Сценарій позакласного заходу на тему "Etiquette around the world"

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Сценарій позакласного заходу на тему "Etiquette around the world". матеріал цікавий для учнів середньої та старшої школи.
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Тема“ Etiquette around the world”



• виробляти мовленнєві навички студентів, удосконалювати діалогічне мовлення іноземною мовою; навчити студентів висловлювати свою думку, аргументувати її, давати оцінку фактам.

• продовжувати розвивати інтелектуальну та пізнавальну діяльність студентів; розвивати швидку мовленнєву реакцію, уміння логічного викладу думок, розвивати пізнавальні здібності.

• розширити загальний та філологічний кругозір студентів; розширити соціокультурну компетенцію студентів,  узагальнити їхні знання про етикет навколо світу, манери спілкування та поведінки у різних країнах, етикету харчування.

• виховати почуття єдності, доброти, взаємодопомоги, повагу до культури інших країн.



  1. Prepare presentations/projects “Etiquette”, “Gestures”, “Eats and West”, “Table Manners”.
  2. Act out the dialogues.

Хід заходу

1. Greeting.

S.1. Good afternoon dear students, teachers and guests. We gathered together to speck and think about very interesting theme “Etiquette around the world”. S.2. When we are with people from different countries, we sometimes have misunderstandings or make mistakes in behaviour or speech. But today you have a chance to find out these features to avoid these misunderstandings in future. We are going to check your knowledge of manners at all and also find out if you are bright, quick – witted in different kind of situations. We are going to play different games, watch exciting videos, listen to great presentations, and solve different quizzes and puzzles. Do you like it???

- So, let’s start our intellectual and funny holiday.



2. Warm - up:
S.1. 1). What do you think the word “ETIQUETTE” means?
S.2. 2). Translate the following quotation: “”.


3. What does it mean “Proper Greetings”?

S. 1. Around the word when the people meet, they greet each other. Often, after greetings they have conversation. We must know that not to greet a familiar person is unacceptable - it will be perceived as an insult.

In greetings the man must be first with woman; the junior must be first with senior. When we greet we say these words: "Good morning / afternoon / evening", "hello", "welcome.“ Then we can say name of our companion.

S.2.You must look in eyes of a person you talk to. You’d better smile and your voice should be friendly. And remember – to greet a person means to show your respect to her/him.


4. Standards of behaviour in society.

S.1. Before you enter the rooms, usually in the cloakroom, take off your outer clothing and hat. Women can not take off their headdress. Also you should take off your footwear. Intelligent people are always able to maintain a conversation on any topic, and to listen to anyone. In general living in human society means to see, talk, and interact with people every day. And if you adhere to etiquette rules it will give you opportunities for self-expression, self-development. It will give you the way to implement your ideas and plans into live and be successful.

S.2. What do you think do we have the differences between the cultures, e.g. East and West Culture???

S.1. But we want also introduce you the differences between East and West cultures. We have two representatives of these two cultures: Zaparaniuk Oksana and Ivaschuk Vika. They are going to present you the main particularities of East and West cultural traditions by means of exciting presentation, video and dancing.  

Appendix 1. Presentation, video and dancing.


5. Gestures.

S.2. Let’s go on. If you want to be successful in business or simply achieve substantial conversation and avoid misunderstandings, you need to understand gestures that are important part of nonverbal communication.

S.1. Now, you have a chance to attend a lesson of teaching gestures. Our teachers are Vyshnivetska Olga and Maliavska Lilia.

Appendix 2. Gesture presentation.


6. Mobile communication etiquette.

S.2. Nowadays, you can’t imagine your life without the mobile phones. Do you know the rules of usage the mobile phones? (question to the public).

S.1. We are going to introduce them to you:

  • Try to switch off mobile phone if there is a "Please turn off your mobile phone" warning. For example, in airplanes or in medical facilities.
  •  Remember to switch your mobile phone in the "silent" mode or use the voice mail service in theaters, museums, exhibitions, cinemas.
  • Choose the ring tones which will be pleasant not only for you, but to others.
  • In public places: shopping, transportation, elevators try to speak quietly and briefly not to disturb others with your conversation.

Appendix 3.


7. Guests. International Etiquette.

S.1. Do you know the rules of visiting your friends and relatives abroad? Imagine that you have one of them in England, Japan or Germany. What should you do? What should be your behaviour?

S.2. We have a chance to find out the particularities of guest meetings abroad to avoid misunderstandings.

Appendix 4. Pantomimes. (Kovalska Vika and Boys from group E 26).

S.1. Now, listen to attentively what was done wrong in every country.



8. Table manners.

S.1. We are not born with good manners. But we should try to obtain and teach our children. A person with good manners is a person who knows how to treat other people well. We need to be shown over and over how to behave in situations. The table is a good place to start teaching these skills.

S.2. Table manners teach you courtesy towards other people. In addition, table manners allow children to feel confident, whether they are eating at a friend\s place or at a restaurant. Translate the following phrases. What does …..mean?

S.1. You have a chance to watch the video.

Appendix 5. Video watching “Table manners”.


S.1. We have decided to dedicate a little this concert to tea ceremony, because tea plays a very important role in every day’s life.

S.2. Lenko Bohdana and Voitsewko Viktoria will present you the origin of Tea and Tea ceremony in England and Japan. Listen to them attentively, please.



P 1. Tea is one of the oldest drinks. It was first in manuscripts, which dates back to the year 2700 BC.

P 2. And nowadays people all over the world consider tea to be the best -drink.

