Свято "Англійські традиції та звичаї" для 5-7 класів

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Сценарій позакласного заходу для учнів 5-7 класів на тему:

«Англійські звичаї та традиції»

(Підготувала учитель англійської мови МЗОШ №42

Волощенко Наталія Леонідівна)

Слова ведучих.

Hello, dear friends! Welcome to the party

“English customs and traditions”

You will see the competion of … teams during our party.

Now we are going to invite the teams to take an active part in our contents. You will get some points for each contest and at the end of our party we shall score the results and find out the best lover of English customs and traditions.

The jury will follow and judge the competition. …… are in the jury.

Our first contest is: The introduction of the teams. We invite the teams and the leaders of the teams to introduce the name, the emblem, the motto of the teams. You will get 4 points for this contest.


Let's see the results of this contest.

Our second contest is: “ Quiz”. Listen to the question and raise up the card as quick as possible for the answer. You will get fishes during this contest and then we'll score the results.

Let's see the results of this contest. Let's count the fishes. We see the results and that … is the winner.

Our third contest is: “Exchange the questions or solve picture puzzles”. We welcome the teams to exchange the questions or picture puzzles. Let's do it around the table. Each team will get 1 minute to think over the task. Then we'll listen both variants. You will get 4 points for this contest.

Let's see the results of this contest.

While the jury is scoring the total results let's sing the song (for example “Jingle bells”)

Let's see the results of the whole party.

We see that … is the winner. … is the second (the third, the fourth …)

(The participants get prizes)

I want to thank all those who helped to organize this party and the participants. I think there are none who lost in this competion, because (all together) “We all love English and English traditions!”

Now welcome to the tea-party

Питання та відповіді для проведення вікторини.

What is the official name of Britain?

( the UK)

What are the parts of the UK?

How is the British National Flag called?

(The Union Jack)

When do the people in Britain celebrate Christmas?

( on December 25)

What do the British people do on the Eve of Christmas?

(do the shopping, prepare Christmas cards, buy food, presents)

What do the British people do on Christmas Day?

(exchange gifts, have dinner)

What special dishes do the British people make?

(turkey, Christmas pudding)

What can we see beside every place setting?

(Colourful packages with small presents, a cracker – two people pull it in different directions to make a cracking noise)

What is one of the symbols of Christmas?

( Christmas Tree)

Where do the children put their Christmas Stocking?

( at their beds or at the fireplace)

What do they want to get? (presents)

Who brings them a present? How?

( they believe that Father Christmas comes down the chimney

and puts presents in their stockings)

Where did the tradition of decorating Christmas tree come from?

( from Germany)

Who was the first to put up the first Christmas Tree in Britain?

( prince Albert for his wife. Queen Victoria, in Windsor Castle in 1841)

When do they ctltbrate Halloween? (October, 31)

What is the symbol of Halloween? ( a pumpkin)

What is “jack-o-lantern”?

(a pumpkin with the slits for a mouth, a nose and eyes with the lighted candle inside. It looks like a face)

What do the children do in the evening?

( go from house to house and say “trick or Treat”

What do people give the children? (candies, fruit, cakes and other tasty things)

How do the children look like?

( the wear masks and costumes of ghosts, goblins, witches, skeletons, devils)

What old holiday do children and young people celebrate in Britain in May?

( May Day)

When do they celebrate it?

( on the first Sunday in May)

What does the “maypole tree” mean?

( a pole decorated with ribbons of different colours)

What do they do around the pole tree?

( dance around, hold the ribbons and move around the tree, play games)

What do the girls put on?

( the best dresses and flowers in their hair)

Who becomes the May Queen? (the most beautiful girl)

What does she get? ( a crown)

How does the crown look like? ( it is made of nice spring flowers) wreath, garland, chaplet, crown

Таблиця-пртокол для журі.






