Розробки уроків з англійської мови для 1 класу НУШ за темою "Friends"

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Розробки уроків з англійської мови для 1 класу НУШ за темою "Friends" до підручника Quick Minds
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Objectives: to introduce the Class Book characters and common greetings;

        to practice the character names and common greetings in the form of a chant;

        to develop learners’ pronunciation and speaking skills. 


Learning outcomes:

By the end of the lesson the learners will be able to:

name the characters according to the pictures;

ask and answer the question “What’s your name?”.


Equipment: CD, pictures, paper hands with words “Hello”, “Bye”



Stages of the lesson and timing

Teaching procedures and teacher’s language

Learner activities and language



5 mins

1. Teacher plays the song “HI! Hello!” to introduce the lesson.

2. Teacher encourages the children to join in with the words and to mime the actions as they sing.

3. Teacher greets the class by saying “Hello. How are you?”. Learners respond “I’m good”, “I’m great”.

4. When the last child says the word, get the children to jump up with their arms in the air as they say fun.






I’m OK.

I’m good!

I’m great!

I’m tired!

I’m not good!

Whole class

Presentation activity

1. Teacher introduces the vocabulary for this lesson using pictures. Holding them up one at a time the teacher says:

I’m Whisper.

I’m Thunder.

I’m Flash.

I’m Misty.

2. Teacher holds up and points to the picture. Point to each character in turn and say the names Whisper, Thunder, Flash, Misty.

3. Teacher plays the recording for the children to listen to the chant twice.

4. Teacher says the chant with the class. Learners say the chant and point to the picture.










Whisper, Thunder, Flash, Misty

Whole class

Consolidation activity

1. Teacher plays the recording for children to listen to the chant “Hello! What’s your name? ”

2. Teacher divides the class into groups of three and gives each group a character’s name.

3. Teacher says the chant with the class. Every time a group hears their ”name” they stand up and sit down quickly.

4. Teacher puts the learners into pairs and tells them to ask and answer the questions: “What’s your name?”


5. Teacher monitors the activity.

6. Teacher changes the learners’ roles and gives instruction to continue.

















Children’s names


“What’s your name?”



Whole class
















Pair work

Closing activity

1. Teacher puts the pictures of the children on the board.

2. Teacher encourages class to guess what’s his/her name.

3. Class answers.

4. Teacher says “It is time to finish. Good bye.”

5. Class stands up and says “Goodbye”.


Whole class


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Objectives: to learn the numbers 1-10 and practice their pronunciation;

        to use the numbers 1-10 in the context of a song;

         to develop learners’ listening and speaking skills;

        to make pupils love English.

Learning outcomes:

By the end of the lesson the learners will be able to:

name the numbers 1-10;

ask and answer the question “How old are you?”;

label the picture according to the number.


Equipment: CD, numbers, paper hands with words “Hello”, “Bye”.

Stages of the lesson and timing

Teaching procedures and teacher’s language

Learner activities and language




5 mins

1. Teacher plays the song “Hello! Hello! What’s your name?” to introduce the lesson.

2. Teacher greets the class by saying “Hello. How are you?”. Learners respond “I’m good”, “I’m great”.







I’m OK.

I’m good!

I’m great!

I’m tired!

I’m not so good!

Whole class

Presentation activity

1. Teacher introduces the vocabulary for this lesson using numbers. Holding them up one at a time the teacher says:











2. Teacher plays the recording and points to numbers 1-10 as hear the words. Children repeat the numbers after teacher and draw them in the air.

3. Teacher says the question “How old are you?” with the class. Learners answer and demonstrate the correct number with their fingers.




















Whole class

Consolidation activity

1. Teacher plays the recording for children to listen to the chant “How old are you?”

2. Teacher says “Let’s play the game Simon says…”

3. Teacher says the children to stand at their desks and explains that she is going to give instructions. If the instruction begins with the words Simon says…, children must do as teacher asks. If not, they should stand still and wait for the next instruction.

4. Teacher puts the learners into pairs and tells them to ask and answer the questions: “How old are you?”


5. Teacher monitors the activity.

6. Teacher changes the learners’ roles and gives instruction to continue.













“How old are you?”








