Розробка уроку з англійської мови на тему "Що ми знаємо про Об'єднане Королівство і Сполучені Штати Америки?" "

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На тему «Що ви знаєте про Об’єднане Королівство і США?»

Для 1 курсу (10 класу)


Склала викладач англійської мови

Київського професійно-педагогічного коледжу ім. Антона Макаренка

Кононенко Ю.М.


What do you know about the United Kingdom and the USA?


  • to develop students’ skills of working with the new text;
  • to expend speaking skills in making discussion on the topic;
  • to develop reading skills;
  • to provide students with additional information about the United Kingdom and the USA;
  • to develop students’ creative thinking;
  • to develop imagination, memory, attention;
  • to educate students to respect the foreign countries.

Aids: a computer, a projector, power point presentation, cards




1. Greeting

T: Good afternoon, dear students! How are you? I hope everybody is fine. So let’s start our lesson.

2. Introducing the topic

Today we shall discussed different facts about the United Kingdom and the United States of America. And do it with the help of an interesting competition. It will help you to review the material of your previous English lessons and I hope you will get to know many new interesting things. The contest consists of 8 tasks. Before starting the game let divide into two teams.


Task 1. Quiz.

The 1st task is to answer the questions about both countries. If you know the answer you must raise your hand. If your answer is correct the team will get one point. If your answer is wrong the second team will be allowed to give the answer. (1 point for each correct answer) 

1) What parts does the United Kingdom consist of?

  1.      How many states are in America?
  2.      Who discovered America in October, 1492?
  3.      Who is the patron saint of England?
  4.      What is the symbol of freedom in America?
  5.      Which famous writer was born in Stratford-upon-Avon?

6)        Who sent the Statue of Liberty to America?

  1.      What river does London stand on?

8)        What river is Washington situated on?

  1.      Who is the patron saint of Northern Ireland?

10)    What is the tallest building in Washington, D.C.?

  1. Who is the patron saint of Scotland?
  2. What is the largest state in the USA?
  3. What is the highest mountain in the UK?
  4. What is the largest city in the USA?
  5. What is the name of the lake in which a monster is supposed to live?
  6. What is the name of the American flag?
  7. What is the name of the flag of the United Kingdom?
  8. Which of the four parts is not represented on the flag of the UK?
  9. How many stripes are in the American flag?
  10. What is the popular name for London's Underground?
  11. What is the national emblem (symbol) of the USA?
  12. Whose statue stands on the column in the middle of Trafalgar Square?
  13. Which great London cathedral was built by Sir Christopher Wren?



Task 2. Complete the sentence.

The 2nd task is to choose the right variants to complete the following sentences. If you know the answer you must raise your hand. If your answer is correct the team will get one point. If your answer is wrong the second team will be allowed to give the answer. (1 point for each correct answer) 

1. The Changing of the Guards takes place in front of

a) Westminster Palace;

b) Buckingham Palace;

c) The Tower;

d) The Houses of Parliament

2. Washington is situated in

a) the state of New York;

b) the state of Columbia;

c) the state of Washington;

d) no state

3. The Declaration of Independence was signed in

a) Los Angeles;

b) Philadelphia;

c) New York;

d) Boston

4. Nelson’s Column commemorates the British victory in the war with

a) Germany;

b) Italy;

c) Russia;

d) France

5. The Capitol is

a) a museum in Washington;

b) the Washington Memorial;

c) the President’s residence;

d) the location of the Congress

6. “Big Apple” is the nickname of

a) Los Angeles;

b) Philadelphia;

c) New York;

d) Boston

7.  You can find the lake with a snake name in London’s

a) Green Park;

b) St. James Park;

c) Hyde Park;

d) Kensington Garden

8. Hollywood is near

a) Los Angeles;

b) Philadelphia;

c) New York;

d) Boston


Task 3. Places of Interest in London.

The 3rd task is about places of interest in London. Every team has the text about them. You must find in this text the explanation to the names of some places of interest which you can see on the presentation and translate them. If you find the  explanation you must raise your hand. If it is correct the team will get one point. If it is wrong the second team will be allowed to give the answer. (1 point for each correct answer)

Big Ben

Coven Garden

Buckingham Palace

Trafalgar Square

Westminster Abbey

Piccadilly Circus

Tower of London

The Houses of Parliament

Places of Interest in London

Every year, more than nine million people come from countries all over the world to visit London. Tower Bridge, Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, Trafalgar Square and St. Paul’s Cathedral are the most famous sights of London. Trafalgar Square is the main square of central London, where a number of famous building and monuments, including the National Gallery and Nelson’s Column are situated. The square is popular with visitors, who come to relax by the fountains there or feed the pigeons.

