Сценарій позаурочного заходу “Merry Christmas and Happy New year”

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Сценарій позаурочного заходу “Merry Christmas and Happy New year” буде дуже корисним на уроках іноземної мови
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Сценарій позакласного заходу

з англійської мови


 “Merry Christmas and

Happy New year”



Картинки по запросу картинка новый рікЗахід розробила та провела

вчитель англійської мови

Шастун Ольга Петрівна


Сценарій позаурочного  заходу

Merry Christmas and Happy New year


Практичні: активізувати вживання вивченої раніше лексики в мовленні учнів, формувати навички монологічного мовлення з теми, актуалізація матеріалу по темі «Різдво» і «Новий рік»; розвиток лексичних і графічних навичок; тренування навичок читання і писемного мовлення; тренування навичок читання та аудіювання.

Освітні: розширити знання про культуру країни, мову якої вивчають і про культуру і традиції рідної країни;

Розвивальні: творчо-пошукові здібності та соціокультурні компетенції учнів;

Виховні: виховувати в учнів повагу до традицій і звичаїв народу Великої Британії та України, вміння працювати однією командою для досягнення успіху кожного співучасника творчого процесу.

Обладнання: сценарій свята, проектор, комп’ютерна відео-презентація, , новорічні та різдвяні прикраси, записи з різдвяними піснями, караоке з піснями “Jingle Bells”, “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”…

Хід заходу


T:- Hello, my dear friends! There are many holidays in our country and English-speaking countries. But the holidays we like most of all are New year's Day and Christmas Day. People prepare for these holidays beforehand: they send greeting cards, buy presents, make fancy dresses and decorate their houses. And when the holiday comes they congratulate each other singing songs and reciting the poems. Now we can see what holidays about Christmas and New Year you have learnt.



P1: It is winter now, one of the most beautiful seasons of the year. Many people like this season very much. The snow is glittering in the sun. Nature is beautiful and magic. We celebrate New Year and Christmas in this season and we always look forward to them.


 P2:We dedicate our today's party to Christmas and New Year traditions in Ukraine and Great Britain. I think New Year celebrations are always thrilling all over the world because for its magical force, some promise and hope. Usually we try to sum up everything we have had and make up new resolutions for the coming year.


P3:День чарівний, справжнє диво,

В класі посмішок багато,

В класі людно і красиво,

Бо  у нас сьогодні свято!

Уже скоро прийде до нас

Різдвяне славне свято.

Гарно так ялинка сяє,

З святом зимнім вас вітає!


P4: The warmest Christmas greetings

Especially for you

To hope you have a happy time

That lasts all New Year through!


P1: Christmas is on the 25 th of December. It is the greatest holiday in Britain.

Traditionally, Christmas festivities lasted 12 days. Yuletide begins in the middle of December and ends on the 6th of January. All the children like this wonderful time because it is the time of much fun.


P2: Вітаємо усіх! Раді бачити вас на нашому різдвяному святі!

В багатьох країнах Різдво святкують 25 грудня. Традиційно різдвяні святкування продовжуються 12 днів аж до 6 січня. Усі діти люблять цей чудовий час веселощів та розваг.


P3:    This is the time                                     

When children skate and ski                      

Play snowballs and dance                          

          Round the Christmas tree  


P4:  Прийшла зима з бадьорістю,

З морозною прозорістю,

З прогулянками лижними

І ще з святами різними!


P5:    The snow is falling                                 

The wind is blowing

The ground is white                                    

          All day and all night 



P6:  На подвірї випав сніг,

На доріжку тихо ліг.

Знов до нас прийшла вона –



P1: Christmas is a Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. For millions of Christians throughout the world it is the happiest and the busiest time of the year.


P2: Святкують, радіють, що Христос народився.

Що в яслах на сіні від нас явився.

В святковий цей вечір, в щасливу годину

Вітаємо щиро всю нашу родину!


P1: A Merry Christmas for me,

A Happy New year for you

A Merry Christmas for everyone

           That’s what I wish -I do


P3: Світле, гарне і радісне свято,

Бо Христос народився  в цей день.

Тому радість у світі крилата,

Ціле море чарівних пісень.


