Intellectual game “The smartest”

Про матеріал
Intellectual game “The smartest” Мета: - узагальнити знання учнів про географію, історію, культуру, традиції, населення, державний устрій основних англомовних країн; - розвити ерудицію учнів, їхню зорову та слухову пам′ять, вміння усного спілкування, мовну здогадку та логічне мислення учнів; - виховувати інтерес та повагу до культури іншомовного світу, розуміння важливості володіння іноземною мовою як засобу спілкування.
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                     Великояблуньківський ліцей





Інтелектуальний   конкурс

“The smartest”



                        Провела вчитель

                                                     англійської мови

                                                Голодюк Л.В.

    Intellectual game “The smartest”



-         узагальнити знання учнів про географію, історію, культуру, традиції, населення, державний устрій основних англомовних країн;

-         розвити ерудицію учнів, їхню зорову та слухову пам′ять, вміння усного спілкування, мовну здогадку та логічне мислення учнів;

-        виховувати інтерес та повагу до культури іншомовного світу, розуміння важливості володіння іноземною мовою як засобу спілкування.


Обладнання:  ноутбук, проектор, картки із завданнями, дипломи учасникам.


Учасники: дві команди (по 5 учасників) 9 і 10 класів, ведучі, журі, глядачі.


                                       Хід заходу


1. Привітання ведучих.

2. Розминка «Конкурс питань і відповідей».

3. Конкурс «Категорії»

4. Конкурс «Пантоміма».

5. Конкурс «Протиставте слова».

6. Питання для глядачів.

7. Конкурс «Відгадай загадку».

8. Конкурс капітанів «Чорна скринька».

9. Визначення переможців.

10. Заключні слова вчителя.



















Вчитель: Good morning dear jury, our teams and guests. You’re welcome to the intellectual English contest «The smartest». Our aim is to show students’ knowledge of English-speaking countries. Now I’d like to introduce you our teams: On the left – the pupils from the 9 form and on the right – the pupils from the 10 form. Let's cheer our teams!

Вчитель: The first round is called «The Quickest»

 You have to answer as many questions as you can in one minute


 1. Where do kangaroos live? (In Australia)

 2. Where is Chine situated? (in Asia)

 3.What is the national dish of the Ukrainians? (borch)

 4. What is the official language of Canada? (English and French)

 5. Name the fastest way of travelling? (by plane)

 6. What season comes after winter?(spring)

 7. When do people usually have breakfast?(in the morning)

 8. How many eyes has a man?(two)

 9. Name the odd word: tree, flower, sun, grass(sun)

 10. What’s the British national drink? (tea)

 11. What river does Kyiv stand on? (the Dnipro)

 12. What can you do with a book?

 13. When is Christmas celebrated in Ukraine? (7th of January)

 14. What days of the week children don’t go to school? (Saturday and Sunday)


Вчитель: The 1st task is “The Categories”. The team has to choose the category and value of the question. Then we have to answer the question. The winner of this round will be the team which has more points.


  1. The main city of the country. (A capital)
  2. A person who draws pictures. (A painter/ an artist)
  3. A woman who looks after people on a plane. (A stewardess)
  4. A person in an army who gives orders to other people. (An officer)
  5. A film at which the audience laugh. (A comedy)
  6. A high narrow building. (A tower)



  1. In what city is Hollywood situated? (Los Angeles)
  2. What was a fortress, a royal palace, a prison and now is a museum? (The Tower)
  3. What made Sir Benjamin Hall famous not only in Great Britain, but in the whole world. (Big Ben)
  4. In what English town does a statue of Robin Hood stand?
  5. How is London’s park with Speaker’s Corner called? ( Hyde Park)
  6. What is the center of London and the meeting point of six streets? (Piccadilly Circus)




  1. What is the longest river of the USA? (The Mississippi)
  2. What is Ben Nevis? (The highest mountain in the UK)
  3. What country lies to the north of the USA? (Canada)
  4. What is the place where East meets West? (Greenwich meridian)
  5. Which US state is the largest in area? (Alaska)
  6. How many bridges are there in London across the Thames? (14)



  1. Who was the first President of Ukraine? (Mykhailo Hrushevskyi)
  2. Who discovered America? (Christopher Columbus)
  3. Who were the first people on the Earth? (Adam and Eve)
  4. Who was the first President of the USA? (George Washington)
  5. Who was the first man in space? (Yuri Gagarin)
  6. Who invented the telephone? (Alexander Bell)


Вчитель:  The next task is very funny, because it will be pantomimic. Our players need to show some proverbs only gestures and mimic. If the teams will guess this proverb and name it, they get one point.

Every bird likes its own home.

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

There is no smoke without fire.


Every family has a skeleton in the cupboard.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

There is no rose without a thorn.


Вчитель: The next round is called «Matching Words»

Each team takes the envelope with matching words. I’ll give you a minute to match these words and then read.


Black White

Bread Butter

Soap Water

Right Wrong

Boy Girl

Big Little

    Weak Strong

High Low

First Last

Hat Coat


Вчитель: The teams are doing the task. And we remember something about the USA.

Answer the questions.


1. What is the capital of the USA? (The right answer: Washington is the capital of the USA).

2. What river is Washington situated on? (The right answer: Washington. is situated on the Potomac River).

4.   What is the name of the American flag? (The right answer: Stars and Stripes).

8. What is the national emblem (symbol) of the USA? (The right answer: The Bald Eagle).

9. Who was the first President of the USA? (The right answer: George Washington)

10.  Who is the president of the USA in our days? (The right answer: Tramp).

12. What is the largest city in the USA? (The right answer: New York).

13. What university is the oldest one in the USA? (The right answer: The Harvard University, 1636).

14. What are the most popular sports in the USA? (The right answer: Baseball, basketball, American football).


Вчитель: Our next round is called «Guess Riddles»


1. It cannot talk but it can bark (a dog)

2. It can live without water for a long time (a camel)

3. I’m coloured, I’m bright I can walk run and fly. I cannot swim but I can sing usually in the morning (a cock)

4. What animals has long hair round its neck (a lion)

5. The little old woman has twelve children: some short, some long, some cold, some hot. What is it? (A year)

6. When I eat I live, but when I drink I die. (Fire)

7. It’s white and cold and sweet.

   All children and adults like it. (An ice cream)

8.Pupils and teachers write on me with chalk.

 I can’t write, I can’t talk.


Вчитель: Our next round is called « The Black Box». It’s task for the captains. Be very attentive! It is a high time to bring the BLACK BOX to our stage. The captains of both teams have to guess what is in the Black box. Who will be the first t – takes the point.

The question is: Each country has its symbols. This thing is a symbol of one of the countries of Great Britain. It is a unit of accessories and not every person can wear it? (The right answer is Crown).



Вчитель: Well. The competition is over and we’re glad to announce that the team _________is the winner! Our congratulations!


Thank you for taking part in the quiz and for your excellent knowledge.

































27 листопада 2021
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