Тест для учнів 8 класу "It's your life. Family and friends"

Про матеріал
  • Тестове завдання для перевірки ЛО з теми "It's your life. Family and friends", повторити часи групи Present Tenses та тренувати вживання порівняльної конструкції as...as, not as/ so...as
  • тест має 2 варіант + 1 варіант додатковий
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Unit 1. It’s your life
Lesson 1. Family and friends

8th Grade

Name: __________________________

Variant 1

Match the sentences to the tenses:

  1. My brother goes to school every day.


  1. He hasn’t passed his final exam yet.


  1. Are they talking to my friend?


a). Present Perfect Tense;
b). Present Continuous Tense;
c). Present Simple Tense;

Fill in the definition:

  • never lets you down   __________
  • usually treats people the same   __________
  • loves someone too much (fanatically)   __________

Make comparisons (as…..as, not as/ so…..as) and translate sentences:

1). Kyiv is _______ big ___ New York City.


2). Kate is ___ busy ___ a bee.


3). My dictionary is ___ good ___ yours.


4). They are ______ polite ___ my cousins.








Unit 1. It’s your life
Lesson 1. Family and friends

8th Grade

Name: __________________________

Variant 2

Match the sentences to the tenses:

  1. They are playing football now.


  1. She doesn’t live in this house.


  1. Have you seen this film before?


a). Present Perfect Tense;
b). Present Continuous Tense;
c). Present Simple Tense;

Fill in the definition:

  • always tells the truth   __________
  • usually tells jokes   __________
  • is ready to help   __________

Make comparisons (as…..as, not as/ so…..as) and translate sentences:

1). Ann is _______ good at baking ___ her granny.


2). Tim was ___ scared ___ a rabbit.


3). You can buy ___ many things ___ you need.


4). It is ______ expensive ___ I expected.








Unit 1. It’s your life
Lesson 1. Family and friends

8th Grade

Name: __________________________

Variant 3
(extra Variant)

Match the sentences to the tenses:

  1. When do you usually have dinner?


  1. She has just made a project work.


  1. I am not eating at the moment.


a). Present Perfect Tense;
b). Present Continuous Tense;
c). Present Simple Tense;

Fill in the definition:

  • likes to be in the company of other people   __________
  • is not happy with what he/ she gets   __________
  • doesn’t like working hard   __________

Make comparisons (as…..as, not as/ so…..as) and translate sentences:

1). The weather this summer is ___ bad ___ last year.


2). John got ___ red ___ a lobster.


3). This box is ______heavy ___that one.


4). Mike learns English ___ well ___ Mary does.



Середня оцінка розробки
Оригінальність викладу
Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 1
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Okseniuk Oksana
    Дякую, все чітко і ясно)
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
До підручника
Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
14 травня 2018
Оцінка розробки
5.0 (1 відгук)
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