Зазимський ліцей «Академія успіху»
Позакласний захід для учнів 8-11 класів
The world of poetry
Підготувала: вчитель англійської мови Радченко Лариса Іванівна
Ведучі (1,2)
1.Hello, everybody!!!
We are glad to see you at our party
2.Today we are plunging into the world of poetry…
It`s beautiful,wonderful, marvelous, amazing, splendid like tender song…
1.So, start our meeting from the song.
A very talented, positive and pretty girl …..
Let`s get it up for her.
Song …
1.So, we`re reciting poems about things that are the most important in our lives.
2.About… what excites our hearts …(пауза)
Фонова музика «0й у лузі червона калина»
1.We were born in a wonderful country and we are representatives of a beautiful nation…
2. Ukraine , it`s our Моtherland… our life and love…sadness and sorrow…our pain.
Вірш ‘’Open your heart to Ukraine”
Open your heart to Ukraine.
Believe and pray.
I wanna be happy today.
No tears no pain.
No pain, no pain no pain, no pain no pain, no pain, no pain...
Open your heart to Ukraine
Believe and pray.
I wanna be happy today
No tears no pain.
Open your heart to Ukraine
Believe and pray.
I wanna be happy today
No tears no pain.
No pain, no pain no pain, no pain no pain, no pain, no pain..
Відкрий своє серце Україні
Віруй та молися
Я хочу бути щасливою нині
Без сліз, без болю
Без болю (х6)
Відкрий своє серце Україні
Віруй та молися
Я хочу бути щасливою нині
Без сліз, без болю
Відкрий своє серце Україні
Віруй та молися
Я хочу бути щасливою нині
Без сліз, без болю
1. Like many years ago we must fight for our independence
2.On February 24, 2022, the Russians repeated Hitler's scenario. They attacked our country without declaring war. Our brave soldiers have been defending for 3 years.
1. And the indomitable Ukrainian people believe in victory! Ukraine will live! 2.Everything will be Ukraine!
Діти декламують вірш
We live in times when bombs are falling
From peacefull sky on you and me
When my beloved and native town
Met thousands of refugees.
We live in times when all the people
United for the common goal:
Were weaving nets and making candles
Collected useful support.
When all Ukrainian Armed Forses
Showed great success on battlefield!
The world was marveled at their courage
And we are grateful them for peace!
They are defending our living,
They let us sleep in warmy beds,
Their aim is – to win back all taken
And be the Masters of this land!
So, Glory to Ukrainian soldier!
Who risks his life and sheds the blood,
Who loses comrades in the battles
Will move to victory parade!
And nowadays Ukrainian people
United only by one dream –
Drive out enemy invaders!
Stop war! Make peace! And WIN!
Пісня ‘’Заспіваймо пісню про Україну’’ або «Ой у лузі червона калина»
Фонова музика пісні про рушник
2.Our parents are people who connect us with our homeland, who gave us life, were, are and will be with us side by side and in our hearts too.
Mother my darling
Mother my dear
I love you, I love you
Each day of the year
You are so sweet
And you are so kind
And I am so gla-ad
That you-u are mine
We love mothers, we love mothers
Yes, we do yes, we do
Mothers are for hugging
Mothers are for kissing
We love you yes, we do!
One, two, three, four, five
mommy is the best in life
six, seven, eight, nine, ten
mommy kisses are so great
What if you fall and cry?
mommy hugs you and it’s all right
Why mommies are so nice?
because they have a big sweet heart!
I love her and she loves me
And Mommy is her name-o
And Mommy is her name-o
When you feel like breaking down or crashing in,
Who do you turn to, to forgive your sin?
When you cried your lonely tears,
Who will be there to fight your fears?
And when it feels like no one would understand,
Who was there to hold your hand?
There are people, whom you can't replace,
They’re the ones who gave you your face.
They'll love you through thick and thin,
They show you the light from deep within.
And if by chance, you happen to die,
They’ll be the ones who will really cry.
You see, my friend, there's no one who can love you more,
Than your very own parents, that's for sure.
Always remember that this is true,
That wherever you go, your parents will be there for you
1.We are people of all nations living in the same house. This house is the Planet Earth.
2.We must protect it, take care of it for our future
Mother earth, our mother earth
She is the one who gives us birth.
The tree, soils, mountains and hills
All are one by one getting killed.
Mother earth, our mother earth
She was once full of happiness.
Rivers, lakes, seas and wells
In this place many creatures dwell.
Mother earth, our mother earth
No one understands its worth.
People work with a lot of zeal.
Only to make money for their meals.
Mother earth, our mother earth
In the forests, we hear sweet birds chirp.
Trees are cut one by one.
But people on earth are planting none.
Mother earth, our mother earth
Oh! Stop filling it with with dirt.
We are destroying it no one other.
Save our mother earth
1 .And now the song. Meet a very talented and beautiful singer….
Let`s applaud.
Song What a wonderful world
1.Friendship, to have a good friend is a great fortune
Marian Jun 2013
Friendship is love and care,
Friendship is knowing you are there,
Friendship is a flower;
That blooms sweetly every hour.
Friendship is a gift from above,
Filling this world with happiness and love,
Friendship is like the sky;
Friendship is knowing that you're nearby.
Friendship is from the Lord,
And He commands love in His Word,
I think this world would be a better one;
If everyone knew the Key to Friendship's Sun!
1.It`s fun and interesting to share everyday life and holidays with friends
2.Sometimes friendship turns into love, this is the most wonderful feeling that gives us wings.
Вірш My Love (Tasha Shores)
My love is like an ocean
It goes down so deep
My love is like a rose
Whose beauty you want to keep.
My love is like a river
That will never end
My love is like a dove
With a beautiful message to send.
My love is like a song
That goes on and on forever
My love is like a prisoner
It's to you that I surrender.
Вірш Your Name (Jessica Blade)
I wrote your name in the sky,
but the wind blew it away.
I wrote your name in the sand,
but the waves washed it away.
I wrote your name in my heart,
and forever it will stay.
Твоє ім'я (Джессіка Блейд)
Я написав твоє ім'я на небі,
але вітер відніс його далеко.
Я написав твоє ім'я на піску,
але хвилі змили його.
Я написав твоє ім'я в моєму серці,
І воно назавжди там залишиться.
1 .We wish you to love and be loved.
Like true love a beautiful Beatles` song `` Yesterday`` is not dead after all .
2. Our favourite singer and his wonderful voice…``Yesterday``
Пісня ‘’Yesterday``
1.Each of us live in multiple worlds , but all of us have the same values of life - our home, family, love, friendship and our wonderful Motherland.
Музика, всі учасники виходять на сцену
1.. Our wonderful event is coming to the end.
2.We were glad to see you
1.Take care the most valuable things you have and … (разом)
be happy
The end