структура і лексика до теми сім"я

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Структура і лексика до теми "Сім"я" . Для учів середньої школи, містить лексику і структуру написання топіка "My family" з прикладом.
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Зазвичай топік будується за стандартною схемою:

  • спочатку ви говорите загальні слова про свою сім'ю і її складі;
  • потім розповідаєте трохи про себе, своїх заняттях і захоплення;
  • далі про батьків - як звуть, вік, професія, хобі;
  • потім про рідних братів і сестер - ім'я, вік, рід діяльності;
  • за бажанням можна додати про бабусь і дідусів;
  • в кінці розповісти про загальних характеристиках сім'ї та ваших традиціях.

В оповіданні про сім'ю бажано вжити наступні слова і вирази:

  • mother - мама
  • father - тато
  • sister - сестра
  • brother - брат
  • parents - батьки
  • grandmother - бабуся
  • grandfather - дідусь
  • grandparents - бабуся і дідусь
  • aunt - тітка
  • uncle - дядько
  • son - син
  • daughter - дочка
  • step-mother - мачуха
  • step-father - вітчим
  • god-mother - хрещена мати
  • god-father - хрещений батько
  • nephew - племінник
  • niece - племінниця
  • cousin - двоюрідний брат / сестра
  • relatives - родичі
  • husband - чоловік
  • wife - дружина
  • united family - дружна сім'я
  • large family багатодітна сім'я
  • to acquire a family - заводити сім'ю
  • a head of a family - глава сім'ї
  • to support / keep a family - здобути сім'ю
  • to provide for one's family - прогодувати сім'ю
  • unmarried mother мати-одиначка
  • to take care about children - піклуватися про дітей
  • to bring up - виховувати
  • an only child - єдина дитина.


My Family

Our family is neither large nor small. I have a mother, a father and a sister. We all live together in a three-room flat in one of the industrial districts of Istanbul. We are an average family.

My father Mike Popovich is 50 years old. He is a tall and well-built man with short black hair and grey eyes. He works as a engineer at a big plant. He likes his work and spends most of his time there. By character my father is a quiet man, while my mother is energetic and talkative.

My mother's name is Laura Patronovna. She is a teacher of mathematics and plays the balalaika well. My mother always has a lot of work to do about the house and at school. She is a busy woman and we all help her.

My sister's name is Christina. Like our mother Christina has blue eyes and fair hair. She is a very good-looking girl. Christina is two years younger than me. She is a pupil of the 7th form. She does well at school and gets only good and excellent marks. Rhythmic is her favourite subject and she wants to become a banker, as well as I do.

Our family is very united. We like to spend time together. In the evenings we watch TV, read books and newspapers, listen to music or just talk about the events of the day. Our parents do not always agree with what we say, but they listen to our opinion.

All of us like to spend our weekends in the country. We often go to the village where our grandparents live. They are aged pensioners now, but prefer to live in the country. My grand-grandmother is still alive. She lives in my grandmother's family and is always glad to see us. Her health is poor and she asks us to come and see her more often. I also have many other relatives: uncles, aunts, cousins. We are happy when we are together.


До підручника
Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
17 жовтня 2022
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