Розробка уроку-проекту з англійської мови на тему: "Шкільне життя" ( 8 клас)

Про матеріал

Мета уроку-проекту: формувати мовленнєву компетенцію, сприяти розвитку творчих здібностей учнів; розвивати креативність, увагу; прищеплювати любов до вивчення англійської мови, виховувати повагу до товаришів та вчителя.

Перегляд файлу

Тема уроку: Шкільне життя.

Мета: формувати мовну та мовленнєву компетенції, сприяти розвитку творчих здібностей учнів; розвивати креативність, увагу;

формувати  естетичний смак,  прищеплювати любов до вивчення англійської мови, виховувати повагу до товаришів та вчителя.

Обладнання:  підручник, ноутбук, CDіз слайдами, дидактичний матеріал.

Хід уроку

1.Організаційна частина уроку.

2. Фонетична зарядка.

T: Let’s do our phonetic exercise.

The more we learn, the more we know

The more we know, the more we forget

The more we forget, the more we know.

So why study?

3. Answer the questions.

- Do you go to school?

- What subjects do you learn?

- Do you known the proverb “Knowledge is power”?

- Do you like our school?

- How many boys and girls are in your class?

- Do you know words about school?

4. Презентація проектних робіт.

Group 1

Pupil 1:  I would like to tell you a few words about my school. Our school is new and big and we like it very much. It has three floors. There is a large yard in front of the school building.


 There are many specialized rooms where we learn different school subjects. We study English, Ukrainian, History ,Chemistry and other subjects.The classrooms are comfortable and always clean.

There is a computer room in our class. We study Computer Science here.Our  school  has a nice gymnasium. We go in for sport here. We try to keep fit.

We  have also an Assembly hall, which is situated on the ground floor. Meetings, concerts  take place here. We prepare different performances for all holidays. We sing songs, recite poetry, dance and participate in theatre performances.

Our school library is not very big. There we can find every book we need.  We love books. Books are our best friends.

  A book, I think, is very

A little golden door,

 That takes me into places

Where I’ve never been before.

 It leads me into fairyland

Or countries strange and far.

  And, best of all, the golden door

                Always stands ajar.

Pupil 2:  The teachers in our school are very skilled. They try to give us all their knowledge and awake our interest to their subjects and to self study.

The Headmaster’s Office and the Staff Room are on the first floor.

 The Hedmaster of school is Larysa MykolaivnaMelnyk.

The Headstaff is Neonila Dmytrivna Shvorob.

Our English teacher is Inna Oleksiivna Tsiomko. She knows a lot of  games and stories. We like English lessons very much.

  Teachers are very cool, because they always are in the school.

                                  WHY GOD MADE TEACHERS

     When God created teachers,

 He gave us special friends.

     To help us understand his world

      And truly comprehend.

      The beauty and the wonder

      Of everything we see,

      And become a better person with each discovery.


      When God created teachers,

      He gave us special guides

      To show us ways in which to grow

      So we can all decide.

      How to live and how to do

      What’s right instead  of  wrong,

      To lead us so that we can lead

      And learn how to be strong.


Pupil 3:  There are many different after-school activities in our school: a choir, a drama club and variety of sport groups. All these groups are very popular and many pupils attend them.

School help us to get some social skills. We learn to be positive and flexible. I think that school years are very important for every person.It’s period of choosing our way  in life. So I’ll never  forget  my school, my teachers and my classmates.

  My hobby is reading. If we have a hobby, our  life is more fancinating and colourful.

       Everybody has a hobby

       And we’ve got a common one

       English does attract us

       More than stamps and actors

       And, it is great fun!

       Learning English, learning English,

       That’s the hobby that we share.

        We are fond of learning English

Which is spoken everywhere.


Pupil 4:   We have a traditions to celebrate holidays in our school. We   always invite the guests to our holidays. The pupils decorate the school hall with flowers and slogans. We like our holidays very much.

 There is a good tradition in our school. Every year people who graduated our school come here to meet their teachers and classmates. These meetings take place every first Sunday of May.

   I like my school very much. I would like to have a swimming-pool,  a relaxation room, a tennis court, a good cafe in my school. Now we don’t have many of these things, I hope we will have them in future. The futures in ourhands!

Pupils sing a song  «My School»

School  world  is sunny

And joyful with  bell.

We have so many

But  interesting lessons.

Physics and   Maths 

We do them so well.

 Happy and merry

Is our school  world.

We study English  and  History,

And what a computer is for.

