Тест з граматики з англійської мови 9 клас

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Тест з граматики з англійської мови для 9 класу . Перевіряються такі навички, як вживання умовних речень, способи передачі майбутнього часу,perfect infinitive з модальними дієсловами

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Form 9

Test in Grammar


Task I. Choose the correct item.

  1. I didn’t tell … about it.

  1. somebody
  2. nobody
  3. anybody

  1. What would you do if you … a million pounds?

  1. win
  2. won
  3. will win

  1. … is wearing my hat?

  1. Who
  2. What
  3. Why

  1. It … be raining outside – I can see people with umbrellas.

  1. must
  2. can
  3. need

  1. The plane leaves … 9 o’clock tomorrow.

  1. at
  2. on
  3. in

  1. I’m very pleased … you again!

  1. see
  2. seeing
  3. to see

  1. … Simon and Richard like Mary.

  1. All
  2. Both
  3. Neither

  1. He’s ill. He hasn’t been to school … Tuesday.

  1. ago
  2. since
  3. for

  1. We … go shopping today if you don’t want to.

  1. needn’t
  2. can’t
  3. may

  1. There’s no point … her. She never helps anyone.

  1. ask
  2. to ask
  3. asking

  1. You drive a Mercedes, …?

  1. don’t you
  2. didn’t you
  3. do you

  1. Look at the cat! It’s cleaning …!

  1. it
  2. its
  3. itself

  1. Andrew … for this company for ten years so far.

  1. had been working
  2. had worked
  3. has been working

  1. If I were you, I … to bed early.

  1. will go
  2. would go
  3. won’t go


Task II. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

  1. He is not ill. If he (to be) ill, he (not to play) tennis so much.
  2. If we (not to hurry), we'll miss the train.
  3. If Meg had studied harder, she (to enter) the University.
  4. If I won the lottery, I (to go) on an exotic holiday.
  5. If I have some spare time, I (always to go) shopping.
  6. She won't talk to you if you (not to apologize) for your behaviour.
  7. I'm sure they would offer me a job if I (know) two foreign languages.
  8. If I lost my wallet, I (to phone) the police
  9. Would you go to the moon if you (to have) the chance?
  10. If I didn't like flying, I (not to be) a pilot
  11. If she (to recharge) her battery, she won't be able to use her CD player.
  12. He wouldn't have become a successful lawyer if he (not to study) hard at school.


Task III. Open the brackets using one of the tenses expressing future.

  1. Take an umbrella. It (to rain).
  2. Attention, please! The next race (to start) at 9.30.
  3. I (to go) to the cinema tonight. I already have a ticket.
  4. Why are you leaving? Have you finished? – No, I am not. But I (to have) a rest.
  5. I don’t feel very well. I think I (to faint).
  6. Please don’t call me this afternoon. I (to do) some important work.
  7. By the time we get to London we (to drive) over two hundred miles.
  8. He (to come) back to Moscow on the 15th of December.


Task IV. Rewrite the sentences using should + infinitive (perfect infinitive).

  1. It’s strange for him to have been late. He’s usually on time.
  2. It’s natural for parents to worry about their children.
  3. “You really must stay a little longer”, she said to me. She insisted that …
  4. It’s very important for everyone to listen very carefully.
  5.  “Why don’t you visit the museum after lunch?” I said to them. I suggested that …
  6. “You must pay the rent by Friday at the latest”, he said to us. He demanded that …
  7. It’s impossible for him to have failed his exam.
  8. Isn’t it typical of her to leave without saying goodbye?


Task V. Find the mistakes and correct them.

  1. The goat was one of first animals to be domesticated.
  2. In May Aaron will have be working in our marketing division for five years.
  3. In 1837 Victoria, an eighteen-year-old woman, named Queen of England.
  4. Tom was the man which helped me to paint my house.
  5. Sandra had visited the zoo with her friends yesterday.
  6. I’d be happier if I don’t have to work so hard.


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