Семестровий контроль говоріння за І семестр

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Семестровий контроль говоріння для 9 класу за І семестр за підручником Оксани Карпюк.
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Speaking 9 form, I Term

Монологічне мовлення (15 хв.)

Учні обирають одну з трьох тем (можна за допомогою жеребкування або за вибором) та готують коротку розповідь (2-3 хвилини).

Орієнтовні запитання до кожної теми:

The Profession of My Dream

What is your dream profession?

Why do you find it interesting or important?

What skills and education are necessary for it?

The Printed Media in Ukraine

What newspapers or magazines are the most popular in Ukraine?

Why do people still read printed media despite the development of online platforms?

Which printed media do you prefer and why?

The Most Popular Youth Subculture

What are the most popular youth subcultures nowadays?

Which subculture do you find the most interesting and why?

Are there any famous representatives of these subcultures in Ukraine?

Приклад монологу (зразок):

My dream profession is to become a doctor. I think it is one of the most important jobs because doctors save lives. I want to specialize in pediatrics because I love working with children. To achieve this goal, I need to study biology and chemistry well and enter medical university.

Діалогічне мовлення (15 хв.) Учні працюють у парах, отримуючи картки із завданнями на побудову діалогу.

Приклади ситуацій для діалогу:

1. Тема: The Profession of My Dream

Student A: Tell me about your dream profession. Why have you chosen it?

Student B: I want to become a journalist. I love writing and sharing stories with people.

Student A: That’s interesting! What skills do you think are important for a journalist?

Student B: I think journalists need to be curious, good at writing, and always ready to learn new things.

2. Тема: The Printed Media in Ukraine

Student A: Do you still read printed newspapers or magazines? Why or why not?

Student B: Sometimes I read magazines about technology. I find them more interesting than online articles.

Student A: Which magazine do you usually buy?

Student B: I prefer "Tech Today" because it has lots of useful information.

3. Тема: The Most Popular Youth Subculture

Student A: What youth subcultures are popular in your city?

Student B: In my city, hip-hop culture is very popular, especially among teenagers.

Student A: Why do you think they like it?

Student B: I think it’s because of the music and fashion. It’s also a way to express themselves.

До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
8 грудня 2024
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