Test Being a student

Про матеріал
Контрольна робота по темі "Being a student" складена за підручником О.Карпюк 11 клас. Контрольна робота містить завдання 4 рівнів на перевірку лексико-граматичного матеріалу та написання есе.
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                          Test 1     Being a student  ( grade 11)

I.Match the words with their definitions.

1.autonomous                      a) an aim as a result that smb. wants to achieve

2.boost                                 b) a short piece of writing which help to remember something

3.a summary                         c) method used in schools to record students’ achievements

4.grading                               d) a short statesment that gives only the main points and not

                                                 the details of a  longer text

5.a note                                  e) extremely tired or having no energy

6. target                                f) the ability to work and to make decisions by yourself

                                               without any help from anyone else

II.  Complete the text with the correct words.

( accessing, favoured,   learning, process, memorable, resources, representatives)

1.---------is a precious gift to be treasured always. 2.How do people organize their learning 2--------.  The important 3------------ for them are dictionaries. Reading in 

the target   language is another 4------ strategy. What is it about using the language outside the classroom that makes it more 5 --------?  This means that they can easily find words they have decided to make a note of which makes 6 ------and learning them easier.

III. Write the correct tenses.

1.How long  you ( to learn) English?

2.If you take responsibility for your own learning, you ( to make) the most progress.

3.The plane ( to arrive) at three if it’s on schedule.

4.If he lived her, he ( to lie) to her.

5.I would consult the dictionary if I ( to be) you.

6. What you (to do) if you pass exams successfully?

IV. Write an essay  “What do you think about examinations at school? How to do well in school exams. What feelings does the word ‘’Exams” evoke?”



Yankova Anna
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