Сценарій "Magic Party"

Про матеріал
Сценарій розроблений на основі матеріалів для позакласної роботи. Захід зорієнтований на прищеплення учням інтересу до вивчення англійської мови та розвитку їх творчих здібностей. Зміст сценарію підходить до теми "Література".
Перегляд файлу


TEACHER: Dear guests! We know that you are experts in English. Today we are having a party devoted to the English language – the means of communication and fun!

(The pupils sing a song “English party”)

TEACHER: Recently, travelling through the “Space of Literature”, we’ve been to a desert island. And among the other wonders we found a Treasure Box. We brought it to our school! We think that we are the richest, the most powerful and famous now! Would you like to see the treasures in our Treasure Box? Let’s peep into it!

(The teacher takes out a “?” from the box )

TEACHER: What a wonderful thing! It has a task in the envelope! Oh, can you solve riddles?

  1. I have green eyes,

I like to eat mice!

What am I? (a cat)

  1. I am green,

I am angry,

I live in the river,

I am … (a crocodile)

  1. It gives us milk

And butter too.

It is very kind

And likes to say “moo”. (a cow)

  1. What is white

And has a chick inside? (an egg)

  1. It always beats and hops,

It never sleeps or stops,

And never we part

With our little … (heart)

  1. The teacher writes on me with chalk.

My face is black,

I cannot talk. (a blackboard)

TEACHER: What else is there in the box?

(The teacher takes out a CD)

 TEACHER: Let’s sing a song!

(The pupils sing a song “Old McDonald had a farm”)

TEACHER: There are still a lot of treasures in our Magic Treasure Box! Look! A Smiling Face! You know humour is a passport that let you go where you want to. Keep smiles on your faces!

(The pupils read jokes and anecdotes)

  1. The First Customer

A young man left college and decided to set up his own agency. His rich uncle died and left him a lot of money. So, he found a nice office, bought furniture and moved in.

Somebody knocked at the door. “It’s my first customer!” the young man thought. He picked up the telephone and pretended to be very busy. The man at the door waited and then said, “I’m from the telephone company. I’m here to connect your telephone”.

  1. A Wise Young Man

In a train a man sitting opposite an attractive woman of 35 wanted to make acquaintance with her. So, he started the conversation.

  • Do you have a family? he asked.
  • Yes. I have one son, she replied.
  • Does he smoke? he asked again.
  • No.
  • I don’t smoke either. Does your son drink wine?
  • Oh, no!
  • And does he ever come home late at night?
  • Never. He goes to bed just after his dinner.
  • Well, he is a wise young man. How old is he?
  • He is 6 months old today.

TEACHER: Oh, what wonderful is the land of fairy tales!

(The teacher takes out a Crystal Shoe)

TEACHER: Now it’s time to enjoy the performance “Cinderella”

(The pupils act in the extract from the tale “Cinderella”)

TEACHER: People usually communicate through speaking or singing, but there is the language without words – it’s a dance!

(The teacher takes out a Ball Dress)

PUPIL:  I met a beautiful girl

Who came from another land.

I couldn’t speak her language,

But I took her by the hand.

We danced together

And had such fun!

Dancing is the language

You can speak with anyone!

(The pupils are dancing a waltz)

TEACHER: When we are new born, our emotions are very limited. But we grow up and they develop too. And one of the best feelings is love.

PUPIL:  Love is patient and kind.

Love is happy only with the truth.

Love never gives up.

TEACHER: William Shakespeare sensitively described this feeling in his sonnets.

(The teacher takes out a Heart)

PUPIL: Sonnet #130

My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun;

Coral is far more red than her lips’ red;

If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;

If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.

I have seen roses damask’d, red and white,

But no such roses see I in her cheeks;

And in some perfumes is there more delight

Than in her breath that from my mistress reeks.

I love to hear her speak, - yet well I know

That music hath a far more pleasing sound:

I grant I never saw a goddess go, -

My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground.

And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare

As any she belied with false compare.

TEACHER: As you can see, there is no more valuable treasures than a word. “In the beginning was the word”, it is said in the Bible. The man can be killed not with the sword, but with the word, and, on the other hand, he can be raised to the Heaven by it. And gathered together in the poetical efforts the words become the most beautiful and powerful things in the world.

Do not concentrate on diamonds, but fill yourselves with wise words of prose and poetry and then your hearts and souls will remain the treasure boxes themselves!




Пов’язані теми
Англійська мова, Сценарії
27 лютого 2021
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