Подана розробка може бути використана під час роботи в англомовному загоні. Виготовлення "дерева передбачень" знайомить учнів з традиціями Великобританії.
Підготувала Вчитель англійської мови
Семенюк В.В.
Тематичний напрям: Arts and Crafts
Розробка заняття
The objectives: - to spread pupils’ knowledge about leisure of British children;
The equipment: glue, paper, scissors, paints, felt-tip pens.
The procedure
Group-leader: Today is the day of British traditions. I want to tell you about English children’s leisure. They like to make some funny things. And one of them is called “a fortune tree”. You can make it in different ways. But today we are going to make it from paper.
The teacher explains how to make the tree:
-2-3 children paint a tree without leaves;
-the other kids cut out the leaves from colourful paper .
Group-leader: And now we must think of some funny “predictions”. Use the structure “You will.” The fortunes must be funny, not evil or bad.
With the teacher’s help children think of some funny fortunes for each other:
You will visit Paris soon.
You will get a present – an elephant.
You will be a leading star in “Titanic”.
You will win 1 million dollars.
Every child writes his/her “prediction” on the leaf he/she has made. Then they glue it on the tree. After that they choose one of the leaves and read “prediction”.