Система вправ, спрямованих на навчання аудіювання з опорою на відеоматеріали.

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Система вправ, спрямованих на навчання аудіювання з опорою на відеоматеріали для учнів 9-11 класів. Призначається студентам педагогічних університетів, учителям і викладачам англійської мови.
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Система вправ, спрямованих на навчання аудіювання з опорою на відеоматеріали.

(для учнів 9-11 класів)

Відеоматеріал №1


Тема:George Washington”

T: George Washington was the most loved statesman in the history of the USA.


Task 1: Watch the video about Washington. Then put the events of his life in the correct order:

• farming in Mount Vernon

• work as a surveyor in the wilderness

• marriage

• military mission in the French and Indian War

• a commander-in-chief of the Continental army

• attending the Continental Congress

• president of the republic

• retirement

• attending the Continental Convention


Task 2: Which information is true?

1. Washington guided his country for nearly / more than 20 years.

2. He belonged to an English settlers’ / Native Americans’ family.

3. The family rose in the world by military service / hard work.

4. George went to school for 8 /14 years.

5. His father had 6 /10 children by his two wives.

6. At the age of 14 Washington began to work / to serve in the army.

7. He and his wife Martha had two / no children of their own.

8. At the Continental Congress Washington impressed its members

with his military / farming knowledge.

9. He was elected a commander-in-chief / the first president in 1789.

10. George Washington died in a battle / after an illness in 1799.


Task 3: Write a summary.

Washington won a lasting __ in American history, He __ an exciting life: explored __ wilderness, fought the French __ Indians, won the War __ Independence, became the first __ of the republic. No __American has been honored __ than Washington. The capital __ named after him. The __ of Washington is the __ state named after a __ .

Many parks, streets, bridges, __ and schools bear his __ . His portraits are on __ stamps, on the $1 __ .


Task 4: Answer the questions.

Questions for discussion.

  1. What would be an appropriate title of the passage?
  2. Why is Washington’s birthday celebrated nationwide?
  3. What other facts of Washington’s life do you know?


Відеоматеріал №2


Тема: “Abraham Lincoln”

Watch the video “Abraham Lincoln”.


Task 1: Remember the main points of Lincoln’s life and write down them.


Task 2: Match the events and periods of Lincoln’s life.

1. 1809

a) moved to Indiana

2. 8 years of age

b) was born in Kentucky

3. 10 years of age

c) learned to read, write and cipher

4. school years

d) studied and practiced law

5. till 21 years of age

e) was a captain of volunteers

6. 22 years of age

f) was a clerk in a store

7. the Black Hawk War

g) practiced law

8. elections of 1832

h) was elected to the House of Congress

9. next elections

i) ran for the legislature

10. the legislative period

j) was elected to the legislature

11. 1846

k) was elected president

12. 1849–1854

1) mother died

13. 1861

m) continued farm work


Task 3: Write a summary.

Abraham Lincoln was born __ 1809. His parents were __ undis‐tinguished families, and grew __ without education. Abraham got __school education. He advanced __ his education later on __ the pres‐sure of necessity . __ had been a farmer, __ clerk, a captain of __, a legislator, a Congressman __ he was elected president __ the USA. He was __ in flesh, of dark __, with black hair and __ eyes.

Task 4: Answer the questions.

Questions for discussion.

  1. What other facts about Lincoln do you know?
  2. Is his birthday celebrated in the USA?
  3. What do Americans call the third Monday in February?


     Відеоматеріал №3


       Тема: “Elvis Presley”.

       Watch the video “Elvis Presley”.

       T: The story you are going to watch tells about a superstar, a man

who is known as the King of Rock and Roll. Who is this man?


Task 1: Look at the list of places. Watch the video and put them in the correct order.

  1. Mississippi Sun Records Studio
  2. Memphis Hollywood
  3. Germany New Gracelands
  4. York Las Vegas


Task 2:. Complete the sentences.

1. Elvis Prestey was bom in Tupeto __ .

2. His parents were __ .

3. Elvis loved __ .

4. When a child, he sang in the church __ .

5. The family moved to __ .

6. After leaving school Elvis worked as a __ .

7. He recorded his first songs at __ .

8. Many of his __ records were big __ .

9. Having served in the Army, Elvis went to __ .

10. There he made seven __ .

11. He died from a heart __ .

12. He is still loved by millions of __ .


Task 3: Write a summary

Elvis Presley, the King __ Rock and Roll, came __ a poor family. He __ had music lessons. At __ age of 19 he __ his first two songs, __next fourteen records became __ hits. When he returned __ the army in I960, __ made several films in __ . After a break he __ on TV and became __ again. In his last __ he was depressed and __ from a heart

attack __ 1977.


Task 4: Answer the questions.

Questions for discussion.

Are you fond of Rock and Roll music?

What do you think of Elvis Presley?

What rock singers do you like?

What do you know about them?


Відеоматеріал №4


Тема: “The Legend of St. Patrick”.

T: Americans celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. The legend has an interesting origin. Stories of Saint Patrick reached far and wide in ancient times.


Task 1: Arrange events of Patrick’s life in correct order:

• Patrick escaped to France.

• Patrick was captured by the Germanic tribes and taken to Ireland.

• Patrick lived in the British Isles.

• Patrick went back to Ireland.


Task 2: Arrange the events logically. Tell what happened “first”, “then”

and “finally”.

1. a) First the British Isles were conquered by the Romans...

b) Patrick was captured and taken to Ireland.

c) The British Isles were conquered by Germanic tribes.

        2. a) A voice told Patrick to find a ship in the harbor.

b) Patrick found the ship and sailed to France.

c) Patrick prayed one night.

3. a) Patrick led the ship’s crew through a dangerous forest.

b) Patrick performed a miracle and no man died.

c) Wild animals appeared to eat the men.

4. a) Patrick began to travel from village to village talking about

his faith.

b) Patrick arrived in Ireland.

c) Patrick believed it was his duty to go back to Ireland.

5. a) The shamrock became a symbol of Ireland.

b) Some people asked Patrick to explain what the Holy Trinity


c) Patrick used the shamrock to explain the Holy Trinity.


Task 3: Write a summary.

Every year on March __ Irish Americans celebrate St __ Day. Patrick was a __ boy who once lived __ the British Isles. When __ land was invaded by __ tribes, Patrick was taken __ a slave to Ireland . __ escaped, travelled much, then __ to Ireland. There he __ the mission of converting __ to the Christian religion. __ miracles gave rise to __

about him. Later on __ became a saint.


Task 4: Answer the questions.

Questions for discussion.

  1.     When do the people ctlebrate St Patrick Day?
  2.     What colour is one of the national colors of Ireland?
  3.     What colour of shirts, ties, hair ribbons and hats do people wear on that day?
  4.     When did St Patrick die?
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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
5 квітня 2024
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