Розробка уроку : "Психологічні тести"

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Subject: Psychological Tests


  • to get more information about IQ and EQ tests
  • to develop listening , speaking and writing skills
  • to revise vocabulary
  • to promote intellectual curiosity
  • to teach operating computer
  • to teach speech etiquette
  • to teach work in groups


  • video film Headway Intermediate, # 3 “Sherlock Holmes”
  • CD – Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • tapes Cutting Edge- Upper –Intermediate , module 4,  rec.1
  • Xerox-copies of Cutting Edge- Upper –Intermediate, pp 42-44
  • ‘odd-word-out’ cards
  • group evaluation charts


1. Greeting, warming –up

T: Hello, everybody. Glad to see you. You look so smart today. Beautiful dress, Tanya. Children, could you say a compliment to your neighbours? Work in pairs.

P1 -> P2: Your hairdo is perfect (so fashionable).

P2->P3: You’ve got fantastic make-up!

P3->P4: That shirt’s a perfect match to your blue skirt.

P4->P5. That shade of blue goes with your eyes.

T: You’ve raised your spirits a bit, haven’t you?

Try to guess the topic of our lesson. It is on the blackboard ciphered. <The letters of the  word ‘Tests’ are written in halves so that they can be read with the help of a mirror>.













T: Have a look at these two tasks.

  • What number comes next? 6009, 7231, 8453…
  • All men will one day die; Socrates is a man; therefore Socrates will die. Is it true or false ?

T: Have you ever done a test like this?

Ps: Yes, we did. It’s a kind of tests developing mind.

T: So the topic of our lesson is “Tests”. Misha, make the letters on the blackboard clear. <P1 writes the letters>

2. Presenting the problem, getting feedback

We are going to work in groups and in pairs. At the end of the lesson we are supposed to decide if such tests are useful, when and why. We are going to analyze the intellectual and emotional intelligence of the two micro-groups and monitor our academic progress. So what are we going to do?

P1: We have to check our intellectual abilities.

P2: We have to monitor our progress at the lesson.


T: So, I want to remind you that having managed with the next step the two groups have to mark their progress and give the evaluation of the task .You’ve got 4 types of marks and glue sticks.<Appendix,  Chart 3>

3. Listening

T: Now you are going to hear some extracts from a radio program about intelligence tests. You are to elicit only information on a few items. Ann, will you read the questions aloud? (ex. 2, Cutting Edge- Upper –Intermediate, p.40)


P2: <reads>

A) The first IQ tests: where/ when? B) First widely used: when/ why? C) Average IQ; D) Genius level ; E) How different groups perform: women, people from East Asia, people over 23; F) advice for people doing IQ tests.

Cutting Edge- Upper –Intermediate,SB, p.166

IQ – or ‘Intelligence Quotient’ tests  have been around for nearly a hundred years now, although their usefulness is still much debated .The first tests were devised in France in the early part of the 20th century, but their use was limited to children until WW I, when the tests were given to two million American military recruits. The tests measured both general knowledge and the ability to reason logically, and the results were used to decide who should get which job, and to identify the most intelligent recruits for training as future army officers. Their use was greatly expanded when the war ended.


the vast majority of people fall somewhere between … the chances are that you have something around the average IQ of about a hundred..Only 2% of people are at the ‘genius’ level of 130 or more. Interestingly, more women tend to score around the average. There are fewer women than men at  ‘genius’ level, but fewer at the bottom level as well, a fact from which any number of conclusions can be drawn! It’s also a matter of controversy that East Asians consistently  perform better in IQ tests than Europeans …although no one has so far been able to explain exactly why! The bad news if you’re over 23 is that, although people’s knowledge increases as they get older, the average score on IQ tests goes down steadily, so that by the time people reach the age of…


…. And if you do find yourself tackling an  IQ test – either when applying for a job or just out of curiosity , here area couple of handy tips to help you to do better. Firstly, do 2 or 3m practice tests first, Research suggests that , with practice , your score will increase by between 10% – 15%.Also, it helps to keep your mind clear. A survey of American businessmen revealed that they often made mistakes because they wore neckties too tight – it cuts off some of the vital blood to supply brain! And finally, have a good breakfast! Recent research reveals that people do better on IQ tests if they’ve had breakfast: cereal, coffee and orange juice are particularly recommended!



4. Answering the questions:


  • The first IQ tests were devised in France for children in the 20th century. But they became widely spread only with the beginning of WW II when the tests were given to 2 mln American military recruits.
  • Average IQ is about 100.
  • The genius level is 130.
  • More women tend to score more than average level but still fewer at the bottom level.
  • People from East Asia tend to perform better in IQ tests than Europeans.
  • Though people become wiser growing older their average score in IQ goes down when they are older than 23
  • If you are going to do the test, you should have healthy breakfast, not to wear neck-ties, keep your mind clear.

5. Discussing the story about tests

T: So what do you think about tests like these?

P1: They are not a good way of assessing a person’s ability to be good at their job.

P2: I think young people must do such tests to stimulate their creative and productive abilities.

P3 I’d like to be tested but if I apply for some well-paid

(prestigious) job, I will feel nervous and won’t  perform well.

P4: I’m interested in Maths and statistics . As far as I know, around ¼ of TOEFL questions ,for instance, can be guessed . So these tests are not reliable.

P5: Some people are slow thinkers but they are actual thinkers – philosophers, scholars, scientists. But these tests don’t reveal their ability for creative thinking.

