Тематично діагностичне оцінювання

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Тематично діагностичне оцінювання включає роботи на повторення 7 класу, перевірка знань. Складається з граматичних завдань.
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II variant

  1. Try _____ more water if you want healthier skin.

                    a) drink                     b) to drink                c) drinking

  1.  I hate _____ to loud music when I’m reading.

                    a) to listen                 b) listening               c) listen

  1.  To football match will be cancelled if it ____

                     a) rains                       b) will rain                 c) is raining

  1.  If I were rich. I _____ in a big have

                     a) would live             b) will live                c) live

  1.  If you _____ , Ill seen if the doctor can see you.

                     a) will wait                  b) are waiting            c) wait

  1.  If I hadn’t overslept today, I _____ late for my lesson.

                     a) wouldn’t have been           b) wouldn’t be     c) wouldn’t have been

  1.  Everyone is asleep. We _____ make a noise.

          a) couldn’t                       b) mustn’t                 c) wouldn’t

  1.  It’s late. I think we _____ better go.

                      a) would                      b) should              c) have

  1.  The meteorologist’s ______ in the Arctic communicate the date of observation to the continent.

                       a) working                 b) are working             c) worked

  1.  ______ air increases in volume.

                      a) heated                         b) heating                      c) being heated

  1. We ______ finish the project by Friday or well lose our client.

                     a) have to                              b) might                      c) needn’t

  1.  Eve must have been preparing the esse all the night, _____?

                     a) mustn’t                       b) hasn’t she?         c) must have she?

  1.  _____ she been more careful, she wouldn’t broken her hand.

                     a) were                            b) had                    c) should

  1.  They sold the car factory to a German company. (make it passive voice)
  2.  A new underground line ______ now.

                    a) is being constructed              b) is constructed

  1. I understand it very well. You ____ explain further.

        a) mustn’t             b) wouldn’t          c) shouldn’t          d) needn’t

  1. Ill _____ go now. My friends are waiting.

                   a) have to                b) be able to           c) need             d) must

  1.  Their shoes were full of mud because they _____ football.

                   a) played                            b) were playing

                   c) have been playing          d) had been playing

  1. He didn’t like the photo when he _____ it.

                    a) was seeing                      b) saw

                    c) has seen                          d) had seen

  1. English/fluently/I/to/speak/want
  2. England/that/did/in/book/you/buy
  3. Do you think most people are happy in ______ jobs?
  4. My/mine room is bigger than her/hers. (Choose the right pronouns)
  5. You haven’t seen Mary today, _____?

    a) have you                          b) haven’t you

  1. Tom looks very tired today, ______?

 c) doesn’t he                        d) does he

  1. I am studying ____ French and ____ Italian.

           a) a                   b) the         c) –

  1. He doesn’t use _____ sugar when cooking.

                     a) a                    b) the            c) –

  1. Would you like ____ cup of tea?

                     a) a                 b) the               c) –

  1. Have you see ______ newspaper? I cant find it anywhere

                     a) a                 b) the              c) –

  1. Where is _____ post office?

                     a) the nearest         b) nearer         c) most near

  1. He has ____ free time than me.

                     a) bigger              b) more               c) much

  1. Most of the sports articles are …

         a) their                 b) theirs                c) them

  1. All my friends enjoyed ____ at my birthday party.

                   a) themselves         b) yourselves          c) ourselves

  1. Ted is ____ in astronomy

       a) interested                b) interesting


  1.  Last night I saw ____ film I’ve ever seen.

                   a) the worst               b) badder          c) worse    

  1.  I haven’t heard ____ games for months.

       a) about                  b) of                  c) from

  1.  Tim is an expert _____ ancient history.

                   a) for                      b) with                 c) on

  1.  The Earth ______ round the Sun.

        a) is moving              b) moves

  1.  ______ they play tennis at the moment?

                   a) Do                   b) Are

  1.  Are you ______ doing anything in the evening?

                  a) do                  b) does                c) doing

  1.  He ______ Mary yesterday.

     a) met                   b) was meeting

  1.  Julia _____ six bars of chocolate today.

                   a) ate             b) has eaten                c) is eating

  1.  We ______ John for a long time.

                     a) have known               b) know              c) know

  1.  Miranda _____ unemployed for a long time.

                     a) is                           b) has been                 c) was

  1.  She took her raincoat as it _____

                      a) was raining               b) is raining              c) has been raining

  1.  She ____ for the company since 2012.

                     a) is working                   b) has been working         c) worked

  1.  By the time we got to the cinema the film ______

                     a) had started                 b) started                c) was started

  1.  We ______ (be) sure they ____ (finish) the work by ten.

                    a) are                                         c) will

                    b) were                                      d) would have

  1.  These plants _____ three times a week.

        a) should be watered

        b) can be watered

        c) you should water

  1.  She _____ the best actress of the year.

                    a) will be chosen                  b) will choose



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