Серія вправ на тему "Пасивний стан дієслів в англійській мові"

Про матеріал
Серія вправ на тему "Пасивний стан дієслів в англійській мові" містить вправи "Fill in the proper form of the pronouns in brackets", "Transform the sentences into Passive", які стануть внагоді вчителю під час вивчення теми "The Passive Voice"
Перегляд файлу

Fill in the proper form of the pronouns in brackets

  1. He was invited by ….(she).
  2. It was told by …(he).
  3. That wasn’t done by …(I).
  4. The party was made by …(they).
  5. The concert will be arranged by …(we).
  6. The present was chosen by …(you), wasn’t  it?

Transform the following sentences into Passive

  1. I feed my cat 5 times a day.
  2. My neighbours walk their puppy regularly.
  3. You can book this accommodation at a reasonable price.
  4. They gave him a discount.
  5. She showed me her new photos.
  6. The guide told a mysterious legend.
  7. I could hear some strange noise.
  8. They cancelled the meeting.
  9. He sent the report yesterday.
  10. I have just received a message from her.
  11. The results of the tournament will show the winner.
  12. I will inform them about the new schedule.
До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
30 квітня 2020
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