Сценарій вистави "House in the wood" для учнів 2-3 класу

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Сценарій вистави англійською мовою "House in the wood" для учнів 2-3 класу початкової школи
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Сценарій вистави « House in the wood» 

для учнів 2-3 класів початкової школи

( позаурочна робота з англійської мови )











1.     Активізувати мовленнєву діяльність, удосконалити монологічне та діалогічне мовлення, використовуючи вірші, пісні;

2.     Розширити та поглибити уміння учнів конкретизувати набуті знання по темам: «Привітання», «Запрошуємо у гості», «Лісові звірі»;

3.     Розвивати пам’ять та увагу учнів під час вивчення віршів та монологічних висловлювань, сприяти розвитку як підготовленого, так і спонтанного мовлення, розширити світогляд учнів та підвищити культурний рівень;

4.     Сприяти розкриттю індивідуальних здібностей у співі, танці, артистизмі, умінню показати свої вміння та навички володіння англійською мовою, пізнавальному інтересу до вивчення англійської мови.




Green Frog 

Grey Mouse 

White Hare 

Little Hedgehog 

Wise Owl 

Glamour Butterfly                                                                                               

Black Wolf                                                                                                            

Red Fox                                                                                                                          

Brown Bear

Narrators: Fairy of forest and Forest Ghost

(The scene is decorated with fir-trees, branches, bushes and flowers. In the deep of the scene there is the house of wood with blanket on it. The music is playing. All pupils are wearing costumes of forest animals. Kids are coming out on scene in two lines and taking their places. Narrators are coming out in the end and are beginning the appearance)

Narrator 1 (Fairy of forest)

-                      Good evening, boys and girls! Good evening, our dear guests! Let me introduce myself. I am a fairy of forest and this is my friend – Forest Ghost. 

Narrator 2 (Forest Ghost):

-                      Hello, friends. I’m glad to see you.

Narrator 1 (Fairy of forest): 

-                      Today we have a party. Do you like to read fairy-tales? All children like to read fairy-tales or to listen to them. I am sure it is interesting to meet your favourite fairy- tale characters. Now we’ll watch a play.

(Another 5 pupils entrance on the scene, they read their poems, that accompanied by Vivaldi – Spring)

Pupil 1: 

I love the spring. For every day

There’s something new

That’s come to stay.

Another bud,

Another bird,

Another flower

That comes from the earth.


Pupil 2:

Spring, spring is coming soon,

Grass is green and flowers bloom,

Birds returning from the south,

Bees are buzzing all about,

Leaves are budding everywhere, Spring, spring is finally here!

Pupil 3:

Spring is coming, spring is coming.

How do you think I know?

I see a flower blooming, I know it must be so. Spring is coming, spring is coming, How do you think I know? I see a blossom on the tree, I know it must be so.

Pupil 4:

Spring is here,

In the air,

You can smell it coming,

On the trees, Leaves are green,

Caterpillars sunning.

Pupil 5:

Birds are back,

Grass is out,

Busy bees are humming,

On the trees, Leaves are green,

Caterpillars sunning.

(The music is playing (sounds of forest), the Frog appears on the scene and starts to build his own house, gather leaves and grass. He opens big green umbrella– his house)

The Frog (sings a song on melody from the movie “Cinderella” – Old Bug):

I have made my house of grass.

House of grass, house of grass.

I have made my house of grass.


 Now I live in this house!

   - Kids, do you know what kind of house has to be? My house is made of grass and I'm so happy having such a wonderful apartment! Do you like it? 

Narrator 1

Here is the house of grass.

A Mouse is running through the wood. 

It stops at the door,  It knocks at the door.

The Mouse: 

-What a nice house. Knock, knock, and knock.

 Who lives in the house?

The Frog:

-I do. I am a green Frog This is my House.

 And who are you?

The Mouse:

 -I’m a grey Mouse.

 May I live in your house?

The Frog:

 -My house is very small

 Let’s make a bigger house.

The Mouse:

 I agree with you.

 Let’s make a bigger house. 

(grab grass and leaves and decorate the umbrella)

 The Frog and the Mouse (sing together):  

 We have made our house of grass.

 House of grass, house of grass. We have made our house of grass


Now we live in this house. 

Narrator 2: 

Here is the house of grass.

A Hare is running through the wood. 

It stops  at the door,  It knocks at the door.

The Hare:

-What a nice house. Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house?

The Frog and the Mouse:  -We do. This is our house.  We have made our house of grass

We live here:

-I am a  green Frog.

-I am a grey Mouse.

The Hare:

-I am a white Hare. May I live in your house?

The Frog  and the Mouse:

          -Our house is very small. Let’s make a bigger house.

The Hare:

 -I agree with you

Let’s make our house of wood.

(Kids grab out blanket from the house of wood and dance around it)

 The Frog, the Mouse, the Hare (sing together):

 -We have made our house of wood.

 House of wood, house of wood.

We have made our house of wood.


-Now we live in this house.

Narrator 2:

- Friends, let’s dance together.

(Kids dance with accompaniment of popular American cowboy music)

Narrator 1:

 Here is the house of wood.

