Queen, the Parliament, the Prime Minister, monarchy. Teach­er demonstrates the national flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the portrait of the Queen of England and asks pupils to share their ideas about the things. The pupils will most probably come to a logical conclusion about the flag and the head of the state.

Teacher explains students are going to find out more about England and suggests reading a short article for more information.

(S/he gives the cards with the text to pupils.)


The country we are going to visit has the name of Great Britain; it has water on all sides and is an island. It is not a very big country. Ukraine is bigger, but there are more people in Great Britain than in Ukraine. Great Britain has 3 parts; they are England, Scotland and Wales. England is the biggest part; it is in the centre of the island. The other two parts are much smaller. Not very many people live there, they have their languages and cultures but they all speak English because English is the official language. Great Britain has very beautiful rivers, mountains and lakes. There are large cities in Great Britain but many people live in small towns or villages. London is the capital city of the country. It is a very old city, and it has a lot of historical monuments. You can get to Great Britain by plane, by ship, by train or by car.

Great Britain is an independent state in Europe. It has its national anthem and flag. The flag has colours of the parts of the country; its name is Union Jack. Great Britain is a monarchy. Now the head of the state in Great Britain is Queen Elizabeth II but she does not really rale the country. The people of Great Britain love their queen but they elect the Parliament, and the real head of the state is the Prime Minister.


Ті Let's sum up the text and fill in the table on the blackboard.

1. Key facts









Type of land




















Capital city
















How to get




  1.               Students use the map of Great Britain to find the missing information and complete the table.
  2.               Then pupils make up sentences about the country using the information they have found themselves.
  3.               Teacher asks pupils to split into two groups, one of which represents the British, and the other Ukrainians. The groups ask each other questions about the political systems of their countries.


T: Now let's have an excursion around London, the capital of Great Britain. (The guide demonstrates a film about London.) Have you got any questions to me? (The guide answers pupils questions.)


T: Let's play a game. London Bridge

Two pupils make "a bridge" for other pupils to pass under: they raise their arms above their heads. These two pupils secretly decide which of them is "silver" or "gold". Other pupils pass under "the bridge" singing the first and second couplets of the song. At the words "My fan-lady, oh!" "the bridge" falls: the two pupils try to catch those who are "under the bridge". At this moment all the other players sing the third couplet. After the two players have caught somebody, they ask him/her: "What do you choose: silver or gold?" This player chooses either "silver" or "gold". Then s/he takes the place behind the back of the "silver" or "gold" player. The game continues. After all the other players are caught, a tug of war between the "silver" and "gold" teams ends the game.

London Bridge

London Bridge is falling down,

Falling down, falling down.

 London Bridge is falling down,

My fair lady, oh!

Fit it up with bricks and stones,

Bricks and stones, bricks and stones.

Fit it up with bricks and stones,

My fair lady, oh!

Shut the gates and hold her tight,

Hold her tight, hold her tight.

Shut the gates and hold her tight,

My fair lady, oh!

T: Our excursion is over. I wish you a pleasant way back home!

(Pupils thank the guide.)


Stewardess: Take your seats on the plane. We are com­ing back to Ukraine.

T: So, let's sum-up. What did you do? What have you seen? What have you learnt about Great Britain? Your marks are...


T: Write a short composition "What I know about Great Britain".

Topic: Hobbies - what's your opinion?


  • to practise reading for gist and then for more intensive reading
  • to develop students' listening skills
  • to practise writing a draft

Warm up



1. Which of these is true for you? 

  1.   I enjoy being alone.
  2. I hate being alone.
  3.   I like being alone sometimes.
  4. I don't mind being alone.

2. If you have a day off school, where do you prefer to spend it?

  1. At an art gallery.
  2. In the country.
  3. By the sea or lake.
  4. At home.

3. Do you enjoy watching sport on television?

  1.   Yes, very much.
  2. Yes, sometimes.
  3.   No, I hate it.
  4. Only if there's nothing else to watch.

     4. What sort of things frightens you?

  1. Nothing.
  2. Anything from a spider to a horror film.
  3. Only very dangerous situations.
  4. Situations where you feel you are not in control.

