Самостійна робота з теми "Медіа"

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Самостійна робота з теми "Медіа"..................................................................................................................................................................................

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Task 1    Translate into English

Засоби масової інформації, радіо, телебачення, програма, новини, газета, легенда, глядачі, знаменитий, регулярно

Task 2    «Check Your Memory».

  • All the people and organizations that provide information and news for the public,

including television, radio, and newspapers. (the mass media)

  • A set of large folded sheets of printed paper containing news, articles, pictures,

advertisements, etc. which is sold daily or weekly. (a newspaper)

  • Information about something that has happened recently. (the news)
  • A large thin book with a paper cover that contains news stories, articles, photographs,

etc., and is sold weekly or monthly. (a magazine)

  • A piece of electronic equipment which you use to listen to programmes that are broadcast, such as music and news. (radio)
  • Someone who writes news reports for newspapers, magazines, television, or radio.

(a journalist)

  • Someone whose job is to write about news events for a newspaper, or to tell people about them on television or on the radio. (a reporter)

Task 3 Answer the questions

1) What sources of information do you often use?

2) What sources of information do you trust? Why?

3) What kind of information should the mass media inform people about?

4) What do you think about information concerning the private life of well-known

people in the mass media?

Task 4  Write a dialogue in which ask: Ask your partners

— watches the news on TV regularly;

— thinks that television is a reliable source of information;

— thinks that television is under control of the government.

ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку

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21 серпня 2018
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