Семестрова контрольна Аудіювання з англійської мови

Про матеріал
Структура тесту: 3 частини: 1) 6 питань з вибором відповіді (3 бали) 2) 6 питань на істинність/хибність (3 бали) 3) 10 питань на заповнення пропусків (4 бали) 4) Додаткове питання: 2 бали Макс. бал: 12 Оцінювання: 1 бал за питання з вибором відповіді. 0,5 бала за питання на істинність/хибність. 0,4 бала за питання на заповнення пропусків. 2 бали за додаткове питання. Відео з аудіозаписом https://t.me/audioforua(відео та силка на нього) https://youtube.com/watch?v=23re8TbGg7k&si=3Q1LXFPra-Bse0la
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[1]  Аnswer the question by choosing a, b, or c ( 1. What’s the name of this festival?

-  A) Eurovision

-  B) TV-Show

-  C) Festival of notes

2. How many countries participate in Eurovision?

-  A) 25

-  B) 37

-  C) 50

3. Where is this year’s Eurovision contest being held?

-  A) Oslo, Norway

-  B) Paris, France

-  C) Malmö, Sweden

4. How long does the stage crew have to change the set?

-  A) 30 seconds - B) 50 seconds

-  C) 1 minute

5. How many viewers watch Eurovision live?

-  A) 50 million

-  B) 100 million

-  C) 150 million

6. What do the viewers see during the stage change?

-  A) Live backstage footage

-  B) A pre-recorded video called the postcard

-  C) Commercials


[2]   Сhoose if it is true(T) or false(F)

1.  Eurovision is one of the biggest shows. True/False

2.  The stage crew has 1 minute to change the set. True/False

3.  Eurovision is broadcast live to more than 150 million people. True/False

4.  Only European countries can participate in Eurovision. True/False

5.  The stage changes are visible to the viewers at home. True/False

6.  The show-roller coordinates the stage changes. True/False


[3]   For sentences (1-10) сhoose and circle the correct answer 1. Eurovision is a ___ show.

-  A) popular

-  B) small

-  C) big

2. The stage crew has ___ seconds to change the set.

-  A) 30

-  B) 50

-  C) 60

3. The Eurovision contest is held in ___.

-  A) Malmö

-  B) Berlin

-  C) Madrid

4. Eurovision is a ___ competition.

-  A) cooking - B) singing

-  C) dancing

5. The number of people working behind the scenes is ___.

-  A) 500

-  B) 1000 - C) 1500

6. During the stage change, the viewers see ___.

-  A) live backstage

-  B) a pre-recorded video

-  C) commercials

7. The stage crew must move ___ props.

-  A) heavy

-  B) light

-  C) digital

8. The digital labeling system marks where ___ should be placed.

-  A) cameras

-  B) props

-  C) chairs

9. The process described in the text is called ___.

-  A) stage right

-  B) stage left

-  C) Eurovisionnormal

10. The main challenge is to change the set in ___.

-  A) 50 seconds

-  B) 5 minutes

-  C) 1 hour


[4]   Short Answer

Describe in one sentence the role of Julia in the Eurovision stage change process.                                           {Keys}

[1]    Answer the question by choosing a, b, or c

1.  A) Eurovision

2.  B) 37

3.  C) Malmö, Sweden

4.  B) 50 seconds

5.  C) 150 million

6.  B) A pre-recorded video called the postcard


[2]    Choose if it is true or false

1.  True

2.  False

3.  True

4.  False

5.  True

6.  False


[3]     For sentences choose and circle the correct answer

1.      C) big

2.      B) 50

3.      A) Malmö

4.      B) singing

5.      C) 1500

6.      B) a pre-recorded video

7.      A) heavy

8.      B) props

9.      C) Eurovisionnormal

10.  A) 50 seconds


[4]     Short Answer

 Julia is the show-caller who coordinates the timing and execution of stage changes by counting down and communicating cues to the team.




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