The Results (The place)

Перегляд файлу

Сценарій позакласного заходу для учнів 5-7 класів на тему:

 «Англійські звичаї та традиції»

(Підготувала учитель англійської мови МЗОШ №42

Волощенко Наталія Леонідівна)

Слова ведучих.

Hello,  dear friends!  Welcome to the   party

 “English customs and traditions”

You will see the competion of  … teams during our party.

Now we are going to invite the  teams to take an active part in our contents. You will get  some  points   for each contest and at the end of our party we shall score the results and find out the best lover of  English customs and traditions.

The jury will follow and judge  the competition. …… are in the jury.

Our first contest is:  The introduction of  the teams. We invite the teams and the leaders of  the teams to introduce the name, the emblem, the motto of the teams. You will get 4 points for this contest.


Let’s see the results of this contest.

Our  second contest is: “ Quiz”.  Listen to the question and raise up the card as quick as possible  for the answer. You will get  fishes  during  this contest and then we’ll score the results.

Let’s see the results of this contest.  Let’s count the fishes. We see  the results and that … is the winner.

Our third contest is:  “Exchange the questions  or solve picture puzzles”.   We welcome the  teams  to exchange the questions or picture puzzles. Let’s do it around the table.  Each team will get 1 minute to think over the task. Then we’ll listen both variants. You will get 4 points for this contest.

Let’s see the results of this contest.

While the jury is scoring the total  results let’s sing the song  (for example “Jingle bells”)

Let’s see the results of the whole party.

We see that … is the winner.   … is the second (the third, the fourth …)

(The participants get prizes)

I want to thank all those who helped to organize this party and the participants.  I think there are none who lost in this competion,  because   (all together) “We all love English and English traditions!”

Now welcome to the tea-party


Питання та відповіді для проведення  вікторини.

What is the official name of Britain?

( the UK)

What are the parts of  the UK?

How is the  British National Flag called?

(The Union Jack)

When do the  people in Britain celebrate Christmas?

( on December 25)

What do the  British people do on the Eve of Christmas?

(do the shopping, prepare Christmas cards, buy food, presents)

What do the British people do on Christmas Day?

(exchange gifts, have dinner)

What special dishes do the British people make?

(turkey, Christmas pudding)

What can we see beside every place setting?

(Colourful packages with small presents, a cracker – two people pull it in different directions to make a cracking noise)

What is one of the symbols of Christmas?

( Christmas Tree)

Where do the children put their Christmas Stocking?

( at their beds or at the fireplace)

What do they want to get? (presents)

Who brings them a present? How?

 ( they believe  that Father Christmas comes down the chimney

 and puts presents in their stockings)

Where did the tradition of decorating Christmas tree come from?

( from Germany)

Who was the first to put up the first Christmas Tree in Britain?

( prince Albert for his wife. Queen Victoria, in Windsor Castle in 1841)

When do they ctltbrate Halloween?  (October, 31)

What is the symbol of  Halloween? ( a pumpkin)

What is “jack-o-lantern”?

(a pumpkin with the slits for a mouth, a nose and eyes with the lighted candle inside. It looks like a face)

What do the children do in the evening?

( go from house to house and say “trick or Treat”

What do people give the children? (candies, fruit, cakes and other tasty things)

How do the children look like?

( the wear masks and costumes of ghosts, goblins, witches, skeletons, devils)

What old holiday do children and young people celebrate in Britain in May?

( May Day)

When do they celebrate it?

( on the first Sunday in May)

What does the “maypole tree” mean?

( a pole decorated with ribbons of different colours)

What do they do around the pole tree?

( dance around, hold the ribbons and move around the tree, play games)

What do the girls put on?

( the best dresses and flowers in their hair)

Who becomes the May Queen?  (the most beautiful girl)

What does she get?  ( a crown)

How does the crown look like? ( it is made of nice spring flowers) wreath, garland, chaplet, crown

Таблиця-пртокол для журі.







The Results (The place)





































До підручника
Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
11 серпня 2018
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