5. Which of these adjectives best describe your personality? 

  1.   Tidy and careful. 
  2. Adventurous.
  3.   Artistic.
  4. Energetic and lively. 

6. Are you a person who: 

  1. throws absolutely everything away? 
  2. never throws anything away?
  3. sometimes keeps things like souvenirs but never knows where they are?
  4. just keeps the things which are important to you and knows exactly where they are?

Give yourself the following scores:








if you scored 6—10

You are probably a quiet thoughtful person who is tidy and organized. You are quite happy to spend time on your own. You always remember to do your homework. You don't like doing things which involve any kind of danger, but tend to stick to what is safe. Hobbies which would suit your personality include stamp collecting, reading, listening to music, chess, cookery or photography


if you scored 11—17

You are probably not a very active person bit like the occasional walk in the country. You like being with friends, but are just as happy alone. You tend to stick to hobbies which are fairy safe. You remember to do your homework but may not finish doing it. You are probably interested in artistic pursuits and would be happy spending an afternoon painting or doing some other creative activity.

Other hobbies which would suit your personality are cycling, going to the theatre or cinema, playing a musical instrument, or dancing.


If you scored 18-24

You are very outgoing, like doing things with other people, and probably enjoy team sports or activities which involve working closely with other people. You don't like staying indoors, but prefer to be out where the action is. You probably often forget to do your homework. You like excitement and danger. The ideal hobbies for you include windsurfing, canoeing, rock climbing, and drama playing or playing in a band or orchestra.

Introducing the Topic

Work in pairs

Discuss these questions with a partner. Do you have a hobby? What about your family and friends? Why do you think it is good / bad to have a hobby? Some people have strange hobbies which make us ask "Why do you do it?" Do you know someone who has a strange hobby?


Listen to the text and answer the questions.


Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and taste you are lucky because your life becomes more interesting.

Hobbies are divided into four large classes: doing things, making things, collecting things and learning things.

The most popular of all hobby groups is doing things: It includes a wide variety of activities, everything from gardening to travelling and from chess to volleyball.

Gardening is one of the oldest of man's hobbies. It is a well-known fact that the English are very fond of gardening and growing flowers, especially roses.

Both grown-ups and children are fond of playing different computer games. It is a relatively new hobby but it is becoming more and more popular.

Making things includes drawing, painting, designing costumes, and hand­icrafts. Two of the most famous hobby painters were President Eisenhower and Sir Winston Churchill. Some hobbyists write music or play musical instru­ments. President Bill Clinton, for example, plays the saxophone.

Almost everyone collects something at some period in his life: stamps, coins, matchboxes, books, records, CDs, toys, watches. Some collections have no real value. Others become so large and so valuable that they are housed in museums and galleries. People with a lot of money often collect paintings, rare books and other art objects.

No matter what kind of hobby a person had, he always has an opportunity of learning from it. By reading about the things he is interested in, he is adding to what he knows. Learning things can be the most exciting aspect of a hobby.


  1. Tastes differ. Can you say the same about hobbies?
  2. Have you chosen a hobby according to your character and taste?
  1. Which hobby groups do you know?
  2. The most popular hobby group is doing things, isn't it?
  3. What do you know about gardening?
  4. Do you like computer games?
  5. Are you fond of making things?
  6. Do you know any hobbies of the famous people?
  7. Have you ever collected anything?
  1.           What can be collected?
  2.           Do you know of any private collections that were given to the museums or art galleries?

12. Do you agree that learning can be the most exciting aspect of a hobby? Why?


A)  The students in Class 3А at Banbury High School discussed hobbies and then made a book called " Hobbies and interests". Each student in the class wrote a page describing his / her hobby.