Whole class























Pair work

Closing activity

1. Teacher puts the numbers 1-10 on the board.

2. Teacher encourages class to count from 1 to 10 and from 10 to 1.

4. Teacher says “It is time to finish. Good bye.”

5. Class stands up and says “Goodbye”.


Whole class



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Objectives: to learn the new colours (red, yellow, blue, green, orange, purple and brown);

       to revise the numbers 1-10 and practice them in speaking;

         to develop learners’ listening and speaking skills;

         to develop pupils’ imagination and memory.

Learning outcomes:

By the end of the lesson the learners will be able to:

name the colours (red, yellow, blue, green, orange, purple and brown);

describe numbers and balloons;

using active vocabulary.


Equipment: CD, numbers, paper hands with words “Hello”, “Bye”, colours flashcards 1-10; coloured crayons.

Stages of the lesson and timing

Teaching procedures and teacher’s language

Learner activities and language




5 mins

1. Teacher plays the song

 “Red and yellow ,

 green and blue colours, colours

 I love you” to introduce the lesson.

2. Teacher greets the class by saying “Hello. How old are you?”. Learners respond “I’m six”, “I’m seven”.







“I’m six”

“I’m seven”.


Whole class

Presentation activity

1. Teacher introduces the vocabulary for this lesson using colours. Holding them up one at a time the teacher says:

red, yellow, blue, green, orange, purple and brown.

2. Teacher plays the recording and points to colours as hear the words. Children repeat the colours after teacher.

3. Teacher says the question “What colour is it?” with the class. Learners answer and demonstrate the correct colour with their crayons.









red, yellow, blue, green, orange, purple and brown

Whole class

Consolidation activity

1. Teacher plays the recording for children to listen to the chant “What colour is it?”

2. Teacher says “Let’s play the game Word Chain to revise the vocabulary.”

3. Teacher  puts the Colours flashcards in different places around the classroom and plays the chant again. Children say the chant in time with the audio and point to the correct flashcards when they say the word.

4. Teacher puts the learners into pairs and tells them to ask and answer the questions: “What colour is it?”


5. Teacher monitors the activity.

6. Teacher changes the learners’ roles and gives instruction to continue.






















“What colour is it?”



Whole class























Pair work

Closing activity

1. Teacher puts the numbers 1-10 on the board.

2. Teacher encourages class to count from 1 to 10 and from 10 to 1.

3. Teacher says “It is time to finish. Good bye.”

4. Class stands up and says “Goodbye”.


Whole class


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Theme: Colours and balloons


Objectives: to present the new words (balloons and hat);

        to practice the pronunciation of  them;

       to revise the colours and practice them in speaking;

         to develop pupils’ imagination and memory.

Learning outcomes:

By the end of the lesson the learners will be able to:

describe balloons and hats ;

use active vocabulary.


Equipment: CD, balloons, hats, paper hands with words “Hello”, “Bye”, coloured crayons, pencil case.

Stages of the lesson and timing

Teaching procedures and teacher’s language

Learner activities and language




5 mins

1. Teacher plays the song

 “Balloons are red,

 Balloons are blue

 Balloons are green

 And yellow too” to introduce the lesson.

2. Teacher greets the class.

3. Teacher introduces the game “What’s missing” and plays it to energize the class.  











“I’m Ok”

“I’m great”.


Whole class

Presentation activity

1. Teacher introduces the vocabulary for this lesson using flashcards. Teacher says the words for children to repeat in chorus. Once children have learnt the words, teacher goes around the class practicing with individual children.

2. Teacher plays the recording and points to words as hear them. Children repeat the words after teacher.

3. Teacher says the question “What colour is the hat?” with the class. Learners answer “My hat is…” and demonstrate the correct colour with their paper hat.










Whole class

Consolidation activity

1. Teacher says “Let’s play the game “Jump” to revise the vocabulary.” Teacher asks the children to stand at their desks, holds up a balloon and says a colour. If the balloon is the same as the colour, they jump. If it isn’t, they keep still.

2. Teacher puts the learners into pairs and tells them to ask and answer the questions: “What colour is it?”


3. Teacher monitors the activity.

4. Teacher changes the learners’ roles and gives instruction to continue.














“What colour is it?”



