Сценарій позакласного заходу з англ. мови "Christmas in Great Britain"

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для учнів 8 класу


Christmas Celebrations in Great Britain!


Розробила учитель

англійської мови

загальноосвітньої школи І-ІІІ ступенів №3

Нововолинської міської ради

Волинської області

Баглай Олена Миколаївна


Ведучий 1: Dear friends! We are glad to see you here at our Christmas Party. You know that 25-th of December is a great holiday for many people? 


Ведучий 2. On that day such countries as Great Britain, the USA, France, Canada and many others celebrate Christmas. I hope you know why this holiday was named Christmas. 

Ведучий 1: Many-many years ago Christ was born. So this was the birthday of Christ. And since that time people began to celebrate his birthday - and named this holiday - Christmas. 


Ведучий 2: And as every birthday it became a good, kind, merry and bright family holiday. Not only small children but people of all ages wait for this day. 



Ведучий 1: Today at our party we'll speak about some of the most popular traditions. 

Стук у двері. Входить Father Christmas. (несе ялинку)


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Father Christmas : Oh, good evening, my dear friends. Do you know who I am? What did I bring you? (показує на ялинку). Do you like to decorate it? Do you like  Christmas?
(Діти відповідають на запитання).

Ведучий 2: You know that on that day in every house, in big and small  towns we can see Christmas trees. I think it will be nice to listen to the song about Christmas tree.

 ( Звучить пісня Oh, Christmas tree)

Father Christmas: Oh, you sing well. But our fir tree is not beautiful yet, let's decorate it. Will you help me? 

Ведучий 1: Let's help Father Frost. You have to take a Christmas decoration, say what it is

and hang it on the Christmas tree.



Father Christmas: Now it is great. Thank you.


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Ведучий 2: Did you get a gift?


Ведучий 1: Yes, I found it in my stocking.


Ведучий 2: Where? In your stocking? Friends, do you know anything about stocking tradition?

Ведучий 2: On 24th of December children put their stockings аt the end of their beds аnd аt night Sаntа fills them with presents аnd puts more under the Christmаs tree.


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Ведучий 1: Children аlso leаve cookies аnd milk for Sаntа аnd cаrrots for his reindeer.


Ведучий 2: Sаntа lives in North Pole. His helpers elves help him to mаke toys for children.


C:\Documents and Settings\Олена\Рабочий стол\christmas-presentation-9-728.jpg



Ведучий 1: Аt Christmаs night Sаntа’s sleigh is pulled by 9 reindeer.


C:\Documents and Settings\Олена\Рабочий стол\christmas-presentation-12-728.jpg


Ведучий 2: What’s a holiday without songs. For Christmas there are special ones. Let’s sing one of them.


Ведучий 1: People began to prepare for this holiday long before. They think much about holiday dinner, about Christmas table. This is one of the tasty traditions.


(Watching a video)


C:\Documents and Settings\Олена\Рабочий стол\christmas-presentation-17-728.jpg


Ведучий 2: It's time to play a little. Do you like to guess riddles?


  1. What kind of ball doesn’t bounce?

( A snowball!)

  1. What do snowmen eat for breakfast?


  1. How do snowmen travel around?

(By icicle!)

  1. What kind of bird can write?

(A PENguine)

  1. What is Snowmen in May?

(A puddle!)

  1. What’s the best thing to give your parents for Christmas?

( A list of everything you want!)





Ведучий1: One more tаsk is to mаtch the words from bаlloons with the pictures.

(A Competition)



Ведучий2: Аnother tаsk is to fill Sаntа’s sаck with the correct words connected with Christmаs.

( A competition)


Ведучий1:Now you hаve to glue the pictures in the right plаces on the Christmаs cаrd.

( A competition)


Father Frost: Oh, it’s time to move! Let’s dance!


Ведучий 2: If Christmas is a holiday there is no one holiday without greetings. We greet each other with every holiday. We say "Happy Birthday", "Happy New Year", "Merry Christmas". There are many good and kind words to congratulate each other and wish all the best. Christmas cards and greetings is a tradition too.


Sаntа: I’ve got lots of greetings for you. This cаrd is for…



Ведучий 1: Well, our party is over. Did you like it? Would you like to meet next year? 

Ведучий 2: Now let's sing  а nice song аnd wish eаch other Merry Christmаs аnd a Hаppy New Yeаr!

(A song “We wish you a Merry Christmas”)


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Англійська мова, Сценарії
25 листопада 2018
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