Тематична робота ' Science magic'

Про матеріал
Дана розробка допоможе вчителеві оцінити знання учнів з даної теми та дізнатися про рівень знань. Завдання підібрані допідручника Несвіт.
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Тематична робота 9 клас “Science magic”

  1. Варіант.

 1. Match the parts of word-combinations.

1. A vacuum cleaner

a. To cook meals

2. A washing machine

b. To press clothes

3. A dishwasher

c. To clean the carpets

4. A microwave oven

d. To do the cooking

5. An iron

e. To wash clothes

6. A cooker

f. To find information

7. A computer

g. To wash up

8. A mobile phone

h. To watch films and news

9. A television

i. To communicate with people


2.Choose true or false.

1.Thomas Edison was not an inventor.

True                False

2. His father worked as a carpenter.

 True                 False

3. While Edison was working for the railroad, something happened that changed the course of his career.

True                   False

4. Thomas Edison was not married.

True                 False

5. Edison introduced the first talking moving pictures.

True                  False

6. The teachers considered Edison to be a smart student

True                   False

3. Write the email address correctly



4. Write the sentences opening the brackets. (Past, Present, Future Passive voice)

1.The printing press __________(invent) in the fifteenth century.

2. Spain and Portugal ________(visit) by millions of tourists every year.

3. The boy ____(be) angry because he_______ (allow) to go to the stadium.

4. I ________(to ask) at the lesson tomorrow.

5. The little girl ______(save) from being run over because she ______(pull) away in time by a policeman.

6. They _______(teach) three foreign languages in a year.

7. Last night I ________(invite) to a party by a friend from Scotland.

8. His new book __________(to finish) next year.

5. Write a   letter to your pen friend and tell him(her) about the inventions you and your family use in your everyday life.




8 лютого 2023
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