Розробка уроку з англійської мови з теми "Газети та журнали в Україні та у Великій Британії" для учнів 8 класу

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Розробка уроку з англійської мови з теми "Газети та журнали в Україні та у Великій Британії" для учнів 8 класу
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Розробка уроку з англійської мови

з теми "Газети та журнали

в Україні та у Великій Британії"

для учнів 8 класу





Учитель I категорії

Маріупольської загальноосвітньої

школи №41

Унал А.С






Маріуполь 2020

Тема: Newspapers and Magazines in Ukraine and Great Britain.

Підтема: Grammar Tenses: the Present Perfect Simple and the Past Simple.

Мета: розвивати вміння комунікативно спрямовано, граматично і інтонаціонно вірно вести бесіду; формувати навички аудіювання, читання.

 Розвивальна мета: розвивати сталу уважність, фонематичну, зорову, слухову та довготривалу оперативну пам'ять; творче мислення.

Виховальна мета: виховувати активну життєву позицію, обізнаність, тяги до розширення світогляду, обміну думками з носіями мови.

Lesson motion


I.Introduction into English speaking atmosphere.

1.Organizational moment.

2. Introductory word of the teacher.

At our lesson we'll speak about the veriety of newspapers and magazines in Ukraine and Great Britain. We'll also revise grammar: Present Perfect Simple, Past Simple.

You have "Evaluation Cards" to put your marks for all you personal answers at the lessons and he or she who will be the best: the most active, Inventive, creative will get a bonus. I expect to have a lot of such pupils. I will appreciate your answers, name the mark and you will put them in your  "Evaluation Card". 

Evalucation Card







Warming up

Educational conversation




Summary mark


3.Warming up.

Let 's start. As we can't make tea or coffee without water, so we can't speak in English without knowing thematic words. Translate Ukrainian word combinations into English. We shall work in turns to give each pupil the opportunity to answer.

 Засіб зв'язку- means of communication; друкувати газети і журнали - to print newspapers and magazines; доставляти друковані видання -deliver printed editions; щоденні, тижневі та щомісячні переодичні видання -a daily,a weekly, a monthly periodicals; журналисти та кореспонденти - journalist and correspondents; пресса і суспільство - press and society; заголовок - heading; притягувати погляд - catch the eye; надавати матеріал про - to provide material about smth; добитися успіхів в чомусь-to succeed in doing smth; підписатися на якісне видання - to prescribe to a quality edition; яскрава обгортка - bright cover; журнали для підлітків - teens magazines.



II.The main part of the lesson.

4.Educational conversation on the theme "Newspapers and Magazines".

  • What role do newspapers and magazines play in the life of any nation?
  • Can you name the first newspapers in Ukraine?
  • How many newspapers and magazines are published in Ukraine?
  • The main national newspapers are "Holos Ukrainany, Silski Visti", aren't they?
  • Do "Fakty and Dzerkalo Tyzhnya" report national and international news?
  • Are "Berehynya", "Diloviy Vistnyk", "Correspordent","Lyudyna and Svit" among the popular magazines or newspapers?
  • What local edition are you interested in?
  • What differs your favourite edition from the others?
  • Are there any magazines in Ukraine to provide information about talented people?


5.Grammar: the Present Perfect Simple or the Past Simple.

The Present Perfect Simple: key-words -already, just, ever, never, since, for.

I haven't worked since we, moved abroad.

She hasn't got necessary information a number of publications yet.

The Past Simple: key-words -yesterday, last week, month, year; 5 years ago.

They published an estonishing article in yesterday's newspaper edition.


6.Writing: Write down the right verb form on a printed sheet of paper.

  • He already (provide) amazing facts for 3 years.(has already provided)
  • They (often) a lot of articles on politics last Wednesday .(offered)
  • She(never enjoy) entertaining reading.(has never enjoyed)
  • What magazines about fashion you (read) yesterday?(did you)
  • I never (prefer) newspapers to magazines. (have never prefered)
  • My sister (be fond of) books with bright colours in her childhood.(was fond of)

Check your work: each right answer deserves 2 grades. Count put the mark in the Evaluation Card.

7.Time to relax.

8.Cheking the home task: Dialogues about British newspapers and magazines.

Listen to the first pair of pupils. I'll name the mark for each pupil and you will put it into the Evaluation Cards.


P1 : Hello, Nick. I haven't seen you for ages.

P2 : Neither have I. How do you do?

P1: Quite excellent. I have devoted a lot of time learning something about British press.

P2: What kind of press attracts you, newspapers or magazines?

P1: Both, but newspapers are more common.

P2: You are absolutely right. Such newspapers as "The Financial Times", "The Times" are well-know all over the world. Can you tell we about the others?

P1: With great pleasure. Listen, as for "The Daily Express", it's small in size but contains a lot of pictures and all kind of articles. Have you heard anything about the newspaper with articles about private life?

P2: No, I haven't. I think it's very popular. What is it's title?

P1:"The Sun". It is the biggest-selling paper in Britain.

P2: As for me, I prefer to read magazines.There is a wide variety of them in Britain.

P1: Really? Will you name their titles?

P2: Surely. Their titles show that they cater for all tastes and interests:

  •             Do-it-Yourself
  •             Country Life
  •             British Chess Magazines
  •             Creative Needle Craft
  •             Dog News and Family Pets
  •             Good Housekeeping
  •             Homes and Gardens
  •             Modern knitting

P1: It's obvious that there are a lot of options both for boys and girls. By the way, have you ever dreamed about your own magazine?

P2: Yes, of course. I am fond of music and would like a magazine with a lot of amusing information about musicians, singers, composers, orchestras, pop-music groups.

P1: Would there be any horoscops, quizzes and a problem page

P2: We cannot ignore the fact that all these points are going to be a great attraction for readers.I'll think about it.

P1: I wish you to be lucky. I'm in a hurry, thank you for such an interesting exchange of opinions.

P2: The same to you, bye, I am looking forwar to our new meeting.

P1: Good bye, hope for our next communication.

III. Conclusion.

9. At the lesson we have spoken on the theme "Newspapers and Magazines in Ukraine and Great Britain". We have also know the difference in using the Present Perfect Simple and the Past Simple. The great majority of you are well prepared for the lesson. Thank you for cooperation. Now make sure that you have put your marks for taking part in all the tasks during the lesson summarize them, taking into account bonus and put the mark. I'll put it in your class journal.


10. Home task for the next lesson: give your own idea of the contents for a magazine for teens: Write down the advertisement, at last 5 sentences, and design the cover.




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4 грудня 2020
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