Test Communication Technologies

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Тестова робота для перевірки лексичного матеріалу за тематикою "Communication Technologies".
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FORM 10                      TEST                   v I


I Complete the sentences  with the words. There are three extra words .

criticism, user-friendly, brainchild, catchy, investor, frustrating, headquarters, popularity.

1 Google made the Internet more ………………………. for everyone.

2 They thought of a …………………….. name to attract attention.

3 It’s very …………………. when you can’t find the information you want on the Internet.

4 The company’s new ……………….. are in New York.

5 The company’s plans received a lot of ………………….so they didn’t go ahead.

II Choose the correct word

1 A lot of friends listed\supported them in their effort to create a search engine.

2 Gary calculated \ launched a new website last month.

3 A lot of film studios are now using Facebook to start\promote their films.

4 Peter received \ responded a lot of criticism for his actions.

5 Use more than one social networking site to inspire\ expand your list of contacts.

6 The company realised\ managed that it needed a trendy design for its website.

7 You can share \lend information about yourself on MySpace.



FORM 10                      TEST                    v II


I Complete the sentences  with the words. There are three extra words .

investors, user-friendly, commitment, popularity, performance, headquarters, brainchild, catchy.

1 This amazing new website is the ………………….. of two sisters from London.

2 Social networking sites are growing in ………………………   .

3 The small business is looking for support from ………………….  .

4 I like this laptop because of its speedy …………………………  .

5 This mobile phone is very …………………… ; anyone can understand it.

II Choose the correct word

1 John calculated \ launched a new website last month.

2 A lot of film studios are now using Facebook to start\promote their films.

3 They decided\insisted that it was their idea to create the website.

4 Users can personalise\ build their profile by adding  a photo of themselves.

5 Before you can connect with others online you must create\do a profile.

6 Emma wants to browse\post for new contacts on Facebook.

7 Companies can promote\help their brands on social networking sites



До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
13 лютого 2022
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