P2:  It’s time for jolly greeting

 Snow and holly, overeating,

 Oh, I love you, merry Christmas

 You are the best of holidays.



Р3: Засяяла зірка ясна,

Промениста і прекрасна,

Вхід в печеру освітила.

В ній Пречиста народила.

Ось воно, Дитятко Боже,

Дуже миле і пригоже.

В небі Ангели співають

Бога Сина прославляють.


Пісня “Silent Night”


P1:Christmas Eve is on the 24 th of December. On this day everybody is very busy and in a hurry. Offices close at 1 o’clock, but the shops stay open late. The windows of the shops are set with little angels, snowmen, deer and lots of Santa Clauses.


P2:Streets and buildings are decorated with fine garlands . Beautiful wreaths are put on the doors of the houses.

December is waiting and wanting and wishing

And longing for Christmas Day


P1:Christmas is the most colorful and bright holiday of the year. There are some Christmas traditions

P3:  The tradition of giving each other the Christmas cards was established in 1843, when the first card was printed. Since then these cards became  the symbol of the holiday.

P4:In the week before Christmas people make or buy Christmas cards and send them to their friends, grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles. They showed religious scenes and often had religious texts in them.

P3:  Nowadays they can have any picture on them, for example, winter view. Many children make their cards at school. The most popular wishes in these holiday cards are: Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! 

A Merry Christmas for me,

A Happy New year for you

A Merry Christmas for everyone

That’s what I wish -I do.

P4:Many years ago postmen had bright red coats. They looked like robins. At Christmas they brought many Christmas cards and people began to think about robin as a Christmas bird. You can see it on almost every Christmas card.

 It’s time for jolly greeting

 Snow and holly, overeating,

 Oh, I love you, merry Christmas

 You are the best of holidays


P1:Giving  presents at Christmas is a good old tradition. Children hang stockings and during the night father Christmas  fills them with presents.

P2:On Christmas Eve children hang their Christmas stockings on their beds or put them under the Christmas tree. A Christmas stocking is not a real stocking. It is big and beautifully decorated.

             It’s Christmas! Merry Christmas!

             Yes, it’s merry, merry Christmas

              It’s a time for handing stockings

              It’s time for riding sleighs.

       P1:Do you know why English people hang stockings on the fireplace?


      Once upon a time a poor nobleman and his three daughters lived. The father was depressed as his daughters could not marry without dowries. One night after the daughters had washed out their clothes they hung their stockings over the fireplace to dry. That night Saint Nicholas threw three coins down a chimney of the home of three poor sisters. Each of the coins landed inside separate stockings.


     P2: In modern times the Christmas stocking is often used as a holder of small gifts for children. Children wait for Santa Claus and other miracles. Santa Claus puts presents into their stockings.

                (Santa appears and put some coins into their stockings)


   Santa Claus lives in England

   He is tall and fat

   His cheeks are like roses 

   His nose is like a cherry 

   With a branch of green holly

   And robins his friends

   To all English children

   Christmas wishes he sends.

   Santa: Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! Best wishes.


    P1:The original Santa Claus, St. Nicholas was born in Turkey in the fourth century. He was imprisoned and tortured. Constantine the emperor of Rome allowed Nicolas to go free.

      St. Nicholas loved children dearly and gave them presents. For many centuries he is their patron saint. The Dutch kept the legend of St. Nicholas alive. They spelled St. Nicholas as Sint Nikolaas, then as Sinterklaas and finally as Santa Claus. He looked like an ordinary person, but wearing a red cloak.

     P2: In 1930’s the Coca-Cola Company ran an advertisement showing Santa Claus the way we know him now; rather fat and jolly, with his red suit and long white whiskers.

         We try to be as good as gold all month,

          So very good because we know

         Who’s coming down the chimney –

         Jolly Santa Claus!


      P1:Santa Claus arrives at night from the North Pole on his flying sleigh pulled by flying reindeer. He climbs down the chimney and fills each stocking with present.

          The joyous bells are ringing

          The Christmas season’s here

           It’s time to wish you happiness

          That lasts throughout the year.

                        Dialogue “How old is Santa”

      Bobby:  -Mummy, mummy, I want to ask you how old is Santa and when is Santa’s birthday?