The students in the class are divided into two groups. The students of the first group read the first two texts and the students of the second group read the other two texts. As they read they look for information about:

Why the speaker likes it.

If it needs special equipment.

What it costs.

If it needs other people.

If it takes up a lot of time.

What your ambition is.

Your opinion of the hobby: is it good, bad, interesting, enjoyable, useful.

Group 1

A. I like drawing cartoons I think it started when everyone laughed at my efforts in Art lessons about three years ago. You see, I'm not particularly interested in drawing portraits or landscapes. Why not use a camera? I want to make a drawing to tell a story. I've always loved reading cartoons. My heroes are Ralph Steadman and Mel Caiman. Perhaps, I'll be incredibly famous like them one day. I'm certainly going to try.

You don't need much to start drawing cartoons. I borrow books of cartoons from the library, and all I need to draw my own cartoons is an ink pen and some paper. So it's certainly not expensive!

My hobby gets me into trouble sometimes because I draw cartoons all the time – at home, at school, even on the bus! English essays and French translations often turn into drawings. "Scribbling again, I see Foster" and another masterpiece ends up in the waste bin. They'll be sorry some day.

B. My hobby is doing magic tricks. 1 do tricks with coins and with drink with paper and pencils... even with my fingers. I can take a rabbit out of an empty hat. I can take somebody's glasses, put them under my magic hat... the glasses disappear and then appear... in the person's pocket.

I practise as often as I can. "Practice makes perfect" is a magician's motto: you have to do a trick again and again... an again before you do it in public. Of course, I always practise by myself— so no one knows my secrets.

I started about a year ago, and at the moment I can do eight different tricks and I'm learning another six. I get my new tricks from a book called "How to be a magician". It didn't cast me anything. I borrowed the book from the li­brary again and again... and again!

I love doing tricks because they keep people happy and interested... inter­ested in me partly, I suppose. Six months ago, I put an advertisement in the local newspaper "Magician for Children's Party" And now I often appear at the parties: I charge three pounds a party. One day 1 hope to be on TV.

Group 2

C. My hobby is writing short stories really short stories (the longest is
800 words and one is about 50 words it's shorter than this paragraph!) I have
stories where the last paragraph, the last sentence contains a big surprise my
heroes are writers like O'Henry, Saki, Dahl. About two years ago, I decided
that the world needed more stories like theirs and I started writing.

You don't need any expensive equipment —just a pen, paper, and a quiet place. I only write on Saturdays and Sundays. I write a story fairly quickly, say on Saturday afternoon, and then I spend another 6 or 7 weekends correcting and re-drafting and improving it. My brother, who teaches literature, says I've got a lot better recently. Next year I'm going to try selling one of my stories.

D. My hobby is hiking and mountaineering. I joined the local club two
years ago and now I go out with them almost every weekend. I love being out­
side – All week I'm inside, in the classrooms and at home I find the moun­tains are extremely beautiful. When I'm up there, I feel very small but very good, too. I've seen lots of interesting birds and plants – and, of course, I've met lots of charming people – my boyfriend for instance.

My parents gave me the climbing boots and rucksack I needed for my birthday and Christmas presents. They were quite expensive but they were happy because I was happy. Next year, we're going to Scotland to climb Ben Nevis.

B) The students complete the table according to the text.



Why do they do it?


How long does it take?


Where do they do it?


When do they do it?


What equipment do they need?


Is it expensive?


What is their ambition?


C) Find words in the texts which mean the following:

Text A: untidy writing; a brilliant example of something.

Text B: in front of a group of people; ask someone to pay some money.

Text C: making something better;

Text D: very nice; for example. 


You are going to write about your hobby or how you spend your free time.  First complete the chart (see above) and then write a first draft.

Work in groups

Presentations of pupils. 


To write a final draft"My Hobby and Interests"

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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
3 серпня 2018
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