Тематична контрольна робота з англійської мови для учнів 7 класу по темі:"Doing Chores"

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Тематична контрольна робота з англійської мови для учнів 7 класу по темі:"Doing Chores"
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Variant 1

I.Match the words and word-combinations

1. water           a) a mess

2. fix               b) the floor

3. to sweep     c)things

4. tidy up        d) the ironing

5. make          e) the room

6.to do            f) plants


II.Complete the sentences with the letter of the correct variant

  1. To cook something (usually in a pan) in the water is to…

a) bake         b) fry        c)boil       

2. Swich .... the light.It’s too dark

a)on         b)off       c)in

3. We do the washing up in a…

a)microwave oven       b)frying pan      c)dishwasher

4. Doing a work about the house is called …

a)householding chores      b) tablecloth      c)dishwasher

5. We can ..... our hair with a hairdryer

     a) fry    b)dry        c) boil

6. Let me…you some tea.

a)take         b) pour        c)drink       


III. Choose the correct word in each sentence.

  1. It was so funny at the party that (everybody / nobody) left.
  2. I’ve looked (nowhere / everywhere) for my mobile phone but Ihaven’t found it.
  3. I’m not hungry, so I didn’t get (anything / something) to eat.
  4.  Are you going (nowhere / anywhere) this weekend?
  5. He’s such a nice person that (somebody / everybody) likes him.
  6.  Do you know (something/anything)about computers?


IV. Write about your family member’s duties.



Variant 2

I.Match the words and word-combinations

1. to feed              a) a mess

2. to iron               b) the floor

3. to sweep           c) pizza

4. to make             d) a pet

5. to share            e) a new skirt

6.to cook              f) a bike


II.Complete the sentences with the letter of the correct variant

  1. To cook something (usually in a frying pan) in fat is to…

a) bake         b) fry        c)boil       

2. A list of ingredients and instructions for making a food dish is…

a)cooker          b)frying pan       c)recipe

3. We serve tea in a…

a)microwave oven       b)frying pan      c)teapot

4. Doing a work about the house is called …

a)householding chores      b) tablecloth      c)dishwasher

5. In Ukraine borshch is usually …with sour cream.

     a) decorated    b)served         c) spread

6. Let me…you some tea.

a)take         b) pour        c)drink       


III. Choose the correct word in each sentence.

1.It was so funny at the party that (everybody / nobody) left.

2.I’ve looked (nowhere / everywhere) for my mobile phone but Ihaven’t found it.

3.I’m not hungry, so I didn’t get (anything / something) to eat.

4. Are you going (nowhere / anywhere) this weekend?

5.He’s such a nice person that (somebody / everybody) likes him.

6. Do you know (something/anything)about computers?


IV. Write about your family member’s duties.


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