Сценарій "Церемонія відкриття мовного табору "

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Сценарій відкриття мовного табору "Opening ceremony of the GoCamp "Sun Ray" містить маиеріали для проведення урочистої лінійки.
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Opening Ceremony of the English summer  Go camp «SUN RAY»

Okhtyrka gymnasium , Sumy Region 2019


Objectives:  to develop singing, dancing abilities, attention, observation;

 to motivate pupils for practicing English ;

to develop speaking and listening skills;

to improve pupils` pronunciation and acting skills.


S.1: - Hello, dear friends!


S.2: – Good morning boys and girls!

Welcome to our English summer camp “SUN RAY”!


S.1: We open English summer camp,

And do this act at first


S.2: You will be joined into teams

So, wish you friendly time,


S.1: Enjoy the awesome camping rest

And have a happy life!

S.2: Gymnasium hosts reliable students

Who are very kind, attentive and honest.

We are very cheerful, supportive and gay,

We 'd like to learn English in the best way.


S.1:  We co-work with GO-GLOBAL

And exchange our own views.

Build the skills and gain perspective

To give knowledge for the youth!


S.2: Let’s sing together , dance a bit

And make fantastic show!


 S.2:  We would be pleased

If you could smile,

Be happy and polite


S.1:Now please stand up and stand straight! Please bring the flag into the hall!

The Anthem of Ukraine , Anthem2 (European Union)


We greet everybody at Opening  Ceremony of our summer camp at Okhtyrka gymnasium!

(bringing the flag of Ukraine and European Union)

(Flags Performance)



S.2:  And now I’ll invite into our stage the Principal of our summer language camp, English Teacher Miss Liudmyla Anatoliyivna Hovorun with greeting words.

Let’s speak English!

Let’s go global!

Let’s make friends!

S.1: And now it’s high time to present all our groups who will have rest and work at the camp.

       Group 1 “………………”  …………..

       Group 2 “…………….” ………

        All the groups present their mottos and songs. (Presentation of teams)


S.2: This year we have our own summer song “Hey, hey, it’s a wonderful day…” So let’s demonstrate how it’s cool to sing all together!

(Camp Song “Hey, hey…”)


S.1:  S.2:  Dear teams! Be attentive! Listen to The rules of our language camp:
*Be friendly
*Support your team
*Believe in yourself
*Don’t give up even when you can’t solve the problem
*Do not be ashamed of asking for help
*Try to speak English everywhere
*Be creative and take up Art
*Enrich your outlook every day
*Try to get to know more and more
*Respect the opinions of others
*Do not be afraid of making mistakes. We are here to study


S.2:  There is a solemn moment of Opening Ceremony. The members  of our  camp will give a solemn oath:

To respect each other— we promise.

To Speak English everywhere— we promise.

To believe in sincere friendship — we promise.

To be creative and active – we promise.

To love work, games  and songs — we promise!

S.1: -You are great,

That’s the word !

Welcome to this fantastic world!

S.2:   -And now team “…………………”  ,please, on the stage!

Prove that you are real stars of your age! ……………………..


S.1:I know, the best way to improve English

Is to communicate with native speaker.

The proverb says: «Its better to try ones

Than listen for a hundred times».

We congratulate our volunteer Emmanuel Tosin with greeting words.


S.2:   -We are happy that summer has come

The school is over and we have fun!


S.1:  – We are free and can do whatever we like

Listen to music and ride a bike!


S.2:   – Now Team “……………………….” it’s your turn to come,

Relax and enjoy and have some fun! ( ………………………..)


 S.1:   -Let’s watch films and make crosswords

Discuss interesting topics and anecdotes!


 S.2:  -Let’s speak English all the time

Improve our skills and have some fun!


S.1:    -Let’s sing and dance

Study English all at once! ( The song by………………………….


S.2:    5) We have a great desire

Inside our soul there is a fire-

To live in a healthy nation

It does not matter your location! (………………………………)

S.1:    How it’s enjoyable to listen

To an amazing instrument…

The melody of the bandura

Will make your soul happier at all!

( Meet Nastya Zaratuyko with her instrument , the bandura)

S.2: Let’s listen, children, to the girl

Who always stays so kind and strong.

Her voice is always as a pearl

So greet Tetiana with her song. (The song byTetiana Komisarovs’ka  «I ask the sky»)


S.1:  – We are sure you like to dance

Clap your hands all at once!


S.2:    We are so great, so clever and strong

So, let’s dance  together our camp Flash  Mob!

 Flash Mob of all the Summer Campers


















11 квітня 2020
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