Самостійна робота з теми "Професія"

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Самостійна робота з теми "Професія"..................................................................................................................................................................................

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Task 1    Translate into English

Професія, вибір, гроші, популярний, механік, інженер, журналіст, посада, освідчений, робітник

Task 2 Translate into Ukrainian

    Den wondered if Susan had already chosen her future profession. Susan answered

that she had already made a decision. Den asked what Susan was going to be and

Susan answered that she would like to be a biometric identification specialist. Den

told that he had never heard about such a profession. Susan said she wasn’t surprised

because it was a new profession but it would be required in the near future. Den

asked Susan if she could say a bit more about that profession. Susan explained that

biometric identification specialists develop the technology to identify people based

on an eye, palm or voice scan. She added that the specialists of that profession were

required in military and government establishments and institutions. Susan also

wondered if Den had decided about his future profession. Den answered that he

hadn’t decided yet and added that he still had enough time to make his choice.

Task 3 Answer the questions

1) Is it easy for teenagers to find a job in our country?

2) What kind of job can teenagers find in our country?

3) How long can teenagers work in our country?

4) Are teenagers in our country paid the same as adults?


21 серпня 2018
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