Nelson’s Column is a tall column nearly 44m high with a statue of Admiral Nelson who defeated the French at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. The National Gallery has got a fine collection of European paintings. Piccadilly Circus is the meeting point of six streets. It is famous for its brightly lit neon advertisements at night.

Hyde Park has got a lake in the middle called Serpentine, and you can take a boat out on the water. It is a good place get away from the crowds and the noise of the city. You can listen to the speakers at Speaker’s Corner near Marble Arch. People from all over the world come and speak here.

Buckingham Palace is the London home of the Queen. When the flag is flying on the top she is at home. Changing the Guard happens every day at 11.30. a.m. On the left side you can see St. James’ Park. It is one of the royal parks. Here you can see pelicans and ducks.

The Houses of Parliament is the seat of British government. It is a very large Gothic building. It stands on the left bank of the river Thames. Big Ben is the name of the huge clock on the Clock Tower of the Houses of Parliament. Westminster Abbey is a royal church. Here you can see the tombs of many British kings and queens and famous people.

The Tower of London was a fortress, a royal palace and later a prison. It is a museum now. There are a lot of interesting collections in the Tower of London. The ravens are another famous sight. The legend says that without them the Tower will fall.

St. Paul’s Cathedral is the greatest work of the architect sir Christopher Wren. Coven Garden was a big fruit and vegetable market. It is now tourists’ shopping Centre with cafes and restaurants.


Task 4. The History of the USA.

This task is about the history of the USA. Every team has got the set of stripes with different historical events of the USA. Put them chronically. You have 5 minutes for this task. (after work). I’ll say the numbers from 1 to 17 and you must raise the stripe with correct event. (1 point for each correct event) 

Icelandic Viking Leif Ericson sailed to America.

Christopher Columbus discovered America.

The first English colony Jamestown appeared.

The Mayflower brought the Pilgrim Fathers.

Boston Tea Party.

The War of Independence.

The Declaration of Independence.

The Constitutional Convention.

The Bill of Rights.

The Civil War for abolition of slavery.

The exploration of the West.

The Depression.

World War I and World War II.

The Cold war.

The man’s first walk on the Moon.

The war in Vietnam.

Struggle for disarmament.


Task 5. The best translator

There are some difference between British and American English. I’ll show you the card with some word. You must say its equivalent on the presentation. If you know the word you must raise your hand. If it is correct the team will get one point. If it is wrong the second team will be allowed to give other variant. (1 point for each correct word) 

А) words of presentation;

Cinema, Lorry, Sweets, Flat, Biscuit, Form, Shop, Autumn,  Lift, City center,  Motorway,  Post,  Taxi,  Chemist’s

      B) words of cards.

Movies, Truck, Candy, Apartment, Cookie, Grade, Store, Fall, Elevator, Downtown, Highway, Mail, Cab, Drugstore


Task 6. The Norman Conquest.

Every team has got some information about the Norman Conquest in your cards, but you do not have the same information. You have got different gaps into your texts. Try to remember this information during 5 minutes. Then you’ll change your cards with each other and fill in the sentences with facts from your own cards. (1 point for each correct fact) 


The Duke of Normandy, known as William the Conqueror, now became ________ (what?), establishing  a new Anglo-Norman state. He was crowned on _________(what holiday?) 1066. England became a strong country under military rule. Castles appeared ________ (where?) to enforce Norman rule. England has never been invaded since 1066. William was _______ (what kind?): he destroyed many villages to make sure the English people did not rebel. A small number of Norman soldiers could control a large number of________ (whom?). New King of England also brought many church men who re-organised the Church of England and built new __________ ( what?). ________  (whose?) power was absolute and the language of new rulers, Norman-French, has had a lasting effect on English.


___________( who?), now became King of England, establishing  a new Anglo-Norman state. He was crowned on Christmas day_______ (what year?). England became _________ (what?). Castles appeared all over England to enforce Norman rule. ________ (has…?) been invaded since 1066. William was a harsh ruler: he destroyed many villages ________ (what for?). A small number of  _______ (whom?) could control a large number of Anglo-Saxon peasants. New King of England also brought many church men who re-organised ________ (what?) and built new churches, cathedrals and abbeys.  The Normans’ power was absolute and the language of new rulers, Norman-French, has had a lasting effect on English.


