Тема : School subjects
Мета: розвивати формування вмінь в створенні комунікативних ситуацій; виховувати пізнавальний інтерес до іноземної мови; вдосконалювати роботу в групах; навчити використовувати набуті знання на практиці.
Хід уроку
Good morning children
Welcome on the board of our plane.
Are you ready?
Turn on your engine.
Where do we fly?
Where we now?
What lesson do we have now?
Are you ready for the lesson?
Let’s check our things . What do we have on our desks?
Show me your copy – book.
Show me your book.
Show me your dairy.
Let’s check our pencil- box. What do we have in our pencil- box?( pencil, pen, sharpener)
Ok . I see you are ready for the lesson.
Put your hands IN to the pencil - box
ON the desk
Under the desk
AT the desk
Remember all our lessons.
You have to find day of weeks, circle and write.
Begin please. Who will be first , rise you hand.
1.Now write down the lessons
Let’s relax
Teddy bear, Teddy bear touch your hose
Teddy bear, Teddy bear touch your foes
Teddy bear, Teddy bear touch the ground
Як ми запитуємо «Котра година?»
What time is it now?
10. Читаємо та з’єднуємо малюнки.
11. Now read and complete the puzzle
Вчитель читає, діти говорять який предмет
12. On your desk you have a paper.
You look at the picture and tell what is the lesson ?
What children do at sport lessons?
What is your favorite lesson?
Write down your favorite day of the week with lessons.