Test "Disasters" for 10th grade

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Комплексна робота для учнів 10 класу за темою "Природа і погода" містить 4 завдання: робота з тестом, лексична робота, робота з синонімами cause & reason, завдання на умовні речення.
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10 grade                  Theme: Disasters.                           Variant  1


1.Complete the text with the words in the box.

destroyed, occurred, showers, floods, disaster, frequency.


These lines are from Ukrainski Novyny report about the natural 1)___that

2)___ in Western Ukraine. As a result of heavy 3)___ the level of water had been raised in the rivers. Some crops were 4)___. Natural disasters have begun to occur with increasing 5)___. After dangerous 6)___ storms and tornados have also come.

2. What is it?

1) The cyclonic storm that forms over the ocean. Typhoon is another name for it.

2) It is the wave of water caused by the displacement of a large body of water.

3) The level of water rise up.

4) It is phenomenon that shows itself by a shaking of the ground.

5) They are rain drops that have formed together into ice.

6) It is an abnormally dry period when there is not enough water.

3. Cause or reason ?

1) The _____ of accident is still not known.

2) The ____ of earthquakes is the heat inside the Earth

3) Never stay away from school without good ___.

4) They must have good ____ for wanting to live abroad

5) What is the ____ of lightning ?

6) I don’t see any ____ why you can’t come with us.

4. Open the brackets and write what  Conditionals.

1) If you drink too much you (to get) drunk.

2) My mom (to be) angry if I am late tonight!

3) If I (to be) you I would study for exams.

4) If you (to be) going shopping today I’ll come with you!

5) Катастроф буде менше, якщо люди будуть турбуватися про Землю.

6) Я б посидів в Інеті, якщо б мав час.

10 grade                  Theme: Disasters.                           Variant  2


1.Complete the text with the words in the box.

dry, people, wind, droughts, , famine, rain.

Floods’ are opposite to ‘1)___’. A drought happens when there has been no 2)___ for a long time. The land becomes too 3)___ and it is impossible to grow any plants. A ‘drought’ may result in a 4)___ where there is not enough food for 5)___ and they start to starve (die from not eating). A ‘tornado’ (or ‘twister’), is a very large column of 6)___ that spins around quickly.                                                                                                        2. What is it?                                                                                                                                                                                                    1) Suddenly tons of earth came crashing down hillside. 2) It is a severe winter storm condition characterized by low temperatures, strong winds, and heavy blowing storm. 3) It is uncontrolled fire burning in wildland areas. 4) It is an electric current during thunderstorm. 5) It consists of visible cloud water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the air at or near the Earth's surface, it can be considered a type of low-lying cloud. 6) It is slide of a large snow mass down a mountainside.                                       3. Cause or reason ?                                                                                   1) Carelesness is often the ____ of accidents.

2) There is no ____ to suppose he will forget.                                            3) What is the ____ of hurricane ?                                                             

4) Scientists think that changes in the weather to natural ____.

5) My ____ for coming here is to improve my English.                             6) The cold weather ____ the plants to die                                                  4. Open the brackets and write what  Conditionals.

1) If I were rich I (not/work) again.

2) If he (to say) that again I’ll hurt you!

3) If she got good grades she (to go) university.

4) If I found a job I (to look) for a place to live.

5) Якщо ти розібєш дзеркало, то матимеш 7 років невдачі.

6) Варто залишити будівлю, якщо трапиться землетрус.








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