Слайд - презентація: Global Teenager

Про матеріал
Activity objectives: - to practice the students in learning and revising vocabulary ; - to develop the skills of listening, speaking and writing on the theme; - to teach students to express their opinions.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Micro – Teaching. Listening Global Teenagers

Номер слайду 2

What are three groups of people ? Kids. Teenagers. Grown - ups

Номер слайду 3

Presentation of lexical materialthe globe – globala spherical model of Earth or any planet;relating to or involving the whole world;an appeal — to appealthe power or ability to attract or stimulate the mind or emotions;to attract or interest someone;

Номер слайду 4

Presentation of lexical material to exist — existence to be real or present;when someone or something exist;the universe — universaleverything is exist including stars, space etc.;relating to everyone in the world .

Номер слайду 5

1. e) It is a way in which teenagers across the world communicate with each other and share a common culture.2. c) Teens these days can chat online with their friends thousands of kilometres away. 3.b) The effect of the Internet on a teenage boy enables him to find thousands of people around the world whose preferences in music or reading are similar to his own.4. a) The strongest force in international youth culture today is pop music..5. d) The new shorthand English used in text messaging and in the Internet chat rooms.

Номер слайду 6

Game Out – of – Order Phone Global teenager, dominant language, universal appeal, text messaging, preferences in music, cultural differences.

Номер слайду 7

Fill in the blanks in the sentences. Key words: respect, rock-and-roll, jeans, T-shirts, popular, restaurants, teenager's, existence, cyberspace, globe, universal, messaging.

Номер слайду 8

Correct the sentences Only American teenagers wear Levi jeans and T-shirts. (Teenagers wear Levi jeans and T-shirts everywhere in the world) Graffiti is local language of a teenager today. (universal).3. Global teenager shouldn`t know English well (should).4. The Internet enables a modern teenager in Ukraine to feel himself isolated. (to find thousands of people around the world whose preferences of music or reading similar to his own) 5. Weblish is a kind of English (shorthand English used in text messaging and in the Internet chat rooms).

Номер слайду 9

Thank you for your hard work, you were brilliant today! Have a nice day!

Lionova Anna
27 вересня 2021
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