The world of fantasy

Про матеріал
Бінарний урок з англійської мови та психології для учнів 6 класу. Під час уроку учні розглядають питання " Що таке уява", досліджують її особливості, а в кінці уроку отримують аналіз своєї роботи психологом, а також розвивають свої творчі здібності на практиці, створюючи незвичайних героїв з підручного матеріалу.
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Topic: The world of fantasy. Visiting the museum.


to practice using personality adjectives;

to practice using listening stratergies for true/false questions;

to  practice describing people;

to widen the knowledge about imagination;

to develop creative skills;



Level:  Elementary.

Type of the lesson: combinational one with the elements of psychology.




I. Organisation of the class.

- Good morning, children. I am glad to see you.


Today we are speaking about imagination and our psychologist will help us. So we will review words on this topic, widen our knowledge about unusual animals, have an unusual masterclass


II. Warming-up

I want you to remember the adjectives which we can use speaking about people. Two students come to the blackboard and write them down. Devide them into positive and negative.


                                         +   imagination  -


III. Oral Practice.

The psychologist tells students about imagination and children have a test about level of imagination.





IV. Psychological  test.

Using geometrical figures of five colours make a man. The psychologist explains what it means.


We have three bars of chocolate (white, black and milk). Three students  break them into pieces.

Children choose only one piece of chocolate they want to eat.

The psychologist explains  how our tastes depend on psychology.



V. Listening.

1. Pre-listening activity

Close your eyes and imagine….

2. While-listening activity

You are sitting in a comfortable armchair . You are flying by plane to the beautiful country England. You are flying higher and higher. Now you are landing. You are arriving to England. You are in the Oxford  museum.



VI.Watching the film.

1. Watching  activity

The teacher proposes  students to watch the film about unusual animals in the Oxford musеum.

2. While-reading activity

Watch the film and deside if the statements are true or false.

3. Post-reading activity

Answer the questions.


VII. Writing.

Using some new information at the lesson write notes about unusual animal   (in a group of four).

Read your notes.



IX. Masterclass.

 Let’s  create our own museum of unusual creatures using plastic bottles, plates, old newspapers etc

X. Summerising

Thank you. You have worked well.

The psychologist analyses the results of the work.
















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29 жовтня 2020
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