Тест для учнів 9го класу "The - UK- Castles"

Про матеріал
Тестові завдання для перевірки знань учнів при вивченні теми "Amazing Britain", особливо про міста-столиці та їхні замки.
Перегляд файлу


1.          How many parts does Great Britain consist of?

image              а) 2                                                                                             image    б) 4

в) 3

2.          What is the capital of Northern Ireland?

image               а) Cornwall                                                                             image      б) Belfast

в) Edinburgh

3.          Belfast Castle is famous for its...

imageа) refurbishment image б) wedding receptions and afternoon teas в) modern history

4.          Edinburgh is the capital of...

image               а) Wales                                                                                   image      б) Great Britain

в) Scotland

5.          The most populated city in Wales is...

image               а) London                                                                                image      б) Belfast

в) Cardiff

6.          The city connected with ghosts is...

image               а) Glasgow                                                                             image      б) Cardiff

в) Edinburgh

7.          The castle that had a lot of conflicts and rebellions.

image                 а) Edinburgh Castle                                                           image       б) Belfast Castle

в) Cardiff Castle

8.          The Festival City is ...

image                а) Edinburgh                                                                         image     б) London

в) Cardiff

9.          You can visit an antique shop in a/an .....castle.

image               а) Cardiff                                                                                 image      б) Belfast

в) Edinburgh

10.      This Castle is situated on a hill, high over the city.

image                а) Belfast Castle                                                                  image       б) Edinburgh Castle

в) Cardiff Castle

11.      This castle is a remarkable place and a "must" for every tourist.

image                 а) Edinburgh Castle                                                           image       б) Cardiff Castle

в) Belfast Castle

12.      This city is a mixture of modern and medieval.

image               а) London                                                                                image      б) Belfast

в) Edinburgh

13.      Edinburgh castle is the only castle in the city.

image                а) Yes, it is.                                                                             image      б) No, it isn't.

в) It wasn't mentioned.

14.      This castle burnt down and later was rebuilt.

image                а) Cardiff Castle                                                                   image       б) Belfast Castle

в) Edinburgh Castle

15.      New Year Festival in Edinburgh is called ...

image               а) Greenman                                                                         image         б) Edinburgh Jazz&Blues Festival

в) Hogmanay

16.      This castle is a popular venue for private dinings and conferences.

image                а) Belfast Castle                                                                  image       б) Cardiff Castle

в) Edinburgh Castle

17.      This castle was rebuilt into a fortress.

image                а) Belfast Castle                                                                  image       б) Edinburgh Castle

в) Cardiff Castle

18.      Was George Mackenzie a very good man?

image                а) Yes, he was.                                                                      image      б) No, he wasn't.

в) It wasn't mentioned.

19.      What city is a twin city of Kyiv?

image               а) Cardiff                                                                                 image      б) Belfast

в) Edinburgh

20.      Belfast has been known since...

image                а) the Middle Age.                                                             image      б) the Iron Age.

в) the Bronze Age.

21.      Belfast Castle is a magnificent brick building.

image                а) Yes, it is.                                                                             image      б) No, it isn't.

в) It wasn't mentioned.

22.      You can exercise your wallet in ...

image                 а) theatres and galleries.                                                image       б) museums and boutiques

в) clubs and shops.

23.      imageThe castle is a place where you can live.

                а) Of course, it's true.                                                       image      б) Yes, it is.

в) No, it's false.

24.      In fact, Cardiff is the twelfth-largest city in the UK.

image                а) Yes, it's true.                                                               image

в) It wasn't mentioned.

б) No, it's false.

Ключ до тесту

1. в (1 балів)

2. б (1 балів)

3. б (1 балів)

4. в (1 балів)

5. в (1 балів)

6. в (1 балів)

7. в (1 балів)

8. а (1 балів)

9. б (1 балів)

10. б (1 балів)

11. б (1 балів)

12. в (1 балів)

13. б (1 балів)

14. б (1 балів)

15. в (1 балів)

16. а (1 балів)

17. в (1 балів)

18. б (1 балів)

19. в (1 балів)

20. в (1 балів)

21. б (1 балів)

22. в (1 балів)

23. в (1 балів)

24. б (1 балів)


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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
16 жовтня 2023
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