Match the descriptions with films` names. In a spangle purple jumpsuit, Bullock nails every last bit of physical comedy: failing to climb a stool elegantly, kicking over a bin during a tantrum, being hauled through the jungle while tied to a chair. Bullock’s goofiness was fruitfully exploited in this comedy about an FBI agent going undercover as a beauty pageant contestant. The unseen menace in Bird Box causes anyone who looks at it to kill themselves, hence the blindfolds that Bullock, as a frantic mother, forces her children to wear. A tyrannical Canadian publishing executive decides to marry her despised PA to stay in the US when her visa expires.
Номер слайду 4
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Номер слайду 6
Home work. Ex. 1 – уявіть себе журналістами, вам потрібно утворити питання в правильному часі та надати відповіді на них. Підготуватись до контрольної роботи.