A Hedgehog is running through the wood. 

It stops at the door,  It knocks at the door.

 The Hedgehog: 

-What a nice house. Knock, knock, and knock.

 Who lives in the house? The Frog, the Mouse and the Hare

 -We do. This is our house .

We have made our house of wood. We live here:

-I am a green Frog.

- I am a grey Mouse.

-I am a white Hare.

Who are you? 

 The Hedgehog:

-I am a little Hedgehog. May I live in your house?

The Frog, the Mouse and the Hare:

 -Yes, You may. Come in, please!

The Frog, the Mouse, the Hare and the Hedgehog (sing together):  

 Our house is made of wood .

Made of wood, made of wood.

Our house is made of wood.


 Narrator 2: 

Here is the house in the wood.

An owl is flying through the wood. 

It stops at the door,  It knocks at the door.

The Owl : 

-Knock, knock, knock. Who lives here? 

-We do.

The Owl : 

-Who are you?

The Frog, the Mouse, the Hare and the Hedgehog:

I am a green Frog.

-   I am a grey Mouse.

-   I am a white Hare.

-   I’m a little Hedgehog. Sorry, and who are you?

The Owl

-I’m a wise Owl. Hello, Frog! Hello, Mouse! Hello, Hare! Hello, Hedgehog!

May I live with you? 


-Do, please. Come in.

The Owl : -Thank you! 

 Our house is made of wood .

Made of wood, made of wood.

Our house is made of wood.


(Glamour Butterfly appears on the scene with a cameraman. She looks like Katia Osadcha.)

  Glamour Butterfly:

-                       Hello, I’m Glamour Butterfly. This is Wood TV channel. Our program is about fashion forest life. 

-                       There is a new modern house in our wood.  A lot of animals live here.

(Asks audience and forest animals a lot of questions):

-                       Do you like your house?

 Is your house made of wood?

-                       What do you think about it?

-                       Is it beautiful?..

Narrator 1: 

Here is the house in the wood.

A Wolf is running through the wood. 

It stops at the door,  It knocks at the door.

The Wolf: 

-Knock, knock, knock. Who lives here? 


-We do. (Everyone is scared)

The Wolf:  

-Don’t be scared. Don’t worry. I don’t eat meat. I’m vegetarian. Who are you?

-I am a green Frog.

-   I am a grey Mouse.

-   I am a white Hare.

-I’m a little Hedgehog.

-   I’m a wise Owl. And who are you?

The Wolf

I’m a black Wolf. Hello, Frog! Hello, Mouse! Hello, Hare! Hello, Hedgehog! Hello, Owl! May I live with you? 


-Do, please. Come in.

The Wolf

-Thank you.  

Our house is made of wood .

Made of wood,  made of wood.

Our house is made of wood.


Narrator 2:  Here is the house in the wood.

                    A Fox  is running through the wood. 

                     It stops  at the door,                       It knocks at the door.

 The Fox:

-What a beautiful house. Knock, knock, and knock.

 Who lives in the house?

 The Frog, the Mouse, the Hare, the Hedgehog , the Owl, the Wolf:

 -We do.

-I am a green Frog

-   I am a grey Mouse - I am a white Hare.

I’m a little Hedgehog.

-   I’m a wise Owl. 

-   I’m a black Wolf . And who are you?

 The Fox:

-I’m a red Fox

The Fox

-My dear frog and mouse, my dear hedgehog and owl, my dear wolf! May I live with you?

All:- Do, please. Come in.

Our house is made of  wood .

Made of wood,  made of wood.

Our house is made of wood.


Narator 2 :

 -Let’s sing together. (All participants sing a song “The more we are together”) 

          The more we are together

The more we are together

Together, together

The more we are together

The happier are

For my friend is your friend

And your friend is my friend

The more we are together

The happier we are


The more we sing together

Together, together

The more we sing together

The happier we are

For his friend is her friend

And her friend is his friend

The more we play together

The happier we are


The more we dance together

Together, together

The more we dance together

The happier we are

For our friends are their friends

And their friends are our friends

The more we dance together

The happier we are

The more we dance together

The happier we are

Narrator 1

Here is the house in the wood.

A Bear is running through the wood. 

It stops at the door,  It knocks at the door.

The Bear:

-Knock, knock, knock. Who lives here? Who are you?

 The Frog, the Mouse, the Hare, the Hedgehog, the Owl, the Wolf and          The Fox:

 -We do.

-I am a green Frog.

-   I am a grey Mouse.

-   I am a white Hare.

-I’m a little Hedgehog.

-   I’m a wise Owl. 

-   I’m a black Wolf.

I’m a red Fox.  And who are you?

         The Bear

-I’m a brown Bear. May I live with you?


-No, you are too big! Run away! Run away!

(The bear enters to the house and house crashes and falls down) 

Fairy of forest

-Don’t cry. Everything will be OK. I’ve got a good idea. Frog, help me, please.

 (Kids bring the model of yellow submarine and start to sing a song “ Yellow submarine”  “The Beatles”)

         Yellow Submarine