      Mother: -As I know, he was born in the year 603A.D in Italy.            

      -The reindeer that pull the sleigh are: Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donna, Blitzen, and of course, Rudolph. And Rudolph almost always the lead reindeer thanks to his wonderful bright nose!

      -How do the reindeer fly?

      -When the reindeer eat magical oats and corn they become able to fly and leap high info the air.

      -What does Santa do when a house does not have a chimney or there is a fire burning in the fireplace?

      -Santa likes to keep a few things secret so he can always surprise the kids he is visiting – he uses a little magic but he always finds a way!

      -Mummy, how does Santa know whether I have been naughty or nice?

      -He maintains his naughty and nice list, with the help of all the elves who have a special way of keeping an eye on every kid.

     - Why does Santa always bring me what I asked for?

     -Thanks to the elves and your gift lists, Santa usually knows what presents you would like to receive?

      -How can Santa sleigh around the world in one day?

      -Through a combination of lots of practice and hard work and a little magic Santa and the reindeer always make it in time.

    - Has Santa ever missed a year?

    - No, Bobby, of course, not! Santa Claus hasn’t missed a Christmas yet.

Mother: Listen!

            Santa is coming

            Sleigh bells are near

            Have a Happy Christmas

            And a Happy New Year

Song “Jingle Bells”

Dashing through the snow
In a one-horse open sleigh
Through the fields we go
Laughing all the way.
Bells on bob-tail ring
Making spirits bright
What fun it is to ride and sing
A sleighing song tonight.

Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way,
Oh what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh, O
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way,
Oh what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh.


      P1:We cannot imagine British Chistmas without holly. Holly is an evergreen plant with sharp-pointed leaves and red berries. English people use holly to decorate their homes. It is a very old tradition. Long ago people began to put holly in their homes during the dark cold winters. They liked to look at holly and think about the spring and the sun.

Bring forth the holly

The box and the bay

Dick out our cottage

For glad Christmas Day.

    P2:Mistletoe is an evergreen plant with small leaves and small white berries. On Christmas Eve there is a bunch of the mistletoe in every house. Under this bunch boys kiss girls.

Boy: The rose is red

         The violets are blue

          Mistletoe is nice

          So, are you

Girl: Its such a treat

         To love someone

          So sweet    (a boy kisses a girl)


P1:Christmas is the time to remember others.

On Christmas Eve people like to light candles, as symbols of everlasting life. The Irish place a candle in the window, inviting all travelers to share the warmth within the house.

P2:If there are children in the family, they often have Christmas crackers. When you pull a cracker it makes a bang and inside there is usually a Christmas hat, a small toy and a piece of paper with a joke on it.



P1:The winter tradition of decoration homes with evergreens began in ancient times. Branches of fir were thought to bring good luck and guarantee the return of spring.             

    Oh, what joy, what pleasure to see

    On Christmas Eve our Christmas Tree

    When the lights shines bright

    In the dark evening night

P2:The first Christmas tree was in Germany in 1521. It became fashionable in Britain in mid-nineteenth century when Prince Albert, homesick for his native Germany, imported a tree to his Windsor Castle.

    Oh, Christmas tree! Oh, Christmas tree!

              How green are your sweet branches!

              You bloom not only when it’s warm

              But also in winter storm.

              Oh, Christmas tree! Oh, Christmas tree!

              How sweet are your green branches!


P1:The most famous tree in the UK donated each year by the Norwegians for use in Trafalgar Square, normally lit up on the first Thursday of December.


P2:In England parents often decorate the tree behind tightly shut doors. The children are not allowed to see the tree until Christmas Eve. Only on Christmas Eve the parents throw open the doors and children go rushing in to see the shining tree.

              We have a fir-tree in the hall

              It is so beautiful and tall

             Around it we dance and play

             Because it is a Christmas Day.

                                        It is winter, it is Christmas

                                        Look at our Christmas Tree

                                       There are big balls, there are nice dolls

                                        Many candies you can see

               There are flags and there are ribbons

               Little bells and bright stars, too

               Red and orange, green and yellow

               Pink and purple, violet and blue

                                       Singing, dancing, merrily

                                       Round the Christmas tree

                                       Merrily, merrily, merrily

                                       Round the New Year tree.