Whole class












Pair work

Closing activity

1. Teacher starts getting crayons out of the pencil case.

2. Teacher encourages class to guess what colour it is by asking “What colour is this pencil?”

3. Class answers “It is…” 

3. Teacher says “It is time to finish. Good bye.”

4. Class stands up and says “Goodbye”.


Whole class



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Theme: Friends 5


Objectives: to present the new words and word combinations;

        to practice the pronunciation of  them;

       to revise the colours and practice them in speaking;

       to revise the vocabulary of the previous lessons;

         to develop pupils’ imagination and memory.

Learning outcomes:

By the end of the lesson the learners will be able to:

use active vocabulary;

label the pictures according to the topic;

describe children, things and colours;

act out the story.


Equipment: CD, paper hands with words “Hello”, “Bye”, coloured crayons, toys.


Stages of the lesson and timing

Teaching procedures and teacher’s language

Learner activities and language




5 mins

1. Teacher plays the song

 “Hello! Hello! Hello! How are you?” to introduce the lesson.

2. Teacher greets the class.

3. Teacher introduces the game “Odd-one-out” and plays it to energize the class.  






“I’m Ok”

“I’m great”.


Whole class

Presentation activity

1. Teacher introduces the vocabulary for this lesson using flashcards. Teacher says the words for children to repeat in chorus. Once children have learnt the words, teacher goes around the class practicing with individual children.

2. Teacher divides the class into six groups.

3. Teacher gives the set of cards (colours, numbers) to one of the groups. Teacher says a word. The group holds the card up. The learners shout out the word. 

4. Teacher plays the story “Meet the Super Friends” and children point to the pictures.

5. Teacher plays the story again, pausing after each line for children to repeat. 










Whole class












Group work

Consolidation activity

1. Teacher says “Let’s try to act out a story “Meet the Super Friends”.

2. Teacher puts the learners into pairs and they try to repeat the sentences after teacher.

3. Teacher monitors the activity.

4. Teacher changes the learners’ roles and gives instruction to continue.















Whole class




Pair work










Closing activity

1. Teacher says “Let’s  play the Miming game”.

2. Teacher encourages class to guess who says the  word by asking “Whose voice is it?”

3. Class shows the correct answer using mime. 

3. Teacher says “It is time to finish. Good bye.”

4. Class stands up and says “Goodbye”.



Whole class




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Theme: Friends 6 Review


Objectives: to review language from the unit “Friends”;

        to practice the intonation of  questions;

       to revise the colours and numbers;

         to develop pupils’ imagination and memory.

Learning outcomes:

By the end of the lesson the learners will be able to:

work together in groups to play a game;

practise numbers 1-10 and count objects around them;

tell three sentences about themselves.

Equipment: CD, coloured crayons, sheet of paper for each pupil, flashcards.

Stages of the lesson and timing

Teaching procedures and teacher’s language

Learner activities and language




5 mins

1. Teacher plays the chant

“One, two, three, four, five…” to introduce the lesson.

2. Teacher greets the class.

3. Teacher draws any of the numbers 1-10 in the air for pupils to see.

4. Pupils guess the number.






Whole class

Presentation activity

1. Teacher prepares pictures of animals pupils have learnt.

2. Teacher shows one picture.

3. Pupils look at the picture and describe it, for example: One yellow giraffe or two  grey hippos.

4. Teacher plays the chant “How old are you?” and learners answer one by one.

5. Teacher asks the class to play the game “Whispers”

6. Teacher organizes children in groups of at least six and shows a flashcard to the first child in each group. This child whispers the word to the child next to him/her until the word reaches the final child. The final child says the word aloud, and the first child holds up the flashcard to see whether the word and the flashcard are the same.












“How old are you?”








Whole class

















Pair work

Consolidation activity

1. Teacher says “Let’s play the game ‘Simon says’”. 

2. Teacher gives the example by saying to pupils “Simon says Say hello”.

3. Teacher encourages pupils to act out Say hello motion.

4. Teacher continues the activity using the verbs sing, count, say goodbye, sit down, stand up, listen, hands up, hands down.

5. Teacher asks pupils to draw their favourite animal with their crayons.















Whole class














Closing activity

1. Teacher says to pupils “Show me something red” and encourages pupils to do this task.

2. Teacher gives instructions using green, blue, purple, orange and yellow colours.

3. Class shows the correct answer using different things.

4. Teacher says “It is time to finish. Good bye.”

5. Class stands up and says “Goodbye”.



Whole class



29 серпня 2019
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