Розробка уроку з англійської мови на тему "Wild and Domestic Animals"

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Урок розроблено для учнів 2-го вкласу. Враховано вікові особливості маленьких школярів. Метою уроку є: практикувати використання лексичних одиниць з даної теми, навчити учнів описувати улюблених тваринок, перевірити закріплення учнями граматичних конструкцій "to have (has) got; modal verb can", спонукати учнів до розмови про тварин, виховувати любов до тварин та природи.


Перегляд файлу

Teacher: Vira Zayats
Form: 2
Topic: Wild and Domestic Animals.
Type of the lesson: Forming skills.
Learning Outcomes:

  • to practice the usage of the lexical units on the topic “Wild and Domestic   

          Animals”; to teach the pupils to describe their favourite animal;

  • to check students’ grammar skills: structure: to have (has) got; modal verb can;
  • to get pupils involved in conversation about the animals;
  • to develop listening, reading, writing and speaking skills on the topic of the lesson;
  • to develop pupils’ outlook;
  • to enrich pupils’ knowledge on the topical issues;
  • to develop pupils’ creative imagination in communicative activity.

Visuals and Equipment:
• textbook “English -2” O.D. Karpiuk
• pictures and the poster on the topic;
• a Power Point presentation “Animals”;
• coloured pencils;
• songs “Hello. Good Morning” (“Magic English -1”), “Farm Chant” (“Picture

• HOs to the lesson;
• 6 strings for making new pairs;
• two toys.


I. Beginning. Greetings.
Who: Class                 Skills: Listening/Speaking      Time: 3 min.
     Song: Hello! Good morning!
How are you? How are you?
Hello! Good morning!
Hello! Hello!
How are you? How are you?
I’m fine, thank you!
I’m fine, thank you!
I’m fine, thank you!
I’m fine, thank you!

• “How are you today? - I’m fine, thank you. How are you today?” (Two toys)
In two teams students ask and answer the same question starting from whispering up to saying it in a loud voice and again up to whispering:
Teacher - P1-P2- P3 - P4 - P5 – P6 -...

II Warm-up
Who: Class                 Skills: Listening/Speaking          Time: 3 min.
Teacher gives students some cards with pictures of different animals and the noises they make. The task for students is to match the animals with the noises they make and say what they are. For example: Who says meow? – The cat does. (HO1)













III Follow-up:

Activity 1: Checking Homework.
Who: Individuals          Skills: Listening/Speaking/Reading           Time: 4 min.
Teacher shows a Presentation and pupils should say “Who is it?”
(HO2 The presentation “Animals. Who I am?”)

( Frog, horse, bird, chimp, mouse, cat, sheep)


Reading Ex. 6 p. 122 (students read the exercise one by one)

Activity 2:  Vocabulary Revision (HO3)
Who: Individuals                Skills: Listening/Writing              Time: 4 min.
1a. Listen and number the picture;
1b. Listen and follow the path;
1c. Dictation

Activity 3: Testing Grammar: to have got, modal verb - can
Who: Individuals /Pairs           Skills: Reading/Writing              Time: 8 min.
a) Modal verb can (HO4) (students should write if it is true, f.e. A fish can swim. – Yes, a fish can swim. A dog can read. – No, a dog can’t read.)

b) To have got (HO5) (Write about your favourite animal)

Activity 4:  TPR – activity: Song “Farm Chant” (“Picture Dictionary”).
Who: Class           Skills: Listening          Time: 2 min.
Ride the horse.
Milk the cow.
Listen to the rooster. (cock – a – doodle – doo)
Drive the tractor.
Play in the barn.
Pet the lamb. (baaaaa baaaa)
Listen to the hen. (cluck cluck cluck cluck)
Listen to the chicks. (cheep cheep cheep cheep)
Look at the ducks.
Listen to the ducklings. (quack quack quack quack quack)


Activity 5: Reading
Who: Class                  Skills: Reading                   Time: 4 min.
Students open their books and begin to read Ex. 5, 6 p.122 one by one

5a. Post – reading activity: Story-making
Who: Groups             Skills: Reading/Speaking          Time: 4 min.
Students should make a story about an animal. For example: It’s a Lion. It lives in a zoo. The lion likes the zoo. The lion has many friends in the zoo: a monkey, a bear, a hippo... Every morning the lion says:”Good morning. I’m glad to see you”.

Activity 6: Solve the Crossword
Who: Class                    Skills: Writing                Time: 2 min.

Activity 7: Project “Animals and I” (HOs, coloured pencils).
Who: Individuals                Skills: Writing                Time: 3 min.
The teacher pins a picture of an animal on the BB and writes a sentence: In this picture, I can see...It has... It can ... I can ...., too. Ss get a Portfolio sheet and are asked to draw an animal. Children are then asked to finish the drawing at home and complete the sentences describing this animal.

IV. Rounding-off.       Time: 3

Self- Evaluation: students fill in the ‘Candys’ grids and pin them onto the blackboard

Home task: to finish the picture “Animals and I” and complete the sentences.






1. “English2” – Карпюк О.Д. – Київ: Навчальна Книга, 2002. – 144с.
2. “Successful Steps to modern English” – Рижих Н.І. - Донецьк: ТОВ ВКФ «БАО», 2004. – 368 с.
3. “Children’s Picture Dictionary” – Longman, 2010 (CD)
4. “Excellent 1” (Pupil’s Book) – Longman, 2008 – 80 p.
5. “Magic English #1” – Deaghostini, 2010 (DVD)
6. www. britishcouncil.org
7. www. pedsovet.ru
8. www. magicvocabulary.net
9. www.dreamstime.com













































До підручника
Англійська мова (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 2 клас (Карпюк О. Д.)
5 липня 2018
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