Тема уроку: "Моя сім’я"

Про матеріал
Опорний заклад “Кобеляцький ліцей №2 імені Олеся Гончара” Урок у 5-му класі з англійської мови Тема:”Моя сім’я” Учитель: Рафальська Л.М.
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Тема уроку: Моя сім’я, 5 клас, НУШ


Підручник А. Уолкер, Н. Левіс, М. Робінсон, О. Любченко «Hip-Hip Hello!»


ОЗ «Кобеляцький ліцей №2 імені Олеся Гончара»

Кобеляцької міської ради Полтавської області


Вчитель Рафальська Лілія Михайлівна


Кобеляки 2024-2025

Class: 5-th form

Level: A1

Time: 45 minutes

Topic: My Family.

Expecting Results.

The students must:

  •          use the key words to the topic «Family»;
  •          speak about family;
  •          make up dialogues;
  •          use the Present Simple Tense of the verb to be


Formation of Competences.

  1. Communication in Foreign Languages (English):
  •          motivation to study English:
  •          improving skills in listening, reading, writing and speaking.
  1. Civil and Social Competences:
  •          teach the students that all kinds of healthy families have common characteristics (love and caring);
  •          to identify that families have some similarities and some differences;
  •          importance of establishing and maintaining effective relationships in the family;
  •          tolerant attitude towards each other.
  1. Entrepreneurship and Financial Literacy:
  •          awareness of the perspective of a successful family: problem solving, organization and providing a positive emotional climate;
  •          building trust and confidence to be a modal family.

Type of the lesson: combined

Equipment: a computer, a textbook by A. Walker, N. Levis, O. Liubchenko, English 5, pictures to the topic, a crossword, ballons with the words.



Plan of the lesson .

І. The warm-up activity.

1. Organizational moment. Defining the theme of the lesson.

T. – I am glad to see you, dear students.

It`s time to begin our lesson.

Your task is to guess the topic of our today`s lesson. At the blackboard you can see a crossword. If you guess all the words correctly you will be able to name the topic of our lesson.

1. They are the parents of my mother. (grandparents)

2. She is the wife of my uncle. (aunt)

3. She is the mother of your sister. (mother)

4. She is the daughter of your mother. (sister)

5. He is the husband of my aunt. (uncle)



T. – You are right. The topic of our lesson is «Family»


2. Rhyme-reading «This is my family»

     This is the father, kind and true.

     This is the mother who cares for you.

     This is the brother so big and tall.

     This is the sister who plays with her ball.


ІІ.The main part

1. Vocabulary practice.

Game « Find the pair»

T. a) Look at the screen and match the words to the pictures.

     в) Let`s open your books at page 12, ex. 2. Explain the words you know .


2. Revising the words to the topic «Family» .Drawing «Mind map» .

a)Discussing « What does the family mean  to you?»

3.  Pair work. Answer the questions, ex. 5, p.13.


4.  Group`s work.

Problem deciding «What family would you like to have in future?»

I Group

I would like to have 3-5 children.

- Everyone helps each other.

- Children help each other.

- There is a spirit of cooperation.

- The family does everything together.

- Elder children look after younger ones, and it`s never boring.

II Group

I would like to have one child.

- There is more attention to one child.

- Everything in such family is for one child.

- Such family is more friendly.

- There is more love and respect to each other.

- The child hopes for its parents and itself.


5. PT minute.

Do you like singing songs? Let's listen and sing the song "If You're Happy"


6.Preparing to  speaking « My best mummy or granny»

Creative work in 2 groups.

T. – You should produce the images of the best mum and granny.

Please, revise the word combinations.

- to look after the family every day

- to cook delicious meals every day

- to tidy up the house

- to iron the clothes

- to be kind to children

- to have interesting hobbies

- to spend much time with the family

- to understand the children

- to be popular with children`s friend.

7. Speaking «My best mummy(granny)».

T. a) – Students, who can prove that your mum (granny) is the best. Describe, please, the appearance and their everyday`s work.

Example: I`d like to tell you about my mum (granny).

Her name is Tania. She is 37. My mum (granny) is tall. Her hair is long (short). She has got beautiful grey (brown) eyes. My mum`s smilig is nice. She has time for her hobby. She also cooks tasty dishes.

My mym (granny) is calm, pretty. She is kind to the children and understands them.

My mum (granny) is the best one.


b) T. – Well done. And now look at the screen. You can see a list of some words. Your task is to find the synonyms and  the antonyms.

Work in groups.

I group

Find the synonyms:

tall                    delicious

long                  wonderful

beautiful          quiet

tasty                 nice

kind                  nigh

calm                 lengthy

pretty               angry

II group

Find the antonyms:

tall                    ugly

long                  short

beautiful          worst

tasty                 short

best                  plain

calm                 nasty (несмачний)

pretty              excited

c) Proverbs and sayings about family. Find the right translation.


1. Like father, like son.

2. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

3. A family tie is like a tree. It can bend but it can’t break.


1. Яблуко далеко від дерева не падає.

2. Який батько, такий і син.

3. Сімейний зв’язок, як дерево. Воно може зігнутися, але не може зламатися.

8. Revising to be в Present Simple, ex. 1, p. 23.


9. Complete the sentences with am, is or are. 

1. I … Sam.

2. My mum … kind.

3. They … glad.

4. She … small.

5. It … a kitten.

6. He … my classmate.

ІІІ. . Summary of the lesson.

1. T. – My dear students! I thank you for your good work at the lesson. You were active and cooperative. I`m sure that we have got the main idea of the lesson which sounds in such way: all members of the family should love and respect one another;

Spend much time together and help each other.


2. Evaluation.

T. And now I will tell you about your answers, your work. You will have different colored balloons with the words on them. Those words are for your work.

The teacher gives balloons to the students.


3. The home assignment

T. – Your homework is:

To tell about your family

 4. The end of the lesson. Saying good-bye

.T. Stand up, children! The lesson is over. Good-bye. Have a nice day!