Semester Writing Test.Form 10

Про матеріал
Контрольна робота містить завдання на вибір правильної відповіді ( лексика),заповнення пропусків ( прийменники), продовження речень ( умовні речення) та відповіді на запитання.
Перегляд файлу

Semester Writing Test

Level I. Choose the correct option.

1. We should go along this valley/path/beach until we get out of the woods.

2. The water in the pond/ spring/ sea is good to drink.

3. Have you had weather/atmosphere/climate forecast for today?

4. The family spent 2 weeks on the distant/ remote/far away island.

5. Be careful not to burn your hand/chin/ tongue when you drink hot tea.

6. These jeans make my thighs/ thumbs/ribs look really fat.

7. I hurt my back and need an operation on my leg/ spine/ wrist.

8. Who is the lead/ main/head guitarist in this band?

9. This chat show is watched by 15 million audience/viewers/cast.

10. They have been practicing for a long time before their first live play/gig/venue.

Level II. Fill in the gaps with prepositions: for, of, up, to, in, from, with, on, about, down

1. I want to raise money … charity.

2. I am taking part in this marathon…memory of my brother.

3. She suffers …heart disease.

4. Who were you arguing…, John?

5. What do you think…when you listen to classical music?

6. Ecological problems is something I have always worry…

7. He wants to carry…with his career as a pianist.

8. You need to scroll…the page to see what is at the bottom.

9. Bill should pay attention…his pronunciation.

10. I didn’t know that he had taken...ballet.

Level III. Complete the sentences:

1: If you sit in the sun too long …

2: If I were the Prime Minister…

3: If she had studied harder ….

 4: If I won the lottery …

5: If I hadn’t gone to bed so late …

6: If I go out tonight…

 7: If I were on holiday today …

8: If I hadn’t eaten so much ….

9: If I were British …

10: If you don’t wear a coat in the winter …

11.I wish ….now.

12.If only I…last year.

Level IV. Answer the questions. Use full answers.

1. What is your favourite TV series? Why?

2. When was the last time you felt unwell? What happened?

3. Do you think it is important to have a break from daily routines sometimes? Why/ Why not?

4. What places would you like to visit on a round-the –world trip? Why?

5. You are going to cook a three-course meal for your friend. What are you going to cook and how?

6. What things are you doing to help the environment?

До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, академічний рівень) 10 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
19 березня 2023
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