Тема: “Візит до лікаря”

Про матеріал
Другий урок із семи за темою. Допомагає розвивати комунікативні навички, складаючи діалог та залучає учнів до читання, письма та аудіювання.
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Урок № 2
Тема: “Візит до лікаря”


- повторити слова за темою “Здоров’я”;

- залучити учнів до читання, письма та аудіювання;

- розвивати комунікативні навички, складаючи діалог;

- розвивати уяву і творчість.

Обладнання: картки, підручник, фрукти, словник


  • Підготовка до іноземного мовлення

Привітання. Мета уроку

Hello class. How are you today? Who is on duty? Who is absent? Today we are going to speak about our visiting the doctor. We’ll learn new words, read and act the dialog, we’ll do different activities. Do you know such a proverb “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” it is winter and our body needs a lot of nitamins. That’s why today I’ll give you apples, oranges and vitamins.

Write the date, topic

  1. Revision on vocabulary;
  2. How often do you visit a doctor?

Ask 2 people and learn the information.

I talked to (name) and (name).

I learned that (name) visits the doctor …..

Основна частина

1. The doctor visited me.

My name is Nick. Four days ago I suddenly fell ill. I had a headache and a terrible cough. My temperature was 38,5. Besides my nose was clothed up.

My mother telephoned our doctor and she came in an hour. She examined me, took the temperature and took a pulse. She said, “Nothing serious, just a flue. Keep your bed for a few days, don’t go out or you get complications.”

The doctor prescribed me a cough syrup and tablets.

Four days passed. I followed the instructions of the doctor and now I am well.


Listening a letter

  1.        1. Suddenly                                             a. закладений

2. terrible cough                                    b. ускладнення

3. clothed up                                          c. Слідував інструкціям

4. complications                                    d. раптово

5. followed the instructions                e. Жахливий кашель

b) Say if it is true or falls

1. Two days ago Nick suddenly fell ill.

2. Nick had a headache and a terrible cough.

3. The doctor examined the boy, took the temperature and took a pulse.

4. The doctor prescribed Nick’s mother a cough syrup.

5. Nick followed the instructions of the doctor.

2. Speaking

a) Speak on the following:

1. Think about your last visit to the doctor. Did you call (see) the doctor?

2. What did the doctor ask you?

3. What did the doctor prescribe for you? What did he suggest you to do?

4. Reading. Dialog acting.


What people do if:

                                               have an earache

                                                    have a toothache

If people

                                                    have a stomachache

                             have a cold


                                       go to the dentist

Thеy                                drink warm milk with honey

                                       call a doctor

                        take some medicine


3. Song “Head, shoulders, knees and toes”           

Now we’ll read the dialog:

P: Good morning, doctor.

D: Good morning. What’s the matter?

P: Oh doctor, I have a terrible cough.

D: I would like to listen to your heart and lungs. I see. It is cold.

P: Yes, doctor. What shall I take for my cold?

D: I think you should take cold tablets and a cough syrup. You must take one tablet three times a day and one teaspoon of the syrup every four hours.

P: OK, thank you.

D: Good buy.


Now let’s act your own dialog. You get the carbs. One of you is a doctor and another is a patient.

1.) Patient – flue (грип)

Symptoms: cough, high temperature, sore throat

Doctor – listen the lungs, examine a throat

Recommendations – stay in bed, drink hot tea with raspberry, tablets and a cough syrup

2.) Patient – stomachache

Symptoms: paint in the stomach, sometimes in the back

Doctor – feel the stomach,

Recommendations – stay in bed, keep t the diet, tablets

4. Writing

Write in your ex-books.

Group the words from the box into 3 columns:

A symptom and an illness, A part of the body, Health service

To sneeze/ toothache/ a head/ to cough/ lungs/ to prescribe medicine/ to take pulse/ high temperature/ shoulders/ headache/ heart/ to check the temperature

5. – два листочка

III Заключна частина

Home task

How let’s count our points. How many apples (oranges, vitamins) do you have? Your marks for today ….

Thank you for your work. You were very active.

And now it’s high time for the rope-play “At the doctor”. Who wants to be a doctor? Take your place at the desk and make your image. Who wants to be a patient? You’re welcome.

A visit to the physician

Physician: Hello!

Anya: Hello!

Physician: What’s the matter? You don’t look happy.

Anya: I don’t feel well. I’ve got a headache and an earache. My ear hurts. And I can’t move my head.

Physician: How long have you been this?

Anya: Since yesterday.

Physician: What is your temperature?

Anya: It is 37.5.

(Лікар слухає Аню)

Physician: You shouldn’t worry. You should stay in bed and keep warm yourself. I’ll prescribe some medicines for you. Take the medicine three times a day before meals. Take some vitamins, too. You should drink herbal tea (with mint, for example).

Anya: Thank you very much. Good bye.

Physician: Good bye.

At the dentist’s

Dentist: Hello!

Roma: Hello!

Dentist: What’s is the matter?

Roma: I’ve got an awful toothache. I used a hotwater bottle, I took different tablets, but nothing could help me.

Dentist: Open your mouth, please Show me your teeth. What tooth hurts you? Oh, your teeth are so bad. Do you brush your teeth?

Roma: Oh, yes, I do.

Dentist: How often do you brush your teeth?

Roma: Sometimes often, sometimes seldom.

Dentist: You must brush your teeth more than three times a day. And you must visit the dentist twice a year. But now I’ll extract your tooth. It is too bad.

Roma: Oh! My God!

A visit to surgeon

Surgeon: Hello!

Sasha: Hello!

Surgeon: What’s the matter?

Sasha: Oh, I was going home in the evening yesterday. It was dark. I didn’t notice a stone on my way and fell down. I felt a terrible pain. I didn’t sleep all the night.

Surgeon: Show me your leg, please. Oh, I think you should go to hospital by ambulance. I hope we help you and you’ll get better.


До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
5 лютого 2023
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