Task 7. Photo contest


Look at the photos and say what it is. You can see famous people and famous places of interest. If the team fails to answer, the opposite team has a chance to answer and get a point (1 point for each correct answer).  (Or teacher can change this task and ask to tell something about these persons and objects).


Task 8. Find a mistake.

In the presentation you can see different statements. Find a mistake in them and correct it. If you find the mistake you must raise your hand. If it is correct the team will get one point. If it is wrong the second team will be allowed to give other variant. (1 point for each mistake)

  1.      The Thames is the longest river in the UK.
  2.      Abraham Lincoln was the first president of the USA.
  3.      The USA is washed by the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. 
  4.      The first English colony appeared in Pennsylvania.
  5.      The symbol of England is the shamrock.  
  6.      The name of the Welsh flag is the Welsh Lion.
  7.      Wales is the most mountains area in the United Kingdom.
  8.      The United states developed from the French colonies.



Now, let us sum up the scores

The score of the first team is…

The score of the second team is…

So, the winner is the team …

1. Assessment

T: Students, today you worked really hard and deserve good marks. My congratulations! Thanks a lot to all the participants of the competition.

2. Homework

T: Prepare information about interesting facts of Thanksgiving Day.



Task 1.

  1. England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
  2. 50 states.
  3. Christopher Columbus
  4. St. George.
  5. The Statue of Liberty.
  6. William Shakespeare.
  7. French government.
  8. The Thames.
  9. The Potomac.
  10. St. Patrick.
  11. The Capitol.
  12.   St. Andrew.
  13. Alaska.
  14. Ben Nevis.
  15. New York.
  16. Loch Ness.
  17. Stars and Stripes
  18. Union Jack
  19. Wales.
  20. 13 stripes.
  21. Tube.
  22. The Bald Eagle
  23. Lord Admiral Nelson
  24. St Paul's Cathedral


Task 2.

  1. b) Buckingham Palace.
  2. d) No state
  3. b) Philadelphia
  4. d) France
  5. d) the location of the Congress
  6. c) New York
  7. c) Hyde Park
  8. a) Los Angeles

Тask 3.

  1. Big Ben – huge clock on the Clock Tower.
  2. Coven Garden – tourists’ shopping centre.
  3. Buckingham Palace – home of Queen.
  4. Trafalgar Square – Main Square of central London.
  5. Westminster Abbey – royal church.
  6. Piccadilly Circus –the meeting point of 6 streets.
  7. Tower of London – museum.
  8. The Houses of Parliament – the seat of the British government.

Task 5.

Cinema - movies

Lorry - truck

Sweets - candy

Flat - apartment

Biscuit - cookies

Form- grade

Shop- store

Autumn – fall

Lift - elevator

City center – downtown

Motorway - highway

Post -mail

Taxi - cab

Chemist’s -drugstore

Task 6.

Card 1.

- King of England

- Christmas day

- all over England

- a harsh ruler

- Anglo-Saxon peasants

- churches, cathedrals and abbeys

- The Normans’

Card 2.

  • The Duke of Normandy, known as William the Conqueror
  • 1066
  • a strong country under military rule
  • England has never
  • to make sure the English people did not rebel
  • Norman soldiers
  • the Church of England


Task 7. (Possible photos)

  1. The Stonehenge.
  2. The Grand Canyon.
  3. The Beatles.
  4. The Queen Elizabeth II.
  5. Barak Obama.
  6. Big Ben.
  7. Margaret Thatcher.
  8. Tower Bridge.
  9. Empire State Building.
  10. The Statue of Liberty.
  11. The Double-decker.
  12. The Houses of Parliament.
  13. The White House.
  14. Buckingham Palace
  15. The Niagara Waterfall.
  16. Westminster Abbey
  17. The Pentagon.
  18. William Shakespeare.
  19. Abraham Lincoln.
  20. Queen’s Guard.
  21. New York.

Task 8.

  1. The Thames – the Severn.
  2. Abraham Lincoln – George Washington.
  3. The Indian Ocean – The Pacific Ocean.
  4. Pennsylvania – Virginia.
  5. The shamrock – the red rose.
  6. The lion – the dragon.
  7. Wales – Scotland.
  8. French colonies – English colonies.







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