P 1. But especially tea is appreciated in Japan, which is famous for its tea ceremonies.

P 2. Japanese tea history dates back from l2 century. At first, they knew only the local sorts of poor quality. They found out about the taste real tea only in the 12th century. The monk Eisay found that the tea of a high quality was grown in the town Udzi. It was the beginning of Japanese tea drinking.

P 1. In Japan tea drinking is not the simple drinking. It is a special ceremony (tia-no-yu), where a silent meditation and communication take place. Its preparation is a creation, a special ceremony, which requires silence, isolation and quietness.

P 1. Even today an average Japanese can't name all sorts of tea. That is because there is a great variety of tea in Japan. Still, they single out two major types of tea — leaf-tea and powder-tea.   

P 2. Extra-class green tea— giokuro (which means “precious drop”) is made of the upper leaves of the tea bush. It is called 'matcha'. This powder-tea is used only for the tea ceremony.

P 1. The second-rate green tea is called 'sentia'. It is made of the leaves of the second layer of the tea bush. It is quite expensive. It is served in expensive restaurants or at home for special quests

P 2. In everyday life the Japanese drink the tea 'bantia'. It is made of the older leaves of the lower layer of the tea bush.

P 1. As there were so many sorts of tea in Japan, so the Japanese often gathered together to find out which sort of tea is the best. So they arranged so called tea tournaments.

P 2. These tea tournaments took place in the house of a rich man, who invited a lot of tea experts. At the beginning they put three cups of tea in front of Budda. Then the service-man (as a rule it was the son of the host of the tea tournament) gave a cup of powder green tea to each of the guests.

P 1. Then the service-man brought in the vase with the boiled water and poured it into the cups. When everyone had tasted the first kind of drink, the new cups with the new kind of tea were brought in.

P 2. During this tea tournament guests were supposed to choose 'good' and bad' sorts of tea. The prize was given to the person who guessed more sorts of tea. These tea-drinking lasted for a long time and they were called 'tournament of 10 cups', 'tournament of 50 cups', 'tournament of 100 cups'. Soon tea tournaments became a kind of entertainment for the Japanese.

P 1. And do you know when the tea appeared?
All pupils. NO!

P 1. According to the legend it appeared in China.

P 2. Once upon a time according to the legend, while meditating Budda felt that his eyes were closed and he, against his will, was falling asleep. Then he became very angry with himself, pulled out his eyelids and threw them on the ground.

P 1. On this place a marvelous bush with juicy leaves appeared. Later Budda's pupils boiled these leaves and drank this drink. It helped them to stay fit.

P 2 The author of the tea ceremony 'tianoyu' is considered to be a priest Murat Siuko. He named the four main principles of the tea ceremony,

P 1 . The first is the principle of respect — respect not only to each other, I     but also to the nature, to the world, to the ceremony.

Р 2. The second is the principle of purity— the inner purity of thoughts-and intentions.

P 1. The third principle of the tea ceremony 'tianoyu' is the principle of silence. The silence which helps to concentrate and to recognize ourself. This principle shows the tea ceremony as a silent conversation to the contact without words.

P 2. The fourth and the last principle is the principle of harmony - harmony with the world, nature, with oneself.

P 1. And now let's go to China and visit a tea ceremony. In average tea ceremony requires only a simple teapot, wooden spoon, thick ceramic cup. Because this ceremony has an incredible influence on the participants.

Сценка «Чаювання в Англії»

Guests. Good evening!

Housekeeper. Oh, good evening dear guests!

Wife. Come in, please.Сідають за накритий стіл.

Guest wife. Oh, what lovely cups you've got!

Wife. It's a present from John's parents for our anniversary.

Guest wife. What a beautiful present!

Housekeeper. So, maybe, we'll drink some tea?

Guest man. Good idea!Господиня наливає чай у чашки.

Guest wife. Thank you! What a beautiful weather again, isn't it?

Wife. Yes, lovely! What a splendid summer we've had so far this year!       Housekeeper. By the way, have you heard that young Patrick has had another accident in his car?

Guest wife. How awful! Is he badly hurt?

Housekeeper. Well, they took him to hospital, but I don't think it was serious because he is coming again today

Wife. I suppose he was driving flat out again. Only yesterday I was telling Mrs. Elli how madly he drives. And all his friends are just the same!

Guest wife. What wild things young men are these days! Mm... I've got some news for you too. Have you heard that Eve Browning is getting married for the third time!

Wife. Fancy that! She only got her second divorce in the spring.

Guest wife. Her first marriage only lasted six months — and that was only in 2004.

Guest man. So, maybe it's her hobby to change husbands?

Housekeeper. Ha-ha you are right!

Guest man. By the way, as for hobbies. I've heard your daughter's hobby is singing.

Housekeeper. Right you are!

Guest wife. So maybe, she'll sing something to us.

Wife. Certainly, she will! Martha, come here, please! Заходить Марта.

Martha. Good evening!

Guest man, Guest wife. Good evening!

Guest man. How are you Martha?

Martha. Thanks, I'm Ok.

Guest wife. You are, pretty girl! You look like your mother!

Martha. Thanks.

Guest man. So, maybe, will you pretty girl, sing something to us?

Martha. With pleasure!

Марта співає пісню!

Appendix 6. Presentation “Tea”. Act out the dialogues and song.


9. Activities.

1. Quiz “Knowledge of different Cultures”.

2. Test “Table Manners”.


10. Conclusion. 





24 листопада 2021
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