St. Valentine’s Day. What do you know about it?

Про матеріал
До уваги представлено сценарій свята до ДНЯ СВЯТОГО ВАЛЕНТИНА. Учні розділені на групи і приймають участь у святі, захищаючи заздалегідь підготовлену частину проекту, над якою працювали протягом тижня
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St. Valentine’s Day


Мета: ознайомити учнів з історією свята, розвивати навички говоріння;

           формувати уміння висловлювати свої думки, виховувати естетичний смак;

           виховувати повагу до традицій інших народів



Сценарій свята

(Учні розділені на групи: Кухарі, Літератори, Фотографи, Актори)Кожна група готувалась до захисту проекту згідно свого завдання)

Музика та презентація

Ведучий: Love is great. It’ll never disappoint you even if it comes late.
L-O-V-E will make you drop you to your knees
Love is the key that opens the door
Love is the thing that you want more and more
Love is the only thing that you live for

  Hello, friends! We’re happy to welcome you at our party today. Today we shall have the English party and have a talk about the Valentine's Day!

It has been said that we need just three things in life:

Something to do,

Something to look forward too

And someone to love.

 What kind of holiday is St. Valentine's Day It’s a special day. It’s the day when people tell each other nice things, they give small presents to their beloved ones, and they speak and sing about love.

 St. Valentine's Day is a religious holiday, which is celebrated in Great Britain, in many European countries and in the USA.

 One of the  symbols of love is  Cupid, the Roman God of love, who is represented as a young boy with a bow and arrow.

 What symbols of  love do you know?

(Hearts,  Love birds and Doves , Rings , Red Rose )

You were devided into four groups: actors, poets, cooks, photographers and today we are going to watch the story about Valentine, to listen to the poems, to taste smth delicious and wish each other to be loved, be happy and be lucky

But before we start lets check what do you know about this holiday?

So let’s start, let’s know smth new about the St Valentines Day.

 Do you know why this day is called St. Valentine’s Day? Who was this Valentine?

There are several stories about the origin of the day. Do you want to learn more about it? Here you are. According to one legend Valentine was a Christian priest in the Roman Empire 300 after the death of Jesus Christ.

Театралізоване дійство  

Голос з-за сцени:

When the Roman Emperor Claudius II needed soldiers for his army, he made a special law against marrying because he was sure that getting married made men want to stay at home instead of fighting wars. But at that time there lived a priest called Valentine. He couldn’t agree with the emperor’s decision. When he saw that young couples were truly in love, he married them secretly.

Scene 1

На сцені зявляються хлопець з дівчиною

Він:  Oh, please! Marry us! We love each other truly! We can’t live without each other.

Вона: I’ll die, if you don’t marry us. Please, please. Help us!

(вони  падають на коліна)

Священик: I see how much you love each other. I will help you. My daughter! My son! I declare you husband and wife! Live long and be happy!


( стража, захоплюють священика)

Стражник 1: Priest, you have been discovered and condemned to death!

Стражник 2: How dare you break the law? To prison! To prison!

він і вона: Farewell, Father!

Scene 2

Священик в тюрьмі. 

Сумна мелодія.

  тюремщик з донькою.

Священик: What a beautiful girl!

Тюремщик: This is my daughter. She is so unhappy. She is blind. She will never enjoy the light of the sun! She will never see the blue sky! She will never see the trees! (рыдает)

Священик: I will help you. Come up to me, poor child! Don’t be afraid!

Дівчина:  You’ve worked a miracle! Thank you! You are so kind. Even here, in prison, you show your love for everyone.  I’m so grateful to you! May I come to visit you every day?

Священик:  Unfortunately, tomorrow, on February 14, I am to die. But I’m not scared and I want to tell everybody on earth, “I love you. I’m your Valentine”.

Голос з-за куліс:  Just before his death, on February 14, Valentine sent the girl a farewell message which he signed ”From your Valentine”.

  • Thank you very much During St Valentines Day we  read poems about love, because love inspires us to creat poems, to tell poems so let’s get pleasure listening beautiful poems. Poets are you ready?

віршIt’s Valentine’s Day”:

It’s Valentine’s Day. And in the street

There’s freezing rain, and slush, and sleet.

The wind is fierce. The skies are grey,

I don’t think I’ll go out today.

But here inside the weather’s warm,

There’s no trace of wind or storm.

And you just made the morning shine:

You said you’d be my Valentine

Стих"A song about love".

Love is a wonderful

thing though it’s sad.

Love makes you happy

And goes to your head.

Love keeps you lively

When others are down.

Love keeps you smiling

No trace of a known.

На сцене появляются ведущие

 People not only from Great Britain and the USA  celebrate St Valentines Day, people from other countries celebrate this holiday too. You had a task to find phrase” I love you” in foreign languages.  Do you know how can we say “I love you” in foreign languages:

French? (же тем),  German(их либе дих), Italian (ті \амо), Ukrainian (я тебе кохаю)

Spanish (те кйеро),  Japanese (ай сі теро), Polish(\кохамче), Portugal (te amo)

Ведучий: Love sounds beautiful in poems, in foreign languages, by the way it tastes delicious too and our third group “cooks” is ready to prove it . Cooks, are you ready?


  • Let’s cook something tasty for St Valentine’s Day

We need eggs and sugar and flour

Is it OK?

  • Oh, no my dear, our cake has a special secrete. You see?
  • Can you open it, please, only for me!
  • OK! Take all ingredients and add to them little kindness of course and some sweet jam

Tenderness and happieness don’t forget to put

All ingredients only for good

Be generous putting all your feelings

Don’t forget love in all its meanings:

Love to the friend, to the mother of course

Love to Ukraine, to the boys and to girls

Now you can cook without any help

And say our guest ”Take yourself”


Ведучий: Thanks girls, it sounds really tasty. But what about photographers? Are you ready to present us your work?



-My dear, you are so beautiful, you are so tender, you are so pretty May I take your pictures?

-Oh! No. I am afraid you can make bad photos

- I can prove Look at my work “Love is….cool”

-It is interesting


Відео презентація фотографій «шкільна любов»


Ведучий: Very nice work! Today, it was told many beautiful words about love and it’s time to congratulate each other with this beautiful holiday

There are red hearts on your tables, write down your congratulations to your friends and our guests

-Be happy

- Be my Valentine!

- Roses are red, violets are blue

  I love you!

  • You are the best!
  • Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • For you with love

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Sugar is sweet,
And so are you!

  • I love you today more than I did yesterday,
    but not as much as I will tomorrow.
    Happy Valentine!
  • I love you! From the earth till the moon! Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • You are always in my heart
  • You are wonderful

Діти обмінюються валентинками або кріплять на дошку у вигляді серця

Свято завершується вальсом

Happy Valentines Day!