              Happy Christmas, my friends

              Happy Christmas today

              Let’s dance hand in hand

              I will show you the way


P1:Giving presents is a popular Christmas tradition. Children ask Santa Claus for presents. They write letters and describe in details what they wish. The letter is thrown into the fireplace. Smoke out of the chimney is thought to supply this letter right its purpose.

             It is winter, it is cold                   Christmas is the merriest holiday of all

             Father Frost is very old.              Make a cranberry rope, a popcorn ball,

             But he is always full of joy.        Cookies to hang on the tree,

            And glad to give me a nice toy.   Hide presents in place where none can see



Dialogue “Christmas gifts”

 Rita: - Hello, everyone. Today in our studio we have the most magical person

           in the world - Santa Claus!

           We’ve got a lot of questions and letters for you, Santa.

Santa: - Hey, hey. Hello, I’m glad to be here, in the studio.

           - And the first question. Dennis from London asks you why you don’t

             come every day of the year.

           -Well, for a couple of reasons. First, I come on Christmas Eve to

             celebrate Christmas. Second, it takes a whole year to get everything

             ready for just one very special night.

           - Santa, how many kids do you deliver presents to?

           - I deliver presents to millions and millions of good children around

           the world.

           -What is the most commonly asked for present?

          - It depends on several things. First, it depends on who’s asking.

            Whether it is a boy or a girl, how old they are, and lastly, where they live.

          -Can you explain in details, please?

         - Surely, for the girls, it’s Barbie. And for the boys, it’s a Play station.

           It seems like everyone wants Shrek or Harry Potter.

           Of course there are always the standards, new CD’s, new cloth,

           and lots of other interesting things.

         -Alice wants to ask Santa if you really need snow to make your

          Christmas deliveries?

        - No, I don’t need snow everywhere to make deliveries.

          After all I deliver to parts of Europe, Asia, South America,

          Africa and other areas that have no snow.

        - We have a call from Bruce. He wants to know if you ever get the flu.

        -Occasionally I get the flu, but I always take tablets to avoid getting

          sick. Even the flu wouldn’t stop me from my Christmas deliveries.

        -Thank you very much for your coming to our studio, Santa.


 P1:The 25th of December. Everything is ready for celebration. Clock strikes 12. At 3 p.m. Queen Elizabeth II appeals to English people with holiday speech.


 P2:British people celebrate Christmas Day with big dinner. Children have much fun. They play under Christmas tree, find presents in their Christmas stockings, eat pudding. It is also a tradition.

  P1:Christmas pudding was first made years ago. Now it is the highlight of Christmas dinner. Children often put holly on the pudding. Traditionally a coin is placed into the pudding. It brings good luck to a person who finds it.

  P2:Mince pies are small round pies. Children like these pies very much. A turkey is a traditional Christmas bird. People eat it on Christmas Day. 

     Christmas is coming

     The goose is getting fat

     Please put a penny

     In the old man’s hat 

     If you haven’t got a penny

     A ha’penny will do

     If you haven’t got a ha’penny,

     God bless you!

 P1:A pantomime is a traditional performance for children at Christmas. All the children have much fun when they watch fairy tales with princes, beautiful princesses and fairies such as Cinderella.


P2:A carol is a Christmas song. People often sing carols on Christmas Eve in the street or at home. The first carols came from France in the form of popular dance song.

             Sing we all merrily

             Christmas is here,

             The day we love best

             Of all days in the year 

                       Sing we all merrily

                       Draw round the fire,

                       Sister and brother

                       Grandson and sire

 P1:Waits are a group of singers who sing carols. They sing carols in front of a Christmas tree. In small towns and villages waits often come and stand in front of the house and sing or play carols. They receive money for their singing and playing. They give the money to poor and old people.


             A beautiful time of the year

             With carols and tinsel

             And lots of good cheer,

             With sharing and caring

              And hearts drawing near-


              A beautiful time of the year


P2:Boxing Day in the United Kingdom is the day after Christmas Day and falls on December 26. Traditionally, it was a day when employers distributed money, food, cloth (material) or other valuable goods to their employees. In modern times, it is an important day for sporting events and the start of the post-Christmas sales.