P6: And I have got a baby cousin .He is very smart and inquisitive (curious).I think all children are geniuses. But they don’t become "Einsteins" because school doesn’t develop their talents .The routine, fixed schedules kill all the inborn talents. I am for such tests because they are interesting, funny and they help  choose what qualities a child must develop.

6. Work on vocabulary

To go on with our work you need to refresh or learn some vocabulary. We need one person from each group to find the definitions of the words. You can use the CD dictionary .You are only to type the word, then press the button , then you will hear the word and read the definition.

(Words on the blackboard)

A… person is exceptionally intelligent or skillful.

A… person is very unwilling to change his mind.

A… person is shy and easily embarrassed in a social situation.

An… person is willing to take risks and try new things

A… person knows what he wants to do and won’t let anything stop him doing it.

A… person can resist temptation.

A… person is a person most people like.

A… person is unhappy because he has no one to talk to.

A… person does things suddenly, without thinking first

A… person is calm and good at controlling her emotions.

A… person is someone you can rely on.

A… person is very sure of herself.

(Pupils find the definitions of the words

<Tips> Determined, strong- minded, well-adjusted, adventurous, confident, dependable, lonely, stubborn, brilliant, popular, awkward, impulsive

7. Solving puzzles

T: And the rest will perform another task. You will get the anagrams of the words on the blackboard. You are to find out the words ciphered and to cross the odd man out.<Appendix. Charts 1, 2>

 < Ps perform the task >

P1: The odd man out is ‘yellow’. The other words are: curious, the odd man out awkward impulsive strong- minded.

 P2: The odd man out is: ‘black’. The rest of the words are human qualities: stubborn , brilliant dependable, determine.

T: <checks the work done by Ps at the blackboard> You’ve managed with this task. But let’s decide which of these qualities are negative and which are positive or both. I need two pupils .One will put minus mark (-) and the other will put plus (+) if he thinks this quality is usually positive.

<Pupils perform the task>

T: It was great. Any objections? Can’t such qualities as adventurous, impulsive be either positive or negative depending on the situation?

P1 Imagine an adventurous mother leaving her two children and starting a journey to the North Pole.

P2: But if a journalist is adventurous, he could do his job well as he is not a coward. He can get some interesting information or discover something illegal or criminal.

P3: “Impulsive” is usually a negative quality .But for certain creative activity it’s good to be impulsive (maybe musicians or painters).

T: Well done. Mark your progress in the chart.

T: And how are intellectual abilities combined with emotional status of a person? You are going to watch an episode about a person of superb intelligence.

The first group will elicit information about intellectual abilities of the character and the 2nd one – about his emotional sphere. You’re to write down adjectives characterizing the person under consideration or facts proving your point of view.

8. Watching

T: So how can you characterize   Sherlock Holmes?

P1: We’ve watched the episode about Sh.Holmes. Judging from what we’ve seen   and what we’ve read in the book I can give such characteristics: he was

  • well-educated
  • clever
  • intelligent
  • smart
  • logical
  • adventurous
  • determined
  • dependable
  • confident
  • strong-minded
  • having a good memory
  • enormous imagination
  • could understand the things quickly .

He had

  • an inquisitive mind
  • the ability to put the correct question

T: Pupils, can you add anything?

P1: No, everything was mentioned. But I would argue that he was a well-eucated person .He knew only chemistry and criminal news. He was quite ignorant in geography, history, mathematics.

P2: But he didn’t need that knowledge for his work. Besides he kept in his mind a lot of facts from biology, geology, genealogy .It’s as if he knew the encyclopedia by heart.

P3: As for emotional sphere, he was a brain without heart. He was like a robot or a walking machine .But – an amazing thing – he was fond of music and was a superb violinist. Music helped him to think.

9. Doing test.

T: I know that you love doing psychological and intelligence tests. Now I want you to perform the test to define what kind of mind you have got. You have got the leaflets with the test. You are given two minutes to write down as many possible uses for a newspaper as you can. And then you are given 3 minutes to complete the second task: Imagine you’ve taken a group of four-year-olds to the park, and one of them starts crying because the others won’t play with her. What do you do?

<Ps’ answers>

10. Listening and discussing the results of the test

T: It’s time to listen to the correct answers .Tickle your answers if they are correct.

If some answers are disputable, make notes of what you want to debate on.

T: If you’ve made some errors, make  notes, so that we can work on the necessary language material later.  


11. Evaluating groups’ progress

            T: Don’t forget to mark your score on the evaluation chart.

And now let’s get acquainted with another kind of test – emotional.

You are to read the text about emotional intelligence and make a summary of each paragraph .Work in groups, discuss which sentence is the best one to summarize the paragraph.

12. Pupils are reading and discussing

P1: We’ve discussed the variants and decided that this summary is the best.

P2: I’ve made the diagrams .As you see, the first group can be characterized as having such qualities….and the second tends to be ….

T: Thank you, Natasha. But if you compare with the charts on the class-board what activities do they prefer? How do they mark their progress at the lesson?

13. Drawing conclusions

P1: Group  2 enjoyed doing tests and listening but they disliked reading and working  in groups. The 2nd  group marks their progress as excellent.

T: Well done .We’ve managed with all the tasks .You’ve performed your good knowledge of the material and your interest in tests and group work. Thank you and good-bye.

Appendix Chart 1

Cross the odd man out


Appendix Chart 2

Cross the odd man out




Appendix Chart 3


























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