Урок англійської мови з теми "School newspaper" 8 клас

Про матеріал
комунікативна компетенція: мовленнєві функції: розпитувати з метою роз̕ яснення і уточнення інформації та надання необхідних відповідей; лінгвістична компетенція: лексична: Pre-school education, Primary education, Secondary education, A nursery school, A prep school, A public school, A comprehensive school, An independent school, A grammar school, A boarding school; граматична: Present Simple, Past Simple; мовленнєва компетенція: читання, говоріння ,аудіювання, письмо; соціокультурна компетенція: здатність привести до спільного знаменника рідну й іноземну культуру в межах змісту теми. загально навчальна компетенція: ефективно співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи.
Перегляд файлу

Урок англійської мови в 8 класі (укладено у співавторстві з учителем англійської мови Осолодковою О.М.)

Тема: Шкільне життя

Підтема: Проектна робота «Шкільна газета»

Тип: систематизації та узагальнення знань


комунікативна компетенція:

мовленнєві функції: розпитувати з метою роз̕ яснення і уточнення інформації та надання необхідних відповідей;

лінгвістична компетенція: лексична: Pre-school education, Primary education, Secondary education, A nursery school, A prep school, A public school, A comprehensive school, An independent school, A grammar school, A boarding school; граматична: Present Simple, Past Simple;

мовленнєва компетенція: читання, говоріння ,аудіювання, письмо;

соціокультурна компетенція: здатність привести до спільного знаменника рідну й іноземну культуру в межах змісту теми.

загально навчальна компетенція:

ефективно співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи.

Обладнання: підручники, зошити, словники, дошка, дидактичний матеріал (Card 1, Card 2, Card 3, Card 4), комп’ютер,   презентації.

Хід уроку

  1. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного матеріалу
  1. Greeting                                 

 Good morning!

I am glad to see you.

Take your sits, please.

Who is on duty today?

What day is it today?

What date is it today?

Who is absent today?

How are you?

  1. Aim

Today we are going to present our school newspaper. 

  1. Phonetic drill

As you know a newspaper is a part of mass-media. To begin with let’s complete the mind map and answer the questions “Where does the information come from?”

Work in groups.








Using the mind map let’s answer the question “What Does each kind of the media present?”

Card 1.

The Media

What It Presents


News, soap operas, documentaries, sports programs, quiz shows, feature films, etc.


News, entertainment programs, concerts, music quizzes, etc.


News, reviews, interviews, commentaries,  etc.


Sports, travel, computers, fashion, cars, home decorating, etc.

The Internet

Any kind of information on different websites.


  1. Основна частина.
  1. Listening Lab

The 20th century started the age of information. People in different continents get to know the latest news immediately. All this has become possible due to the development of science and technology. But the main kind of the mass-media still is the newspaper.

Please, listen to a short lecture about the structure of a newspaper and tick the statements “True” or “False“. You can tick the statements “True” or “False” during my reading. If you need I can read it ones more.



What’s happening around town? Who won the game last night? What’s on TV? If you want to get answers to these questions, read the newspaper. It will tell you all that and more. The reporters and freelance journalists will tell you about the national and local news, the weather and sports. You will also find opinions, feature stories, advice column, comics, entertainment, recipes, advertisements, and more. An index of the newspaper usually appears on the front page.The front page of a newspaper gives a lot of information. It tells the name of the paper. The city it is printed in is also on the front page. It will tell you how much the paper costs and the date it was published.

Most newspapers are divided into sections. The newspaper index tells the readers what topics the issue covers. The first section tells all the news. It provides the readers with news about your town. It will tell you what’s happening around the country and in the world.

The most important news is on the front page. The editorial is also there. It is a special article usually written by the editor. It gives his or her opinion on a topic of current importance. Newspaper headlines briefly tell the reader what the stories are about. Headlines usually answer the questions “Who?” and “What?”


Card 2.

___1. The editorial is on the front page of a newspaper.

___2. The news is published on the last page.

___3. You should look through the newspaper if you want to know the most important .

___4. You can find the information about international news in any newspaper.

___5. The date the newspaper is published is also on the front page.

___6. The price of the newspaper isn’t written anywhere.

___7. The newspaper index tells the readers what topics they issue covers.

___8. Newspaper headlines give detailed information about the events.


  1. Presenting projects.

So before you start presenting your projects let me remind you the main parts of the newspaper.

First of all it consists of some pages. But the main one is the front page. Here you can find the newspapers logo and title, the date and the price of the newspaper, a newspaper index, and current events, the main headlines, and the editorial.

And now let’s present your works using the table:

Card 3.

Name of the newspaper_________________________________________________________

Target readers ________________________________________________________________

                            (class, the school, parents, teachers)

The motto of the issue __________________________________________________________

Editor-in-chief ________________________________________________________________

Copy editors __________________________________________________________________


Production/ design decisions

Number of pages ______________________________________________________________

Number of articles _____________________________________________________________

Editorial decisions

Type of news sections __________________________________________________________

Journalists assigned ____________________________________________________________

Interviews ____________________________________________________________________

Presentations of the main topics or articles.


  1. Physical warm up.


Look at me and do as I am doing.

Look at me, close your eyes!

Turn them left! Turn them right!

Turn them up! Turn them down!

Now open your eyes!

Turn them left! Turn them right!

Turn them up! Turn them down!

Make an oval to the left and to the right!

Close your eyes and count till five!

Stop and let’s get back to our work!

  1. Conversation Lab

Discuss with your classmates which projects or what articles can be used in the school digest.

  1. Writing

Dictation- translation

Pre-school education – дошкільна освіта

Primary education – початкова школа

Secondary education – середня школа

A nursery school – дитяча школа

A prep school – приватна початкова школа

A public school – приватна школа в Великій Британії

A comprehensive school – загальноосвітня школа в Великій Британії

An independent school – загальноосвітня школа, яка знаходиться на утримання приватної організації

A grammar school – школа з поглибленим вивченням шкільних предметів

A boarding school – школа - інтернат





  1. Self – Assessment

Card 4.

Think of your records. Tick how well you know it.

4 = very well, 3 = OK, 2 = a little, 1 = needs to improve.


Now I can

    4   3    2    1


• read and understand an article from a newspaper or from the magazine

•find the necessary information  in a newspaper quickly 





• talk about the mass media

• ask and present information about current events



Listening Comprehensive

• understand the information during a discussion



• write a news stories




  1. Заключна частина.


T: Our lesson will be over soon.  Today we have finished our topic “School life” Let’s try to remember what we have done. Today we presented the projects of school newspapers. I think their worth of republican issue like Digest.

Home assignment

Your home assignment for the next lesson will be repeating lexical and grammar material of the topic.

Saying goodbye

Our lesson is over. You may be free! Good-bye!


13 грудня 2020
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