P1:Boxing Day is a public holiday. It is a day off for the general population, and schools and most businesses are closed.


P2:For many people Boxing Day is a time to recover from the excesses of Christmas Day and an opportunity to spend time with family, friends, and neighbors. Some people choose to go for a walk in the countryside, while others flock to the post-Christmas sales that often begin on Boxing Day. 



P2:Christmas is the holiday of my soul. It is cold outside, and the sky is gloomy, but the flowers burst into bloom deep in my heart. Christmas is the victory of good over evil.


P1:Christmas is the time to forgive everyone who hurt you. To forgive and to forget… It is not very easy. But you should try. Just do it. That’s what Christ do. This is main meaning of the spirit of Christmas. I wish you live with this spirit not only at Christmas time, but all during the year. God bless you, everyone!

            May Christmas be bright with cheer

            Warm with friendliness

            And filled with happiness

            For you and yours!  

P1:Прийміть сердечні вітання з Новим роком і Різдвом Христовим ! Нехай ці чудові зимові свята будуть радісними та щедрими, додадуть життєвих сил, окрилять душу. Хай з Вами завжди будуть вірні друзі, удача й успіх, а в домі - світло та радісно від любові і добрих новин. Здоров’я, добробуту, сімейного затишку Вам і Вашим рідним.


Пісня “We wish you a Merry Christmas”


We wish you a merry Christmas,
We wish you a merry Christmas,
We wish you a merry Christmas,
And a happy New Year!

Glad tidings we bring
To you and your kin;
Glad tidings for Christmas
And a happy New Year!

We want some figgy pudding,
We want some figgy pudding,
We want some figgy pudding,
Please bring it right here!


For we all like figgy pudding,
for we all like figgy pudding,
For we all like figgy pudding: 
so bring some out here!


We won't go until we get some,
We won't go until we get some,
We won't go until we get some,
So bring it out here!


We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas
And a happy New Year.

T: Christmas Day, happy day,

We are glad and very gay!

We all dance, and sing and say,

“Welcome! Welcome, Christmas Day!”



Task  1. What do you remember about Christmas traditions in England? 

Christmas Traditions in England

1. People send Christmas ... to greet each other.

  • letters,
  • cards,
  • faxes,
  • presents.

2. They wish “... Christmas and Happy New Year!”

  • Funny,
  • Brilliant,
  • Merry,
  • Busy.

3. Father Christmas “comes” to every house through ...

  • the door,
  • the window,
  • the chimney.

4. Father Christmas arrives from ...

  • the North Pole,
  • Alaska,
  • Russia,
  • Africa.

5. He brings ...

  • a snow girl,
  • snow,
  • a New Year tree,
  • presents.

6. He is wearing ...

  • a rain coat,
  • jeans,
  • a suit,
  • a fur coat.

7. He puts little presents ...

  • under children` s beds,
  • into children` s shoes,
  • into children` s stockings,
  • under their pillows.

                                                                  Task 2.

Holidays in Britain



Mother`s Day

St. Valentine`s Day

New Year`s








  1. This day people usually visit their friends. There is a lot of dancing and eating. People bring a piece of coal for good luck.
  2. People decorate trees with toys, send greeting cards and find presents in their stockings.
  3. People send cards to people they love. They don` t write their names. Those who get them must guess who sent them.
  4. All people eat chocolate eggs. Sometimes parents hide eggs in the house or in the garden and children look for them.
  5. This day children help at home and give or send cards and presents. Mothers like this holiday.




Task 3.YES or NO?

  1. December 22 is Christmas.
  2. People decorate their houses.
  3. It is a time to remember poor people.
  4. Children write letters to Christopher Columbus.
  5. People sing Christmas carols.
  6. On Christmas Eve many peple go to school.
  7. Children hang up their shoes.

Task 4.. Match:

  1. Christmas tree
  2. stocking
  3. gift
  4. Christmas card
  5. Santa Claus


Task 5.Correct the false information about how Christmas is celebrated in the world.