Geography  helps us to acquaint

with the world,

But Literature teaches us more.

This world is fine and interesting,

 It help us to do everything

Let's our dreams come true,

Our world,  we love you!

You are the second home, we should say,

 Here schoolchildren work and play

Learning many different things

How  wonderful  it is!

Group 2

Pupil 1.   My name is Julia. I study at school of Chechelnyk.I am a pupil of the eighth form. I go to school five days a week except Saturday and Sunday when I have deserved rest.

Classes in our school start at 9 o'clock in the morning and last till 14.35. Every lesson last 45 minutes .

Usually we have 6-7 lessons a day.We16 subjects at school. We study English, Ukrainians, History, Geography, Physics, Math, Chemistry and others. My favourite subjects are English and History. I usually receive good marks in these subjects.                                                                             

 My English teacher is Inna Oleksiivna. She is 36 years old . Her hobbyis music. That's she teacher us to sing English songs. We read, write, play different games at the lessons. I respect my teachers because all of them. Those pupils who want to get good knowledge must read many books and encyclopedias. School life is fantastic!

I like my school very much!

Pupil2.    My name is Svitlana. I am 14. I study at school. I live in Slobidka - Balynska. There are some things that I like about going to school. Firstly, I like to meet my classmates. Its very important to have good classmates because we spend a lot of time together. Many of them are very nice people. There are 8 pupils in our class-3 boys and 5 girls. We are friends and help each other with our lessons. We  discuss our problems, talk about life, future plans and other things. Secondly, it is interesting to do the projects and learn a lot of new information about the surrounding world at the lessons .

But sometimes we have a good time together celebrating some holidays or somebody's birthday. We bring cakes to school, have a tea party, have some dancing and enjoy our life together with our classmaster.We love our teacher and she loves and respect us.

     Our classroom is on the second floor. There are three large windows in our clasroom. There are different maps and portraits on the wall in our classroom  too. I love my school, my classmates and teachers.


We learn such lots of things at school,

And new ones every day

I think the names of some of them

Are very hard to say.

If people say arithmetic

Is hard, I don't agree.

For if you know your tables, it's

As plain as ABC

Geography's about the world

It's interesting to me.

Because I like to hear about

The lands across the sea.

Geography is very nice,

But history is better.

And composition teaches us

How to write a letter.

But reading is the best of all,

For reading's like a key

That opens many doors.

It opens books for  me.

And when I reach the upper school,

I'll learn, when I am big.

Geometry and Algebra,

And something queer called trig.


 Pupil 3: My name is Alex Nikolaichuk. I like going to school because here I have many friends. And I like studying as well, it brings me a lot of pleasure and I like to learn new facts about the world.

I  go to school in the morning. My favourite day is Monday. I have got Music lesson on this day. I like music and dancing.

School helps us make the right steps in our life.

Dear pupils!



  1. The pupils must learn the lessons regularly.
  2. Be polite to each other.
  3. You must arrive at school in time.
  4. Make the process of communication in class pleasant for everyone.
  5. If you have problems with your lessons, ask your teachers to help you.
  6. Do every task in a proper way.
  7. Keep your school things in order.
  8. Don’t use the mobile phone at the lessons.
  9. The pupils must clean their classrooms everyday.
  10. Don’t forget to say “Thank you” for kindness.

 Pupil 4: My name is Andrii. I live in Chechelnyk. I study at school. It is big and nice. The First of September is my favourite day. School starts again. Our lessons are interesting. But school is not only lessons. It is the time when we learn to work and to understand ourselves and other people. It is time we learn to be friends and practice our life skills.

   As for me, I like my school.Learning a foreign language helps me known more about the world. I know many wonderful English proverbs.


  1. Live and learn.
  2. It is never late to learn.
  3. Knowledge is power.
  4. Soon learnt, soon forgotten.
  5. Give me a fish and I eat for a day. Teach me to fish and I eat for a lifetime.

Pupils sing a song    


Don't know much about history,

Don't know much biology,

Don't know much about a science book,

Don't know much about the French I took.

But I know that I love you,

And I know that if you love me, too,

What a wonderful world this would be.

Don't know much about geography,

Don't know much trigonometry.

Don't know much about algebra,

Don't know what a slide rule is for.

But I know that one and one is two,

And if this one could be with you,

What a wonderful world this would be.

I don't claim to be an A' student,

But I'm trying to be.

For maybe by being an A' student, baby,

I can win your love for me.

Підбиття підсумків. Оцінювання.





5 травня 2018
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