Семестрова контрольна робота з англійської мови "Читання. І семестр. 9 клас."

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Семестрова контрольна робота з читання у 9 класі (І семестр) розрахована на 2 варіанти, містить завдання на перевірку детального розуміння тексту та загального змісту прочитаного.
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Test Reading 1st term 9th form

Variant 1

Task1. Read this extract from a job application form. Are the following statements true or false?

I am interested in this job because I am currently looking for an opportunity to use the skills I learnt in my college. I have recently completed a 16-week part-time accounting course (AAT Level 2 Certificate).  The course covered book-keeping, recording income and receipts and basic costing. We used a wide range of computer packages, and I picked up the accounting skills easily. I was able to work alone with very little extra help. I passed the course with merit. I believe my success was due to my thorough work, my numeracy skills and my attention to detail. During the course, I had experience of working to deadlines and working under pressure.  Although this was sometimes stressful, I always completed my work on time.

Unfortunately, the course did not include a work placement, so I have not practised my skills in a business setting, and I am now looking for an opportunity to do so.  I am particularly looking for a job in a small company such as yours, as I believe I will be able to interact with a wider range of people, and as a result, learn more skills.  I would like to progress within a company and gain more responsibilities over the years.

Although I do not have work experience in finance, I have experience in working in an office environment.  Before starting the accounting course, I worked for 6 months in a recruitment office as a receptionist. My duties involved meeting and greeting clients and visitors, taking phone calls, audio and copy typing and checking stock. I also had to keep the petty cash and mail records.  Through this work, I developed my verbal and written communication skills. I had to speak confidently to strangers and deliver clear messages.  I enjoyed working in a team environment.  I believe the office appreciated my friendly manner and efficient work.

  1.      The candidate has a qualification in accounting.
  2.      The candidate has a university degree in accounting. 
  3.      The candidate has worked as an accountant before. 
  4.      Deadlines do not stress the candidate.  
  5.      The candidate is familiar with some accounting software.
  6.      The candidate has worked as part of a team in an office environment.
  7.      The candidate has experience of record-keeping.

Task 2. Read the texts below. Match choices (A-H) to (1-5). There are three choices you do not need to use.

Some Tips for Teens to Succeed in an Interview


Don’t just show up for the interview. The more information you have learnt in advance, the better impression you will make on the interviewer. Take the time to get working papers (if you need them) and references, before you start looking for a job.


It’s essential to have good manners being interviewed. Shake your interviewer’s hand. Don’t sit until you are invited to. Don’t slouch in your chair. Doesn’t use slang or swear. Be positive, and professional throughout the interview.


Arrive at the interview site a few minutes early. If you’re not sure where to go, get directions ahead of time. If you don’t have a driver’s license, make sure you have a ride.


If your mom or dad brings you for an interview, don’t bring them into the interview room with you. Go by yourself. It’s important that you speak for yourself and connect with the interviewer, without someone else’s assistance.


Know what days and hours you are available to work. The employer will ask. Flexibility is definitely an asset, because the more time you are available, the easier it is for the employer to organize your work. Also know how you are going to get to and from work, if you don’t drive.

A Be Polite

B Be Punctual

C Be Prepared

D Go on Your Own

E Dress Appropriately

F Know Your Schedule

G Prepare Your Questions

H Consult Your Parents


Test Reading 1st term 9th form

Variant 2

Task1. Read this extract from a job application form. Are the following statements true or false?

I am interested in this job because I am currently looking for an opportunity to use the skills I learnt in my college. I have recently completed a 16-week part-time accounting course (AAT Level 2 Certificate).  The course covered book-keeping, recording income and receipts and basic costing. We used a wide range of computer packages, and I picked up the accounting skills easily. I was able to work alone with very little extra help. I passed the course with merit. I believe my success was due to my thorough work, my numeracy skills and my attention to detail. During the course, I had experience of working to deadlines and working under pressure.  Although this was sometimes stressful, I always completed my work on time.

Unfortunately, the course did not include a work placement, so I have not practised my skills in a business setting, and I am now looking for an opportunity to do so.  I am particularly looking for a job in a small company such as yours, as I believe I will be able to interact with a wider range of people, and as a result, learn more skills.  I would like to progress within a company and gain more responsibilities over the years.

Although I do not have work experience in finance, I have experience in working in an office environment.  Before starting the accounting course, I worked for 6 months in a recruitment office as a receptionist. My duties involved meeting and greeting clients and visitors, taking phone calls, audio and copy typing and checking stock. I also had to keep the petty cash and mail records.  Through this work, I developed my verbal and written communication skills. I had to speak confidently to strangers and deliver clear messages.  I enjoyed working in a team environment.  I believe the office appreciated my friendly manner and efficient work.

  1. The candidate has a qualification in accounting.
  2. The candidate has a university degree in accounting. 
  3. The candidate has worked as part of a team in an office environment. 
  4. The candidate has experience of record-keeping.      
  5. The candidate believes herself to be a careful worker.   
  6. Deadlines do not stress the candidate.  
  7. The candidate is applying for a job in a large firm.


Task 2. Read the texts below. Match choices (A-H) to (1-5). There are three choices you do not need to use.

Top Five Study Tips


 Make sure you have all the materials you need at hand before you start studying. Getting up to look for a pencil sharpener or ruler will break your concentration and waste your time.


Think about what it will mean for you if you do well in your studies. How will it make you feel? If you keep the end result in mind it will help you succeed in studying. You might like to find an image or something that represents success for you and put it somewhere you can see it while you're studying.


Use a calendar or a list of dates or a wall planner to keep track of exam dates and assignment due dates. Space out your study time each week for the whole term/semester - don't try to cram it all in the night before! Set yourself a time limit for each task and follow it.


You study better when you're feeling good. So make sure you eat well and get enough sleep. Exercise is great but don't overdo it. It's also a good idea to schedule regular breaks when you're studying and keep hydrated. If you follow these steps you will study better.


Taking detailed notes in class or at home will save you a lot of time later. Re-writing and adding to your notes is a great way to revise what you've learned.


A Organize your working space

B Take care of yourself

C Plan your time

D Clear your mind

E Get motivated

F Get creative

G Socialize and relax

H Write down and review


Середня оцінка розробки
Оригінальність викладу
Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 3
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Таралевич Анастасія
    Вдячна за можливість скористатись даним матеріалом. Особливо за наявність 2 -х варіантів))
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  2.  Tanya
    Можна будь ласка готову перевірену таку роботу?
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  3. Полянчич Татьяна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
25 грудня 2019
Оцінка розробки
4.6 (3 відгука)
Безкоштовний сертифікат
про публікацію авторської розробки
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