Сценарій свята "SAINT PATRICK'S DAY" (вірші, пісні,діалоги)

Про матеріал
Сценарій свята "День Святого Патріка" ( вірші, пісні, діалоги ) що можна використати як на уроках англійської мови так і в позаурочний час, як виховний захід. Свято за цим сценарієм обовязково сподобається батькам, учням та гостям свята.
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Scenary «St.Patrick's Day»

V1. Ladies and gentlemen,boys and girls! Good afternoon! It' s lovely to meet you here at our holiday devoted to St.Patrick's Day.


V2. St. Patrick is one of the most respected Saint in the world.Western Church celebrates St.Patrick's Day on the 17th of March.But the Orthodox Church celebrates the holiday on the 30th of March.


V1. Green is the colour of the day. All people wear something green.In Ireland there is a tradition to fasten a shamrock to clothes.It symbolizes across.


V2. It is religion holiday. St.Patrick is the person who brought Christianity to Ireland.

V2. A song “ A Gift to You”


V1. The holidays heroes are the leprechauns and green four-leaves of shamrocks that bring happiness.


V2. And now we show you a presentation about St. Patrick: “ The history about St. Patrick”.

V1. A song “ What can we do on St. Patrick’s Day”       



What can we do on St. Patrick’s Day( 3)

That comes on March 17?


We can hear stories on St. Patrick’s Day( 3)

That comes on March 17.


We can dance a jig on St. Patrick’s Day( 3)

That would be so glade.


What can we do on St. Patrick’s Day( 3)

That comes on March 17?


We can wear green on St. Patrick’s Day (3)

The colour is so nice.


We can see a parade on St. Patrick’s Day (3)

That would be so glade.


 What will you do on St. Patrick’s Day?(3)

Share your thoughts with us!



St. Patrick's Day is here, you see.

We'll pick some shamrocks, one,two, three.

We'll count the leaves and look them over,

And maybe find a four-leafed clover.


I'll sew green buttons on my rest,

Green for St. Patrick is the best.

I'll wear a green hat, very high,

And dance a jig at least I'll try!


  Dance”Irish Step”



V1. The day celebrated with parades, speeches,festive dinners and dances.The Irish people wear red hair and buy green caps at the shops.Some of them take a green shamrock with themselves and national flags.It is always fun.


( Irish music is playing and leprechauns are going ) 


V2. The leprechauns are marching. Move back! Here they are!


1st Lepr. -  Hello, friends! Do you know who we are?


2nd Lepr. - We are leprechauns! The most famous elves of Ireland! We live on the grass hills and in the forest. 


3d Lepr. - Some foolish people say that we are ugly little creatures.


4th Lepr. - But in reality we are famous shoe-makes because we are fairies, we are often invisible.


5th Lepr. - Look at us! We are stylish! We wear green jackets, leather aprons and green hats.


6th Lepr. - We are very smart! We always have two bags. In one we carry a silver shilling.


7th Lepr. - And in another one  gold coins to help us in hard situations.






V1. Let’s dance leprechauns.


A song with dances.( Pupils sing,the leprechauns are dancing).



Dance,dance,leprechauns dance

Dance,dance,leprechauns dance

Dance,dance,leprechauns dance

Do a dance for me

Get up and dance, you leprechauns!


Bow, bow, leprechauns bow,

Bow, bow, leprechauns bow,

Bow, bow,leprechauns bow

Do a bow for me.

Bow to your left

And bow to your right

Bow to your left

Bow to your right.



Clap, clap, leprechauns clap,

Clap, clap, leprechauns clap,

Clap, clap, leprechauns clap,

Do a clap for me

Clap for your fellow leprechauns

Everybody is doing such a good job.


Jump, jump, leprechauns jump

Jump, jump, leprechauns jump

Jump, jump, leprechauns jump

Do a jump for me.

Jump to your left

And jump to your right

Jump to your left

And jump to your right.


Dance, dance, leprechauns dance,

Dance, dance, leprechauns dance,

Dance, dance, leprechauns dance,

Do a dance for me.

Do a dance for me.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

V2. And now you leprechauns say some words about St. Patrick’s Day.( Лепрекони  по черзі говорять слова).


1st Lepr. - On St. Patrick's Day we like to listen to different poems.


Pupil 1. Poem.


I'm a little leprechaun,

Short and fat.

This is my shamrock,

this is my hat.

If people try to catch me,

I will duck.

The Irish say I bring good luck!


Pupil 2. Poem.


Green is the grass under my feet

Green is the broccoli my mother makes me eat.

That funny day- St. Patrick's Day!

And everybody cries -Hooray!


Pupil 3. Poem.


The leprechauns are marching

I think It's three by three.

Just close your eyes and try now to visualize with me.

Their merry little feet will never miss abeat

They' re very tricky fellows.Look out! They're under the sheet!


2nd Lepr. - Children, who wants to play with us?


3d Lepr. - Let's play a game " Hot potato" ( under the Irish music)


4th Lepr. ( at the end) 

                - You are very active. Thank you!                                                                                                     


V1. Now it’s time to do a quiz.


V2. Divide into two groups and start a quiz “ St.Patrick’s Day”.

(Дві групи по черзі роблять завдання ).


V1. You are the best group.                                                                                             (Ведучий визначає групу яка вірно дала відповіді)   -Your group is a winner.



V2. A songA little leprechaun”.


A song  « A Little Leprechaun»


I'm a little leprechaun

Dressed in green,

The tiniest man

That you have seen.


If you were to catch me, so it' told,

I'll give you my big pot of gold.


I'm a little leprechaun,

Imajine that,

With my little green boots

And my big green hat.

At the end of the rainbow, so it'told

You will find my pot of gold.



4th Lepr. - We have prepared a present for you.Here is our presentation about our holiday- St. Patrick's Day.

V1. A song “Colours of the Rainbow”


5th Lepr. - And at last the final game.


6th Lepr. - Our favourite game " Gold, gold, give me my gold!"(Сценка ромашки на полі….)



V2. A song “ What a wonderful world”



V1. Now it's time to say goodbye to everybody!


V2. Be happy and merry! And good luck!


V1. After our holiday we want to give gifts to you.( A leaf of shamrock )


24 квітня 2020
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