  1. Holly is an ever green plant with sharp-pointed leaves and white berries.
  2. Mistletoe is an evergreen plant with small leaves and red berries.
  3. On Christmas Eve there is a bunch of holly in every house. Under this bunch boys kiss girls.
  4. Father Christmas brings Christmas Trees to every house.
  5. Children put a candle on top of the Christmas Tree.
  6. A Jule Log is a piece of wood which people burn in the fireplace on the 26th of December.
  7. British children usually get their Christmas presents in their new gloves.
  8. The highlight of Christmas Dinner is a turkey with a coin inside it.

Task 6.Put the missed words in the text:
Another, presents, coloured, important, consists, called, breakfast, cheaply, snowy, eat, a lot of, holiday.

Christmas Day

Christmas Day is a public (1) ... . Families usually spend the day opening their (2) ... which are often under the Christmas tree decorated with (3) ... toys. The most (4) ... meal is Christmas dinner. The typical meal (5) ... of turkey with potatoes and other vegetables. (6) ... traditional food in Britain is Christmas cake.
Americans make special biscuits called Christmas cookies which they (7) ... over the Christmas season.
In Britain, the day after Christmas is (8) ... Boxing Day and is also a public holiday. (9) ... sports take place on Boxing Day. In the US there are many special sales, where things can be bought (10) ..., on the day after Christmas.

1 - holiday; 2 - presents; 3 - coloured: 4 - important; 5 - consists; 6 - another; 7 - eat; 8 - called; 9 - a lot of; 10 - cheaply.

Task 7.Read the short texts how people celebrate the New Year in different countries and choose the correct version. 
Учні виконують перше завдання: читають текст і вибирають один варіант відповіді.
Choose the correct version: 
а)Madrid б) New York з) Moscow
1. In this city a lot of people gather in Times Square and watch the "Big Apple" fall. The "Big Apple" isn't a real apple. It's a moving picture of an apple on a side Madrid of one of the big buildings in Times Square. Every New York year's Eve during the last few seconds before midnight Moscow it starts to fall down the building and when it gets to the bottom it's the start of the new year.
а)Japan б) з Italy) Canada
2. In this country housewives start to cook special food for the New year's Day and the members of the families do a big cleaning up. The idea is to get rid of the past year dirt, and welcome the new. On the television or on the radio you can hear 108 bells. The 108th bell rings just a second before the midnight. The people say: "Happy New Year!" People eat the special food and drink rice wine during the meal.
a) The USA b) Scotland c) Canada
3. People call the New year's Eve "Hogmanay". They visit their friends' houses just after midnight on the New year's night; The first person who comes to your house brings you luck. At midnight when the clock begins to strike twelve, the head of the family goes to the entrance door, opens it wide and holds it until the last stroke. Then he shuts the door. He has let the year old out and let the New Year in.
a) Egypt b) Ireland c) Australia
4. This country is sometimes called "the upside down world". It lies in the Southern Hemisphere. During the Christmas holidays people often sunbathe on the beach or swim and surf in the ocean. On the 31st of December many people go to the country for the picnic. In January the temperature ranges from from 20 до 30 °C above zero or higher.
a) b France) Italy c) Germany
5. In this country it can be dangerous to have a walk at night at the end of December. People usually throw the old things from the house through the window: broken cups and plates, old clothes and boots and sometimes different pieces of furniture, believe that on At the New year's Eve the magician Befaniya comes to the houses through the chimney and put the presents for the children in their stockings or shoes.

КЛЮЧІ: 1 - New York; 2 - Japan; 3 - Scotland; 4 - Australia; 5 - Italy.


Task 8.Write the end of the story.
Учеі отримують однаковий початок розповіді. В якості наочної опори учні можуть використовувати картинки за темами «Новий рік» і «Різдво

Початок розповіді:
It was the 31st of December. The weather was fine. Everybody was preparing for the New year's Day... .
Приблизний розповідь:
It was the 31st of December. The weather was fine. The sun was shining in the sky. It was not cold. There were no clouds in the sky.
Everybody was preparing for the New year's Day. Children were decorating the New Year Tree and the houses. Mother was cooking food for supper. Father was in the shop. He was buying some presents. At that moment Santa Claus came to the house and gave the presents to the members of the family.










До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
30 січня 2020
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