Test. Describing people. Articles.

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Choose the correct answer:


1.I wear them to cover my hands when the weather is cold.


а) jeans        б) trainers


в) gloves       г) boots

2. It`s like a jacket and it has a part to cover my head.


а) coat         б) socks


в) gloves       г) hoodie


3. It`s like trousers but shorter.


а) shorts       б) jeans


в) tie            г) skirt


4. Lara`s got............hair.


а) curly, short, blond               б) blond, short, curly


в) short, curly, blond                г) blond, curly, short


5. I don`t like .... maths.


а) a         б) the


в) -          г) an

6. .....sun is shinning brightly.


а) The        б) -


в) An          г) A


7. I`ve got .....car. ......car is red.


а) the, The       б) a, The


в) a, A              г) -, The


8. My dad`s ......teacher.


а)a         б)the


в)-          г)an


9. I go to.......cinema every day.


  1.       -       б) a


в) an          г) the


10. My mum works in ......hospital.


а) a        б) an


в) the      г) -