Teenagers’ World of Art

Про матеріал
Objectives: 1. To activate vocabulary on the theme 2. To practice listening, reading and speaking 3. To develop pupils’ ability to act the roles 4. To teach pupils to go into discussion and get some practice at unprepared speaking 5. To teach pupils to express their opinion on the role of art in the life of teenagers 6. To develop listening, reading and speaking skills 7. To develop creativity, imagination, language intuition 8. To teach to present projects 9. To bring up love for art
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Theme:      Teenagers’ World of Art

 Form :       11


       1. To activate vocabulary on the theme

       2. To practice listening, reading and speaking

       3. To develop pupils’ ability to act the roles

       4. To teach pupils to go into discussion and get some practice at unprepared speaking

       5. To teach pupils to express their opinion on the role of art in the life of teenagers

       6. To develop listening, reading and speaking skills

       7. To develop creativity, imagination, language intuition

       8. To teach to present projects

       9. To bring up love for art

Equipment: pupils’ presentations, cards for listening comprehension, textbook “Your English Self “  form 11 L. V. Kalinina, a computer, a projector, multimedia presentation of the lesson



            The procedure of the lesson

   I. Introduction

   1. Greeting

T: Good morning, girls! Glad to see you in the lesson. We’ll continue speaking about painting. The theme of our today’s lesson is “Teenagers’ World of Art”.

    2. Aim.

       We’ll do a lot of various activities which will develop your speaking, listening and reading skills. You’ll practice in discussing and exchanging opinions on the subject.


 3. Brainstorming

  Discuss a saying “A picture is a poem without words”.     Do you agree or disagree with this statement? 


  II. Main part

  1. Speaking

   What styles of painting do you know?

   What painters do you admire?

   What genres of painting do you know?

   What is your favourite painting?

   What feelings can be evoked by art?

   Have you ever visited the Art Gallery?

   What masterpieces have you seen?

   Are you going to visit it again?

 2. Are you keen on painting?

 Match the painters with the pictures: “Collection Highlights”



1. J. Constable          “The Cornfield”, “The Hay-wain”

2. W. Turner             “The Fighting Temeraire”

3. J. Gainsborough    “The Blue Boy”

4. Leonardo da Vinci “The Virgin of the Rocks”

5. W. Hogarth            “Marriage a la Mode”                                6. Vincent Van Gogh “Sunflowers 

   Look at the screen and check your answers.

3. Presenting projects

    For today you had to prepare presentations of your project work (p. 242)

Now we’ll listen to the presentations prepared by the pupils.


4. Discussion.


  Does art play an important role in teenagers’ life?

  What do teenagers prefer more: painting or music and movie?

  What kinds of pictorial art are popular with teenagers in Ukraine?

  Do you often go to the art galleries?


5. Listening Comprehension

     Listen to two girls discussing art and say if they have the same tastes (p. 335)

    Decide whether these statements are true or false


1. Helen is going to London with her friends for a week.




2. Ann visited London last summer.


3. Helen is a great admirer of Arts.


4. Ann enjoyed every minute of her visit to the National Gallery.


5. Ann thought picture galleries good for elderly people, but she has changed her mind entirely.


6. Ann believes that real works of art can provide an emotional outlet.


7. Ann was impressed by seascapes.


8. The picture “Cornfield” by Gainsborough evoked a nostalgic feeling in Ann.

9. It was not painted from nature.


10. Helen likes portraits and seascapes much more than landscapes.


11. Next summer Helen’s language club is going to visit New York.


12. Helen is burning with impatience to see everything with her own eyes.


Look at the screen and check your answers.




6. Role Play

 Imagine that you are visiting an Art Gallery with your friend. Look at some pictures and make up the dialogue that may take place between two friends.

   But first of all let’s review the impression of the picture.

   (p. 212)

7. Reading

Read what art admirers say about the impressions of

visiting art museums and say about your experience.

 (p. 229 - 230)

 8. Speaking

 Pupils express their opinions about their experience of visiting art museum.


III. Summarizing of the lesson

  1. Homework

Open your day-books and write down your homework

  1.                      to review the words on the topic “Arts”;
  2.                      to read and translate the text on page 314, 315;
  3.                      to write a composition about your favourite    painting*.
  1. Summing up

Our lesson is coming to the end. I’m satisfied with your work. Thank you for active participation in presenting of your projects. You were active and creative. So, your marks for today are…

The lesson is over.

 All the best to you.



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